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  1. The DemonWithin

    This is how easy it is for a web page to gather info from your computer.

    lol yeah, got the wrong OS, wrong country, wrong internet program thing, said my resolution was 1280 x 1024 but then said my max was 1280 x 940. the only way it could worry me is if it told me what i was wearing.
  2. The DemonWithin

    You must be cool because being cool is important! (I hate my friends, comfort me.)

    I think the obvoius answer here, is to reveal your legions of concubines and throw on the bling. from there on its smooth sailing.
  3. The DemonWithin

    Teh Luke Dance!!!

    it has to load, while its loading it goes slower, then speeds up once its done a cycle.
  4. The DemonWithin

    Police luck wears out

    Yeah sometimes i drive on the wrong side of the road i think it is fun people scream and get out of my way then i do a backflip with my bike and get 40 points speeding is fun so i can hit small children sometimes i drive up beside someone and shoot them! hahaha!
  5. The DemonWithin

    are you bored?

    yes help me please!
  6. The DemonWithin

    Battlefield 1942

    Dont like vinilla battlefield so much as i do the mod Desert Combat. awesome mod.
  7. The DemonWithin

    Soo...what should I do with these bunnies?

    Heh my sister used to have a rabbit, it would run arund the house leaving its shit pellets everywhere, fortunately we wouldnt have to clean it up as my dog took care of that. we had to get rid of him/her because we couldnt train it. was pretty cool tho. my one cat would ambush it.
  8. The DemonWithin

    Thread for Gmail invites

    If you could send me one thatd be cool. [email protected]
  9. The DemonWithin

    O..m..g there's a X800 XT in my window.

    edit: damn someone beat me to it lol Take off every zig
  10. The DemonWithin

    What would you do?

    Well first, my vision would shatter and i would go to the battle screen, then me and my party would exchange attacks with it untill it died. then we would go to the reward screen, collect our money and items then continue on our way.
  11. The DemonWithin

    Share your own Half-life2 related storys

    Well once i saw a thread that was devoid of all punctuation, it was good times.
  12. The DemonWithin

    Making a Resume, Need Help

    you should do a cover letter as well, makes it look awesome. Also you might want to put down your hobbies as well, stuff to do wit computers and whatnot. If you get the interview their going to ask your hobbies anyway tho.
  13. The DemonWithin

    Little punk

    hah thats awesome, you should just kill them, except for those four year olds, leave them alone, they cant help it, or something. heh i dunno why but ive never had trouble with smaller kids like that. must be cause i give off an aura of ass kicking. level 14, yeah, check it.
  14. The DemonWithin

    Where were you when you joined the forum?

    Tis okay, we shall weep together. heh what would happen if another arena were to start? Farrow? Badger? come on, you know you want it, and it wants you, with all its /me commands that i dont think work anymore. yeah, yeah, then the decoy /me commands that were like *The DemonWithin fools...
  15. The DemonWithin

    Where were you when you joined the forum?

    Heh i was at home, i acctually dont remember how i found these forums, but i did, then i joined after a while. I came on every day. and posted in The Arena. god bless it.
  16. The DemonWithin

    stupid questions thread (NO FLAMES PLEASE)

    why does my cat always want to be let in, then after 2 minutes wants to be let out?
  17. The DemonWithin

    Perception of Reality

    Haha i once truly thought that my day would continue to repeat over and over (like in groundhog day the movie) so i had no thought for personal saftety, luckily this was at night so i didnt do anything, and it only lasted like 10 minutes.
  18. The DemonWithin

    stupid questions thread (NO FLAMES PLEASE)

    Security, but many other reasons as well. why does my battle mage suck so much?
  19. The DemonWithin

    stupid questions thread (NO FLAMES PLEASE)

    because they arnt really making it and want to make us real mad. Why do rainbows become colorful after the telemetry robot activates the trilinear spectral filter?
  20. The DemonWithin

    Help me!

    Tell her that underneath your clothes is a world of ponies and fairy castles.