Did the G-man give Col. Cubbage the rocket launcher?

Sep 11, 2004
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I was looking over all of my screenshots again and was looking at the one I took looking through the combine binoculars looking at New Little Odessa where the G-man appears to be talking to Col. Cubbage. Well, when you get to New Little Odessa that is where you first get the rocket launcher. It struck me as possible that the G-man gave it to Col. Cubbage at that moment. Why else would Col. Cubbage be giving a description of the rocket launcher when you enter the basement?
Now this is a conspiracy theory I like! I was just playing this part (again) today, and I was wondering who the Gman was talking to, and if it was Cubbage, then probably that is how they worked the rocket launcher into the story.
Well, it's obvious the G-Man is helping you along and keeping an eye on you. So this theory being correct wouldn't surprise me.
Here is the screen shot I speak of.


  • ColnGman.JPG
    25.8 KB · Views: 1,038
i think you are talking about this part?

ack! beat me to it
This makes me think that G-man is a recognized character by many, and that the only person he seems mysterious to is Gordon.

Evidence by way of Dr.Kleiner and Alyx expecting your arrival, how else would they know if the G-man hadn't told them? Seeing as how it was him who put you in slow teleport.
I don't know if he gave them the rocket launcher.. but maybe he told them about the impending attack.
ShadowFox said:
I don't know if he gave them the rocket launcher.. but maybe he told them about the impending attack.

Good point, also in Sandtraps when you have to fight the gunship/dropships at the lighthouse, how does the guy know the Combine are on their way? Perhaps G-man let them know before you got there.
Isn't this the first npc we see the gman speak to since the scientist on the first level of HL1?
ShadowFox said:
I don't know if he gave them the rocket launcher.. but maybe he told them about the impending attack.

UKchaos2 said:
Isn't this the first npc we see the gman speak to since the scientist on the first level of HL1?

Hmm..interesting. Didnt think about that.

*shakes fist*

I looked through the binos. my first time through but I didn't know who the G-Man was talking to. Interesting. :)
spencerjrus said:
Good point, also in Sandtraps when you have to fight the gunship/dropships at the lighthouse, how does the guy know the Combine are on their way? Perhaps G-man let them know before you got there.

Col. Cubbage says something to you about warning the "lighthouse"
can someone post a picture of when they get right next to the two of them (cubbage + Gman) Through noclip
UKchaos2 said:
Isn't this the first npc we see the gman speak to since the scientist on the first level of HL1?

Early in HL2, when you meet the alien and the guy in the big crate, the alien which is powering the TV set with G-Man on it cuts the power off when you arrive.

Maybe they were being given instructions by the G-Man? It could be another case of him talking to people.
spencerjrus said:
This makes me think that G-man is a recognized character by many, and that the only person he seems mysterious to is Gordon.

Evidence by way of Dr.Kleiner and Alyx expecting your arrival, how else would they know if the G-man hadn't told them? Seeing as how it was him who put you in slow teleport.
I don't know. How they knew to expect you is, of course, a mystery but it seems to me that if the G-Man played that heavy a role in their lives too, he would have been mentioned. Surely?
I still think there's a lot more mystery to him than that we experience.
And what makes you say that he put you in slow teleport?
yeah that makes a lot of sense. Could also be why so many items are in your path. LOL the G-Man drops them from his briefcase
wow this actually makes sense. but very often things arent what they seem in literature...or in this case...game.
I have a noobish question that is kinda on topic... sorry if it's a bit off :P
Where did you get those binoculars? I feel stupid asking, but I haven't gotten anything like that yet.
Ghost Freeman said:
Did the G-Man also give him his fake accent?


Shake Zula said:
I have a noobish question that is kinda on topic... sorry if it's a bit off :P
Where did you get those binoculars? I feel stupid asking, but I haven't gotten anything like that yet.

i assume its just part of your HEV...somehow....or something.

