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  1. Yakuza

    Snake Fist (Quick Sketch)

    this was a lame concept I did for a crotch rocket that had the suspension and flexability of a dirt bike.
  2. Yakuza

    Snake Fist (Quick Sketch)

    hehehe......the man we all know and love.. well maybe not love but.. :laugh:
  3. Yakuza

    Snake Fist (Quick Sketch)

    another quick sketch
  4. Yakuza

    3 parent families ...coming soon to a community near you

    Yeah, it wasn't easy but there were some circumstances that I couldn't just ignor. 1) She came clean, I didn't catch her. 2) She was begging for my forgiveness 3) God spoke to me.....yeah yeah I know how it sounds, but he did. I was mad as hell I just punched 2 reallt big holes in the...
  5. Yakuza

    3 parent families ...coming soon to a community near you

    yeah I actualy did.
  6. Yakuza

    For all you experts on the subject

    Sorry man, but if a girl told me that i would be insulted. Cry if possible, heheh... yep get out of one deception by using another. :cheers:
  7. Yakuza

    For all you experts on the subject

    1) Ask forgiveness 2) Show humility 3) ask her what you can do to earn her trust back 4) Then "earn" it back. 5) Do not put yourself in a posistion where this inccident could be repeated
  8. Yakuza

    3 parent families ...coming soon to a community near you

    thats like having sex every single day for the next 8.2 years.... :bounce:
  9. Yakuza

    3 parent families ...coming soon to a community near you

    hehe, no what I ment was he didn't have to break up her in the first place, right? thats what I was trying t ask.
  10. Yakuza

    Snake Fist (Quick Sketch)

    Mine does, only because it defaults to a true color scan. I also use col-erase color pencils. You can use the blue but you can also use red, green, purple.... :cheers: Man I used to use a tone of that blue pencil back in my traditional animation days....
  11. Yakuza

    Snake Fist (Quick Sketch)

    a little less than 30 mins. Several months ago I could have done this twice as better in twice the amount of time. I just have to gt back in the swing of things.
  12. Yakuza

    Snake Fist (Quick Sketch)

    which Left? yours or his? again this was only a quick sketch.
  13. Yakuza

    Snake Fist (Quick Sketch)

    So what do you guys think...I am I the only one who thinks that the gaming community is in need of a good solid Kung Fu experiance.
  14. Yakuza

    3 parent families ...coming soon to a community near you

    why doesn't he have a choice? He found her cheating on him....was it right after this that he sperated from her?
  15. Yakuza

    Snake Fist (Quick Sketch)

    oh I usualy do just that, but i had used a 2H pencil to sketch it out. And when I scanned it you could barely see it so I used the burn tool to darken hings up a bit. :smoking:
  16. Yakuza

    Snake Fist (Quick Sketch)

    hey guys, its been awhile since I had the pleasure of sitting down and have some fun while sketching. I did this today in about 30 mins. Thats kinda long for me, but then again its been a while since i picked up a pencil. so in hopes of maybe some day being able to bring my kung fu...
  17. Yakuza

    3 parent families ...coming soon to a community near you

    heck yeah....thats crazy. I love meh kids to much, I couldn't bare to put them in that situation.
  18. Yakuza

    3 parent families ...coming soon to a community near you

    yeah its hard enough when two parents split up but three? At least two aprents cn come to some kind of agreement on visiting dates that can still allow for the kid to have some kind of life. But three parents, either one parent wont get to see the child as offten as the others or the kid has...
  19. Yakuza

    3 parent families ...coming soon to a community near you

    Yeah but there also comes a problem if they all decide to break up. Now the kid has to passed from parent to parent to parent... And even in one case here in the US, you may not get legal custody even if you are the natural parent.
  20. Yakuza

    3 parent families ...coming soon to a community near you

    Reynolds v. United States