3 parent families ...coming soon to a community near you


May 5, 2004
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ho-boy! religious extremists are pissed at the idea of same sex couples adopting children, wait till they hear about this: 3 parent families

hmmm I wonder how long it will be before we start seeing same sex 3 parent families (well 4 if you count the donor :E )
Well I can't say much for the genetic technicalities of a baby with three parents, but as for the life of a baby that has 3 parents. I suspect that would be rather too much...
nah, children are still raised by the community in many aboriginal tribes

besides, any new parent knows grandparents become the third parent
Don't worry, the world has been prepared by 3 men and a baby!

/me worships the statue of Ted Danson on his desk
CptStern said:
nah, children are still raised by the community in many aboriginal tribes

besides, any new parent knows grandparents become the third parent

Its not quite the same as having 3 actual parents though.
true ...but the kid wouldnt know any better if the 3rd parent is there from the beginning ...my 10 month old son still doesnt know to look at me when my wife says "where's dada" it's not the language he's not understanding ...that's unimportant, it's the association that I am "dada" ...he should learn this before he learns words ...not worried cuz it usually happens at the 10-11 month mark
Farrowlesparrow said:
Its not quite the same as having 3 actual parents though.

I dont think they will be living with all 3 parents. In fact the only disadvantage for the child I can see is that the genetics might get screwed up, but the goal of this project seems to be to minimze sush so we will have to wait and see.
I thought you meant polygamy which is a problem for far Northern Arizona and extreme southern Utah.
Excellent! Progress of science...

Banned in the US. dammit. stupid people.
CptStern said:
true ...but the kid wouldnt know any better if the 3rd parent is there from the beginning ...my 10 month old son still doesnt know to look at me when my wife says "where's dada" it's not the language he's not understanding ...that's unimportant, it's the association that I am "dada" ...he should learn this before he learns words ...not worried cuz it usually happens at the 10-11 month mark

Yeah but there also comes a problem if they all decide to break up. Now the kid has to passed from parent to parent to parent...

And even in one case here in the US, you may not get legal custody even if you are the natural parent.
Yakuza said:
Yeah but there also comes a problem if they all decide to break up. Now the kid has to passed from parent to parent to parent...

yes but that can happen to a 2 parent family
yeah its hard enough when two parents split up but three?

At least two aprents cn come to some kind of agreement on visiting dates that can still allow for the kid to have some kind of life. But three parents, either one parent wont get to see the child as offten as the others or the kid has absolutly no kind of stability or regularity in is life.
Yakuza said:
yeah its hard enough when two parents split up but three?

At least two aprents cn come to some kind of agreement on visiting dates that can still allow for the kid to have some kind of life. But three parents, either one parent wont get to see the child as offten as the others or the kid has absolutly no kind of stability or regularity in is life.

ya but that happens in every situation where parents break up ...A friend of mine seperated from his (caught her cheating) and they have joint custody ..that means the kid is at his father's during the day and mothers at night. ..it's confusing for a child anyway
heck yeah....thats crazy.

I love meh kids to much, I couldn't bare to put them in that situation.
CptStern said:
ho-boy! religious extremists are pissed at the idea of same sex couples adopting children, wait till they hear about this: 3 parent families

hmmm I wonder how long it will be before we start seeing same sex 3 parent families (well 4 if you count the donor :E )
It wont catch on, takes the fun out of making babies :p
true, but some peeps find trying to have a baby .....challenging :)
Yakuza said:
heck yeah....thats crazy.

I love meh kids to much, I couldn't bare to put them in that situation.

unfortunately my friend doesnt have a choice
why doesn't he have a choice? He found her cheating on him....was it right after this that he sperated from her?
Yakuza said:
why doesn't he have a choice? He found her cheating on him....was it right after this that he sperated from her?

because the law says the kid needs 2 parents ...courts rarely give sole custody to a male ...the mother would have to show up to court smoking crack and with a needle stuck in her arm for a judge to award custody to the father
Why stop at 3? Why not.. 3,000. We can make an army of super babies to take over the world!

3 parents sounds odd...
hehe, no what I ment was he didn't have to break up her in the first place, right? thats what I was trying t ask.
I basically, for most intents and purposes, had 4 parents for much of my chidhood.

It was rather nice.

