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  1. The DemonWithin

    How do you fight depression?

    Work out, lift weights. Not only is it constructive like others have said, it will build confidence, self esteem and respect for yourself. Thats longer term though, it also has the physical effect of increasing the amount of seratonin produced. edit: also dont drink, or take in any other cns...
  2. The DemonWithin


    Heheh for some reason I type with 4-6 fingers, my index and middle finger, then sometimes either ring finger. And my max is also 60wmp. yay! go incorrect typing!
  3. The DemonWithin

    Is there a ranked server issue.

    Yeah, you are awarded points for being a driver, in-game you are award one point for every kill your passengers aquire. For bfhq you get points for working as a team, using transport vehicles, and being a driver. Ive found teamwork is exceptually well for public servers with random strangers...
  4. The DemonWithin

    Fat people

    I eat horribly, usually do alot of sitting around, I drink alot and do drugs, Im 5'9" 160lbs and i still have no fat on my body, Although i do lift weights. Its not always about self control, in alot of cases it has to do with metabolism and the factors that influence metabolism, such as amount...
  5. The DemonWithin

    I am sad

    Yay, startin my first year of university next semester. I actually cant wait.
  6. The DemonWithin

    Your eye colour

    Mine are mostly green, but sometimes they like to turn blueish green.
  7. The DemonWithin


    Not if its sex-linked, which I believe it is. So yes, it can only come from your mothers side (unless your female). Men don't recieve an x chromosome from their father.
  8. The DemonWithin


    Women can go bald too, but not very easily. Its a recessive sex-linked trait I believe. Since its only found on the x chromosome, women need one from their father and one from their mother to be homozygous recessive. Men on the other hand only need one from their mother and they will go bald...
  9. The DemonWithin

    Sunshine and lollypops.

    Music, animals, some movies, nice days and nature and whatnot, Being around other happy people, mdma, doing good at things (school etc.) I dont like drinking, it makes me urinate frequently and this causes complications in the participation of the evenings activities. I dont like...
  10. The DemonWithin

    do you think i should put how to make an Atomic bomb here?

    You can't forget your good friend Epinephrine (adrenaline). Without both Epinephrine and NorEpinephrine there would be some problems.
  11. The DemonWithin


    I can wiggle my ears, which is pretty common. I can crack 30 joint thingers in my hands, 10 in my toes, can crack a lot of parts of my back, as well as my neck, jaw, elbows, wrists and ankles, cant crack my knees :( . I have a weird bump under my skin about 3 cm from the bottom of my left eye...
  12. The DemonWithin

    Look how big my cat is

  13. The DemonWithin

    First Driving lesson tomorrow! Help!

    I would practice on the auto hectic. What i did is i learned the basics of driving stick (no main roads or any of that, just friction point and whatnot, downshifting.) and then took driving lessons in an auto (Canada) and learned the rules of the road. After that it was no problem, jumped in the...
  14. The DemonWithin

    What is your signature weapon ?

    I use a Bastard Sword. yay Also known as a "hand and a half" blade, the bastard sword is potent and adaptable. It can be used with one or both hands, and its heft and power are fearsome in a skilled opponent. You are a fearsome sight when you draw your great blade, and your opponents run in terror.
  15. The DemonWithin

    What did you wear to christmas dinner?

    yes, i actually wore a suit today, not cause the dinner was formal or anythin (everyone else wore casual) jus cause i could, an i wanted to. I thought it was pretty neat.
  16. The DemonWithin


    last night i woke up at about 3 am, went to go get a drink, got back to bed, lay down. i then heard a thunk and a mans scream, it sounded real but i knew it wasnt.
  17. The DemonWithin

    check your eyesight!

    i wonder why its a flash file........hmmm!!??
  18. The DemonWithin

    How fast can you guys type?

    only 51 wpm, but i only use four fingers heheh, i should learn to type like a normal person.
  19. The DemonWithin

    Snow Mk2

    Heh jus snowed here, snow is not very gnarly. if snow was warm and didnt melt, then it could be cool. It would be like hottubbing, only in a big giant hottub that you can mould into things
  20. The DemonWithin

    error: Unable to init shader system?

    i got that error when i updated my drivers for my radeon 9600. i dont know how to fix other than rolling back the driver for it.