If you wan't to say creepy mysterious shit you should be one of the civilians that says it's bad to drink water...
Drink booze instead... though it makes you forget too!
There is no one in sweden (almost) that has a 56k anymore.
But all countries don't have the same fortune. Swedes for example are spoiled. And 56k'ers are humans to!
(And i can get 24Mbit in late December :devil: )
have 8 now :P
PM me or msg med at irc
#halflife2 @ quakenet ( [DotO]figge )
if you want any help...
(I'm not an expert, but i know that it's hard to make a map, so i will help you as much as im able( though i'm not a wizard and can't make magic :rolling: )
I hope you will like mine when it's finnished...
Quake1's Dm3
(Sorry for...
I have never made a whole map. But try to make some more details, not just one texture.
Add some lightning.
Even a beginner at mapping (I hate the term n00b) can do that :p
Read some tutorials
Sweden > ALL
Cursewords everywhere
Sex almost everywhere
Gore on the news sometimes (after 21:00)
Though one strange law:
Most action, horror and thrillers are form 15 years or older on cinemas, but many computer games are from 18+
And you can go on clubs bars and buy booze when your...
Do you remember the game Gauntlet?
I will now start with a Singleplayer Campaign called gauntlet.
But i need some help.
I suck at Etenitys (and spell that :P )
If you are intrested to work with me today on this msg me on irc @ halflife2.net (Quakenet)...
...[DotO]figge thats me... :p...
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Edit: works now
/me checks
Looks nice :)
Little dark for my taste though
Layout: 90%
Texturing: 10%
Props: 5%
E : 1%
First of all, this is my first atempt do to a whole map.
I have played around with hammer for a year, but never had any inspiration to do anything but big wars (Marines vs Zombies etc.)
When Hl2: Deathmatch came i though...
1. Create brush (put a glass texture on it (if you want ;P ))
2. Tie to etenity
3. make it a func_breakable
4. prop data: none
5. strength: 1000
6. material type: glass
done :angel:
"prop thingy: wood huge for example gives the object the strange as something huge made of wood, and overrides the strength...
...change that to "normal" (or what it's called)
and change the strength to 1000
func_breakable ->
prop data: none
strength: 1000
material type: glass