(And get this: two of them were gay, heaven forbid. :))

I must be really messed up right? Right?
Ritz said:
Why stop at 3? Why not.. 3,000. We can make an army of super babies to take over the world!

3 parents sounds odd...

thats like having sex every single day for the next 8.2 years.... :bounce:
Neutrino said:
I basically, for most intents and purposes, had 4 parents for much of my chidhood.

It was rather nice.

(And get this: two of them were gay, heaven forbid. :))

I must be really messed up right? Right?

Yes :|


You have grown up with a serious case of Make-a-point-in-an-over-done-way-itus
Yakuza said:
hehe, no what I ment was he didn't have to break up her in the first place, right? thats what I was trying t ask.

sure he did ...could you live with the fact that your wife cheated on you? repeatedly?
Farrowlesparrow said:
Yes :|


You have grown up with a serious case of Make-a-point-in-an-over-done-way-itus

Ah you see, it's not my fault.

It's all due to my evil upbringing. :E
isn't this almost the same as using surrogate mothers? Where a second woman brings the fetus to term and gives birth to it.

I'm pretty sure that in those cases, the surrogate mother isn't considered to be related. And I doubt that 35 genes are a basis for genetically related custody when the others contribute 30,000 genes.

This seems to be maginally different from what is already done with people not able to normally have children.
CptStern said:
sure he did ...could you live with the fact that your wife cheated on you? repeatedly?

yeah I actualy did.
my condolences, but personally I could never live with it because I just couldnt trust her again. It also makes a world of a difference when you have a child and one person has an affair ...your disrespecting your spouse and your child. I'm anything but a prude but it's just something that most people cant live with because of the trust issue
CptStern said:
my condolences, but personally I could never live with it because I just couldnt trust her again. It also makes a world of a difference when you have a child and one person has an affair ...your disrespecting your spouse and your child. I'm anything but a prude but it's just something that most people cant live with because of the trust issue

Yeah, it wasn't easy but there were some circumstances that I couldn't just ignor.

1) She came clean, I didn't catch her.
2) She was begging for my forgiveness
3) God spoke to me.....yeah yeah I know how it sounds, but he did.

I was mad as hell I just punched 2 reallt big holes in the wall. I looked at her, she was on her knees weaping. I hated her, i couldn't even grasp how hurt I was. I stood over her as she grabed on to my legs. Then something change my heart INSTANTLY.

In the clearest voice, like if I was standing right next to you. God spoke to me. He said "Shawn......Forgive her......just as I....have forgiven you."

I melted... Then it hit me, how many times have I screwed up. How many times have I sold out or sold some one else out. How many times have I faultered in keeping some ones trust. Who was I to condem her.

I gave her my forgivness.

But ti was still really hard to deal with, and it was sevearl months of confessions, of her comming clean about all she had been doing. Things I wish no man to hear.....but we made it through. I gave everything to God and our marriage today is 10x better than it has ever been. I trust her again, and she is so cautious about allowing herself to be caught were the option to be un loyal are even a possibility. I have been married for 8 years and I feel bad every time I see a marriage go down the drains because I know how awsome a marriage can be after unfaithfullness.
You lot don't seem to get the point.

I'm almost positive they mean three parents Medically and NOT Legally.

They are just trying to help woman with certain mitochondrially inherited diseases have children without passing those diseases to their children.
Pft, in-vitro fertilisation has made joint-motherhood possible for a long time now. I guess it's now just more technically three parents.
Mechagodzilla said:
Pft, in-vitro fertilisation has made joint-motherhood possible for a long time now. I guess it's now just more technically three parents.
yeah, this really isn't that much different. don't know what the big deal is.
CptStern said:
ho-boy! religious extremists are pissed at the idea of same sex couples adopting children, wait till they hear about this: 3 parent families

hmmm I wonder how long it will be before we start seeing same sex 3 parent families (well 4 if you count the donor :E )

Of course we'll have to accept that. Some hippies will cry if we don't.

Yakuza said:
Yeah, it wasn't easy but there were some circumstances that I couldn't just ignor.

1) She came clean, I didn't catch her.
2) She was begging for my forgiveness
3) God spoke to me.....yeah yeah I know how it sounds, but he did.

I think that's called schizophrenia (sp?). Hearing voices, and all that.