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  1. figge

    Physics system sawks? :(

    First of all, i'm a bit of a hl2-fanboy ;P In Doom3 there is a map with alot of bricks in it, piled very high... ...tried to do the same with hl2 (and i made my first skybox \o/ ) But Hl2's physics can't handle that :( The Bricks float in the air :(
  2. figge

    Did the G-man give Col. Cubbage the rocket launcher?

    If you look in Dr.Kleiners lab there is a photo of some doctors... Gordon, Kleiner, Vance, Breen (With his head removed :p ) and someone who looks like G-MAN! G-man is the leader of the resistance... ...and he is from the future And thats probably makes him... GORDON-MAN! :o
  3. figge

    Steam insits my copy of HL2 is not installed!

    And It Worked!!!! :d
  4. figge

    Steam insits my copy of HL2 is not installed!

    I will not change my account for this! (tries to remove client*.blob)
  5. figge

    Steam insits my copy of HL2 is not installed!

    and the forums at is down :(
  6. figge

    Steam insits my copy of HL2 is not installed!

    Got the same thing :(
  7. figge

    Only two versions of HL2 in europe?!?

    1 € - About 9 - 10 Swedish Kroner 1 $ - about 7 - 8 Swedish Kroner 1 Euro = 1,26 USD 5 Euro = 6,29 USD 10 Euro = 12,58 USD 25 Euro = 31,46 USD 50 Euro = 62,91 USD 100 Euro = 125,82 USD 1 USD = 0,75 Euro 5 USD = 3,75 Euro 10 USD = 7,50 Euro 25 USD = 18,75 Euro 50 USD = 37,50...
  8. figge

    Proof people have it already

    Nope don't think so... prove me wrong :bounce:
  9. figge

    Whops! Looks like a Best Buy might get pwned by Valve!

    Me... 3 days ago... :laugh:
  10. figge

    DoD:Source doesnt look as exciting

    Nope... The Dod team have worked on Hl2 and CS:source instead...
  11. figge

    Fake DoD:S pics.

    Yeah... gee... because the phone poles connect wires so people can talk in the phone? the phone was invented LONG before ww2... :P
  12. figge

    Which map will look the best in Source?

    They will all look awsome (since dod maps has always been looking greater than CS maps ;p )
  13. figge

    New DoD picture.

    The Map - (at least that part) - a HELL lot better The Textures - A HELL lot better The things that brings dod:s down (ON THIS SCREENSHOT) is the Weapon model (which is the current dod M1 Garand.) (and the lack of quality in this pic (blurry etc.)
  14. figge

    *snif* Its out but

    I think i only will be a regular here 29 more days ;P Been here since the start (i think)
  15. figge

    Gone Gold

  16. figge

    Kiwii I want a video of you eating your hat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Originally Posted by kiwii friday, October 15 2004 It's not going gold today, or tommorow . Or this month. If it does I will eat my hat
  17. figge

    Kiwii I want a video of you eating your hat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I DEMAND that video!
  18. figge

    So its Monday. Where's the Gold Anouncemnet?

    I will guess IF the announcement is today it will be in like 3 - 7 Hours
  19. figge

    Battles against Spyware is tough!

    When i formated my C:, dled adaware and checked the system out... over 180 files :/
  20. figge

    What the hell is wrong with Paramount?

    What the hell are you talking about?