Half Life 2 on Hard Mode

I actually feel sorry for everyone who didn't play on hard from the beginning. I finished the game a couple of days ago and I started a new game right away.
To be able to look around more freely I choose medium, but after the first enemy I had to check if I hadn't pressed easy by mistake!
The enemies die way too easy imo, and you will get through the game alot faster.
So to get the most out of the game, play on hard, even if you don't think you can handle it. It's no use finishing the game on medium or easy and then play it on hard when you know where all the enemies are. ;)
just finished it on hard, never attempt a game on an easier setting as I can never be bothered to play it again :)

Was good but still very easy.....
Yeah I played on Normal, I hardly died at all it was so easy :(

Ah well, plently of time to do it again (and again [and again]) on hard ;)
I"m playing it on hard and I've managed to get up to sandtrap with the big gate in the middle of the road made by the combine ... wish me luck : D
:laugh: On a sidenote, Platinum only is as far as he is only through some of my guidance, that loser wank.
took it on medium for the first time now im doing easy.
im still scared like sit when those fast zombies charge forth :eek:

man. and i thought medium was hard like hell
I play on hard and I have reached chapter 10 in 14.45 hours. Im at the place where you have to put up sentryguns.
At one place I had to change to easy because it was impossible to servive... I immediately changed back to hard after that one place.
Im on my way to the church in ravenholm on hard. Im definitely glad I chose to start off on hard.
It took me 16.35 hours to reach chapter 11 on hard.
I played on Hard, took me like 22 hours to finish, but because I was really taking my time. The difficulty seemed just about right - some very tough fights, but mostly alright. On Normal, I'm sure it would be too easy as enemies would be too easy to kill. Though on Hard, using 7 rockets to take down a gunship IS a pain.
I played through at first on normal and found it too easy. On hard now. I made it to Sandtraps fairly quickly. It's still easy as hell, I just have to use a little bit of brains now...like staying back and shooting rather than charging 2 combine soldiers with shotguns swinging my crowbar wildly :P
AI is also smarter, they be flanking and running away for cover when they get hit.
Those complaining abou the AI are probably playing on easy and charging the combines before they can do anything.
dont worrry its easy, i did it the first time on hard in 15 hrs and now im playing back through and am on hw 17 only having died 2 times, literally, for the whole game.
Im still playing it on hard now...my first time playing as well, its not super hard really considering this games supposed to have the best AI. It does'nt show. I'm on a big bridge now running underneath it, don't know what level its called.
I played on hard, finished after about 15 hours of play. It was on my first time through as well. The hard difficulty in HL2 is like the medium in most other games - not very hard at all.
Im in "entanglement" on "hard" at the second turret battle. This is one of the few parts of the game that is actually hard. Most of the game has a medium difficulty feel but a couple points so far have proven difficult.
I've gotten past the first Strider fight on Hard. So far, it hasn't been too bad except for the part in Nova Prospekt with the big standoff against the Combine with the turrets. They just kept swarming in and knocking over the turrets. That part was a real pain to get through.
It's REALLY hard. I have it on hard right now. It is really tough.
its not hard at all. i beat the game within 3 days time, spread about 4 hours each..i died here and there, but nothing frusterating. dont worry ailviation, its not that bad and not the hardest challenge life has to offer.