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  1. Zerox

    Valve 1, Warez Kiddies 0

    What? Vivendi are behind the retail CE's both the HL2 and WOW.
  2. Zerox

    Half Life 2 on Hard Mode

    Those complaining abou the AI are probably playing on easy and charging the combines before they can do anything.
  3. Zerox

    Half Life 2 on Hard Mode

    It took me 16.35 hours to reach chapter 11 on hard.
  4. Zerox

    Half Life 2 on Hard Mode

    I play on hard and I have reached chapter 10 in 14.45 hours. Im at the place where you have to put up sentryguns. At one place I had to change to easy because it was impossible to servive... I immediately changed back to hard after that one place.
  5. Zerox

    rap sucks

    A lot of complaining but no one seems to be able to point out which MC's they've heard.
  6. Zerox

    rap sucks

    Which MC's are shit, then?
  7. Zerox

    rap sucks

    *Laughing at all the pathetic posts in this thread* So rap sucks? This one goes out to all the haters; Which MC's have you listened to?
  8. Zerox

    rap sucks

    Dubbel post due to slow speed
  9. Zerox

    Sorry, but the US - Collector's Edition packaging SUCKS - (and the UK gets a tin??)

    I'll take pictures of it once I receive it.
  10. Zerox

    the "how long did it take to unlock" thread

    It only took me 10-15 min.
  11. Zerox

    Collectors Edition

    Pictures of the CE anywhere?
  12. Zerox

    Water Hazard Help

    It very easy just shoot the barrel on your right.
  13. Zerox

    Read here if you are upset with gamespots review

    Well, at least they gave HL2 a better score then D3.
  14. Zerox

    Read here if you are upset with gamespots review

    IGN is so much better then Gamestop.
  15. Zerox

    Gamespot review in 12 hours

    Only 5 hours left!
  16. Zerox

    The final poll

    Steam- Bronze + Retail- Collector's Edition
  17. Zerox

    Raise your hand if your replaying HL1

    No im Not
  18. Zerox

    Ce Vs Gold Unfair?

    Buy retail CE and you get a metalbox... buy Gold and you get an ugly box.
  19. Zerox

    Raising the bar part deux trying to get the order

    Ordered from (uk) and they say order will probably be shipped on 14:e.