If this was my mom...

Not got time to watch the whole thing (bloody long!), seems to me like the kid with the camera was being a little shit. Give her what she wants and it would save all that shit.

Watched a bit more - reminds me of how my brother and mum behaved. Unfortunately for him, her flying off at him all the time was completely justified as he was a complete twat for a few years
Murray_H said:
Not got time to watch the whole thing (bloody long!), seems to me like the kid with the camera was being a little shit. Give her what she wants and it would save all that shit.
But she just walks in and asks to borrow his car while screaming at him, she then later asks for $50 for drugs or alcohol.
I would be running out the door and calling the police on my cell phone.
Dude, I saw this the other day... I mean... damn! I'd get the hell out of there!
wow she sounds like my mom haha except i did what she said and i moved to the other side of the country, i called her bluff and guess who's laughing now.
Foxtrot said:
But she just walks in and asks to borrow his car while screaming at him, she then later asks for $50 for drugs or alcohol.

From the sounds of it, something has happened previously to the start of the video (he says 'i told you to ask me nicely', so they both know what they are referring too).

About 3-4 years ago, rows like that were commonplace. My mum launched a mug of coffee at my brother when she was really pissed off.

but im guessing that he payed for the xbox, the games, the tv and the computer...im surprised that he kept his cool the whole time
Near the end she says she's going to call the police if he doesn't get out. What the hell is she going to say to them? I'd call them myself, show them that tape and get emancipated.
there's no justifying this ..that parent shouldnt be a parent, ****ing abusive bitch ..that's just ****ing disgusting
i dont know were he lives, but in the good ol' us of a you cant move out till your 18, right?
LOL Damn she was a complete idiot with a limited vocabulary. I know he was the child living with the parent,but she was a blubbering fool.
Kamikazie said:
i dont know were he lives, but in the good ol' us of a you cant move out till your 18, right?
It works both ways though, my friend was kicked out of his house as soon as he turn 18, he was homeless for a while (living out of his car). I have no idea what happened to him, he hasn't contacted me since he told me he was kicked out...
outpost said:
Actually, I think at 16 to move out you need to be emancipated. It is a pretty long process too, and most 16 year olds can't support themselves so it is pointless.
Wow, sounds like my mom sometimes. =/


Edit: :O Whoa, sounds just like my mom actualy(Not by voice or anything, but rather how she goes about yelling at me over the most moronic of things, while calling me names and completely freaking out like that.)
If she was my mom...I'd kill her were she stands.

..but that's just my evil side.My good side would be to bitch slap her.
Foxtrot said:
drugs or alcohol.
Thats like saying "vehicles or cars"....
On topic, what a ****ing nutter. She was even stupid enough to call him a son of a bitch :laugh:
She should ask politely. If she wants her son to grow up to have decent manners, she should at least have some herself. Hell, one would do. I've never heard so many swear words...
haha. wow. the kid certainly sounds a little more mature than she does.

her voice goes to such a high frequency it actually garbles my perception of the sound... whew.

Either that was fake, or she'll stroke out really, really fast. I love how he handles it, though. He definately has gone through that before. What a moron psycho. And Murray_H, while I understand your point, any stupid f*cker that acts like that is just a stupid f*cker. It doesn't matter what he did, no one should ever, ever act like that. I'm sorry. "This is the real world" over and over. What the hell is that? I bet he was filming that to turn into somewhere, from the looks of it. He like hid it from his Dad it seemed. I hope she got locked away... Hah, talking about the police, the kid says "I'll call them for you."

Hey, that guy's got an XBox :D

And, you know, amazing as it sounds, people like that are alive today. A lot of them. It sucks.
that's just aggrevating when people get so upset they can't think straight.

as a side note, holy shit...if my mother or father ever hit me, that would be the end of them.

i'm glad my family is the exact opposite of this one.
This was posted on Genmay along with the story to the incident.

Apparantly the mom doesn't really do anything for him. All that neat stuff you see in his room he payed for with his own job. He pays for his computer, internet connection, xbox live, etc etc. His mom was demanding HIS bank card (GIVE ME THE CARD!!!) so she could use it to get to work, since she spent all her money.

I could imagine siding with the parent if she paid for things like she makes it seems, but she doesn't do anything for him (apparantly, for all I know he could be lying, but if he's telling the truth he's way in the right)

He's now moved out and moved in with his grandma. He couldn't move in with his dad because he chased him through a field and punched him or something.

edit: the guy wasn't his dad either, it was his mom's boyfriend. His mom and dad are divorced and don't live together.

Also funny quote "YOU'RE GROUNDED, YOU WILL NOT GO TO WORK! "I'm going to work!" "YOU ****ING LAZY BASTARD!"

He says Halo 2 on xbox live is his 'happy place' :[

Haha thats kinda funny, the kid doesnt seem to mind too much, and the mother seems like a complete psycho.
They dont look like they are that bad off either, so I dont know why she wouldnt have her own car.
The DemonWithin said:
Haha thats kinda funny, the kid doesnt seem to mind too much, and the mother seems like a complete psycho.
They dont look like they are that bad off either, so I dont know why she wouldnt have her own car.
Maybe she crashed it because she's a f*cking psycho bitch. And that's why she was so.. upset. Crazy bitch.
Are you sure? I thought she was saying that she needed to get to work, and that he was making her late to work, and thus she needed a ride...
Erestheux said:
Are you sure? I thought she was saying that she needed to get to work, and that he was making her late to work, and thus she needed a ride...
Yes, she needs his bank card for gas.

The story from the kid was posted on Genmay

She's not going to tear apart his room to find a car in there, is she? Haha
It's things like this that make me love my mommy.
Datrix said:
It's things like this that make me love my mommy.

QTF... agian.

Christ, and i thought my mom could shout :rolleyes:
I'd love to bitch slap her though. And well done to the guy for moving out.
Yeah I was watching that..and realized, teh one time my stepmom yelled at me like, the got a few tables thrown at her...needless to say, she never yelled at me like that again...

Glad he moved out, that woman needs to learn to die faster
Wow, that's so funny :p

She screams so hard that it seems she's going to explode :D
That's exactly my father. Only he's not that hysterical, obviously.