Gordan for Prez!!!

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Who should be the next President?

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G-Man! He would make a great president. He dresses like one and....
Hay welcome to the boards. Great start!

By the looks of things you will have a bright future here.
I didn't even get the damn poll up and people are responding.... damn you guys are quick.
Tredoslop said:
We haven't even heard Gordon say a word. So, the G-Man wins.

Whatchu talkin' about? Gordan uses hand sign language, he doesn't need to speak.
Looking at the poll, we can see there's at least 1 idiot on this board. ;)
G-man... anyone who can hold down an alien invasion can definitely run a country :)
All Hail the Crimson King, uhhm, I mean G-Man, with his briefcase of pure power.
Interesting. It's been a while since I heard anything about Gordan. I guess he has done well for himself if he is running for President.
Nicely linear results at the moment!

Bush ----
Kerry ------
Gordy --------
GMan ------------
I voted Kerry.
Gordon Freeman is too busy fending off alien enemies. :rolleyes:
User Name said:
I voted Kerry.
Gordon Freeman is too busy fending off alien enemies. :rolleyes:
I wonder what the ratio of Kerry:Bush is for the Americans on here. HL2 may give us an indication of which way its gonna go. Of course, being British I'm impartial *cough*kerry*cough* :laugh:
I don't know who Gordan Freeman is but the G-Man should be. Because JFK and Bush both sucks ( bush more than JFK )
Kerry-Strong, puts up a fight. Has experianced the horror of war through Vietnam. He might end up being President (like G Bush)

G Bush-Does not think about his actions, his policies create risks and problems with the international community (like, well G Bush)

Gman-Sinister looking and talking guy who reminds people of Christopher Walken, could lead people to certain doom (like G Bush) without them knowing.

Gordon-Strong silent type, he has a way of making friends through troubled days, but has many enemies (like G Bush)

I'm voting for the Gordonator :thumbs:
I voted for George Bush. Of the four choices, he's the only who isn't a fictional character (yes, I'm implying that John Kerry, as he presents himself, is entirely fictional. John Kerry doesn't want you to know the real John Kerry!).
The results would be skewed, as most Americans that are voting for Bush don't know what the internet is, or what a computer is.

"Ah do what tha Tay-Vee tells mah toh."
Compared to the way the G-Man talks, George Bush almost looks like a wellspoken man.

(yes, I'm implying that John Kerry, as he presents himself, is entirely fictional. John Kerry doesn't want you to know the real John Kerry!).

a) He's a woman
b) He's extraterrestrial
c) He's a clone of George Bush bend on destruction of the world
d) He's a puppet used by the Crabpeople to take over the world
Audiophile said:
The results would be skewed, as most Americans that are voting for Bush don't know what the internet is, or what a computer is.

"Ah do what tha Tay-Vee tells mah toh."

ROFL. Cleetus in the Simpsons "ah think ahv dun busted my stink bone"
Mountain Man said:
I voted for George Bush. Of the four choices, he's the only who isn't a fictional character
Ah, but he has been feeding the world fictions for four years! :P