What is it with this sappo bullshiet anyway.
I hate it when forums get so massive that people start talking to the forums as if they were talking to friends at a bar.
Whenever you see a thread title with
"Hey guys ive got a bad feelin about this..."
you know the forum has...
I hope that when they do selling analysis on HL2, that they include steam sales aswell.
Ill bet my 3rd mutant nut that HL2 will not sell nearly as many copys retail compared to halo 2, but will completly eclypse it if you included steam sales.
haha caught?
What the hell are you talking about.
You think i talk like that normally? I was being sarcastic. The day of defeat team should have been working on their own mod rather than counterstrike.
So i guess you guys think it was a good idea for the day of defeat team to have been working on counterstrike, rather than their own mod, and thus slowing it down so its release date is now sometime next year rather than with HL2.
I mean jesus, stay on your own mod. Im sure theres plenty of...
No. If somone buys the retail early and goes home to install and register it, steam will be unlocked for everyone world wide.
Almost every game has instances where a store sells early, and steam will be unlocked if somone buys it. This is because of the fact that you are forced to logon to...
That means that you will have to wait untill the following day (17th) here in australia. Unless you have steam.
If you got it before the stores shut at 4 or 5, then you would unlock steam an hour early for everyone around the world.
These dates dont really matter, its almost guarenteed...
I think they are a kind of robot human thing.
I saw a screenshot from the leak. If anyone has played Dark Forces 1, think dark trooper without the armour.
Its been confirmend (dont have a link on hand) valve want to release the game right now, but they are forced to wait untill it is released in stores, otherwise massive amounts of people will buy it through steam instead of waiting for retail, thus losing money for the publisher vivendi.
Almost every big game has been released a 2 or 3 days before the actual release date somewhere in the world.
And this time because of steam, hundreds of thousands of people will be able to play it the second some lucky shmuck logs on with their retail version.
Steam is cool nannas.
Those last few files might be a 1k authentication file thats it.
As soon as a store breaks the release date, steam will be unlocked. This is because some dude who knows nothing about hl2 might just walk into a store and buy it, and then go home and try to play it. They cant stop him from...
Hay thanks for the heads up man.
Let me just add this to my Outlook Calender.
"Maelstrom will not be on HL2Net forums Starting 16th Nov. Tick Alert 10 minutes before start."