SupaKoopa said:

i assume its just part of your HEV...somehow....or something.


its the "suit zoom" of the HEV suit, hold down Z :afro:
Wraith said:
its the "suit zoom" of the HEV suit, hold down Z :afro:
Actually, in this case the binoculars are combine binoculars or some spy camera, not your HEV zoom. They're attached to a windowsill on one of the shore houses (one of the houses before you get to NLO).
Hm... Perhaps the those people (Col Cubbage, the Vortigaunt and the guy with the TV, etc) were in on whatever the G-Man was doing, and it was all some kind of showcase for the people the G-Man was talking about at the end?

Also, maybe he hid stuff in Gordon's teeth to track him!
el Chi said:
I don't know. How they knew to expect you is, of course, a mystery but it seems to me that if the G-Man played that heavy a role in their lives too, he would have been mentioned. Surely?
I still think there's a lot more mystery to him than that we experience.
And what makes you say that he put you in slow teleport?

Because of the ending in HL1, and the intro in HL2.

I think people might not mention him, think about the Vortiguant watching him on TV, later in the game in Anticitizen one I believe you also see G-man on a different TV when no Vortig's are anywhere nearby, its very possible the gman is a recognized character at this point in time,(obviously if hes appearing on television) and that it is assumed by most everyone that Gordon knows who he is.

It's kind of an inside joke with the Valve team it seems to make fun of the character by way of Gordon, people talk to him as though he knows what the hell he is doing, when in reality you (the player) have no clue. ;)
So? The g-man is like Dr. Phill, gives advice gets on tv and helps people.
Only Gordon hasn't seen any tv, cause he's late on work in hl1(heavy drinking in the pub) and hasn't seen any relation shows further.
So, perhaps its Dr. G-man?
spencerjrus said:
Evidence by way of Dr.Kleiner and Alyx expecting your arrival, how else would they know if the G-man hadn't told them? Seeing as how it was him who put you in slow teleport.

Err... barney told him. And he told her.
As far as the resistance knowing about the attack on the lighthouse, I'm pretty sure one of the NPC's tells you that they picked it up from listening to the combine radio chatter.
I have a question: Is the colonel the "Come in Cooper" guy from the first HL game, and opposing force.
If you look in Dr.Kleiners lab there is a photo of some doctors...

Gordon, Kleiner, Vance, Breen (With his head removed :p ) and someone who looks like G-MAN!

G-man is the leader of the resistance...
...and he is from the future

And thats probably makes him... GORDON-MAN! :o
G Man is just everywhere...
He doesn't play by human rules, he's extra-terrestrial one way or another and he is not Gordon Freeman. That would be the easiest twist ever. I don't think Valve would DARE throw in such simple and rubbish twist.

It's just like at the end of the Matrix Reloaded when all the idiots in the world suddenly decided that, if Neo can now use powers outside the Matrix, then the real world is also a Matrix!!!!1111!!1!1!oneoneoneomgwtdbbq

Exactly why G Man was there in an experience like this is completely unimportant and likely beyond the care of Valve - they seem to just like chucking him in there to freak us out and make us go, "COOOOOOOL!"
And that's enough for me :D
Well i thought that too.

Anyway something is very conspicuous, every stations trys to reach the next point where you will be going but they dont get any answer. Still they are knowing you are on your way and col. cubbage wasn very suprised to see you.

Somehow i have the feeling the MAN WITH NO NAME! is informing everyone of your arrival. What worries me most is that people know more about you and the MAN WITH NO NAME! than yourself. It gives me that dumb puppet feeling :(
figge said:
If you look in Dr.Kleiners lab there is a photo of some doctors...

Gordon, Kleiner, Vance, Breen (With his head removed :p ) and someone who looks like G-MAN!

G-man is the leader of the resistance...
...and he is from the future

And thats probably makes him... GORDON-MAN! :o

I'm pretty sure that's the anal-looking scientist model from HL, not the G-Man...

So, we've now got Rosenburg, "Slick", "Einstein", Kleiner and Eli (and probably a couple of others from other places/console versions/expansion packs, that I'm forgetting). That's a grand selection of names.