$1,500- what to do with it?

Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
After I'm done with all my summer jobs (lawn mowin 'n shit) I'll have about 1,500 bucks sitting in my underwear drawer. Any ideas as to what I should do with it? :upstare:
Teta_Bonita said:
After I'm done with all my summer jobs (lawn mowin 'n shit) I'll have about 1,500 bucks sitting in my underwear drawer. Any ideas as to what I should do with it? :upstare:
Bank you jackass..
joule said:
Give it to Munro.
no way, man. I already gave him $2,000 last night for some "special favors" .... :naughty:

Shamrock said:
Bank you jackass..
ya.... by "underwear drawer" I meant bank. oops.... :rolleyes:
what I mean is what should I spend it on?

EDIT: srry, doulbe post. :x
Nothing, save it in case you will need a lot of money.

Or when you away from home.
Buy stuff until you have no more money left, obviously.

And buy a bunch of scratch and win tickets...like a couple hundred or so. Come on, you're bound to get some cash with one of them! right?

Yes, I'm being serious.
Teta_Bonita said:
hmmm... charity or scratch and win tickets... so hard to choose! :o
Wait for NextGen systems.. How about some clothes? Save it for a car? Downpayment on a car? What about a new rig? I don't know.. Don't spend it all at once..
I would save it for post-secondary or a car.
matters how old you are though, if you are <16, i would say spend it on whatever you want and blow it all lol. live for the moment.
Charity! Now..with that said...my signature gives a link to some charity work you can do for giving me a new video card :D
Save it. Then, when you need new a computer, you'll be ready. :D
Teta_Bonita said:
After I'm done with all my summer jobs (lawn mowin 'n shit) I'll have about 1,500 bucks sitting in my underwear drawer. Any ideas as to what I should do with it? :upstare:
Wow I thought I was the only one who kept my cash in my underwear drawer.
Burn said:
Id buy a dog... Or alot of cats.
I wonder why dogs cost so much more than cats. I smell a conspiracy. Cats are nicer anyway.
You could pay off my car for me so i could go to go to school this year (college) and get my life started... Come on! I'll give you a hug :)
Teta_Bonita said:
hmmm... charity or scratch and win tickets... so hard to choose! :o
The two aren't mutualy exclusive. Get a few scratch and win tickets where the procceds go to charity.
Cars are expensive here, the car tax costs more than the car itself.
You could prolly get like a pound of weed for that..
Thats like 450 ounces...
Which is 3600 1/8ths...
Which you could sell for 180,000....

I think my math went wrong somewhere :/
$1,500....hmmm thats a lot of taco bell. Think about that one
Save it until you need it (as in really need it). Spend a bit on something stupid to tide you over until that time though.

If you don't get much interest on your bank account, give it to a parent with a bank account with a higher rate to look after. Then when you do need it, hopefully it will have grown in size a bit more!
I'm sure there'll be some time up ahaed, when you'll be thinking "Damn, I really wish I'd saved that $1,500..." :P
FictiousWill said:
You're not a college student are you...
nope, I just turned 15. :upstare:
In Massachusetts I can get my driver's liscence when I'm 16 1/2, wich is not that far away. So saving up for a car would be a good idea, but I think my dad might be giving me his old subaru (with manual transmission :o).

I'm thinking of either starting a bond or something to raise money for college (is $1,500 enough for that?) or getting a new mobo and cpu (my athlon 2500 is on its last legs :O). If i go with the comp upgrade I'll have about $1,000 left. Still alot of Taco Bell. :D
Teta_Bonita said:
nope, I just turned 15. :upstare:
In Massachusetts I can get my driver's liscence when I'm 16 1/2, wich is not that far away. So saving up for a car would be a good idea, but I think my dad might be giving me his old subaru (with manual transmission :o).

I'm from Mass too, what town do you live in?
Teta_Bonita said:
nope, I just turned 15. :upstare:
In Massachusetts I can get my driver's liscence when I'm 16 1/2, wich is not that far away. So saving up for a car would be a good idea, but I think my dad might be giving me his old subaru (with manual transmission :o).

I'm thinking of either starting a bond or something to raise money for college (is $1,500 enough for that?) or getting a new mobo and cpu (my athlon 2500 is on its last legs :O). If i go with the comp upgrade I'll have about $1,000 left. Still alot of Taco Bell. :D

You Could buy a car.....

But if its anything like in the UK, insurance will cost you a fortune. I wouldnt bother especially if your day will give you a subaru! :)

Btw, learn manual! We all do, its fine after a quick drive. :)

I say save the money. Until you think of something you definatly want to spend it on. Theres no point spending for the sake of spending, just wait a while and see what happens/takes your fancy.

EDIT: I'm off to the pub! bye for tonight.
Teta_Bonita said:
but I think my dad might be giving me his old subaru (with manual transmission :o).

Oh thank God. Trust me, you want your first car to be a manual. So many idiots these days don't even know how to drive a stick. Their parents buy them automatics, and then 10 years down the road they're stuck with a stick and *Can't drive*
Top Secret said:
Oh thank God. Trust me, you want your first car to be a manual. So many idiots these days don't even know how to drive a stick. Their parents buy them automatics, and then 10 years down the road they're stuck with a stick and *Can't drive*

Sticks are the only way to go. So much more fun to drive. :D
i'm pathetic. I still don't know how to drive a manual. no one will teach me.

btw, upgrade your computer. save the rest.
Do whatever the hell you want with it.

Stripclubs, Cars, etc.
you should consider giving atleast a small portion of it to charity ...it can really make a difference.
mindless_moder said:
you should consider giving atleast a small portion of it to charity ...it can really make a difference.

Kids that work minimum wage jobs or near minimum are the last people that should be donating to charity...