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  1. FireBall

    The real City 17 is...

    Look at this guys face and tell me nothing is wrong with him the eyeholes are where your nose or something usually would be
  2. FireBall

    The real City 17 is...

    Could be but if you look at the screenshots of them, the faces of their gas masks look sort of "off" from the rest of the head. An ordinary human wearing a gas mask like that would be staring straight into the rubber. Sort of like their faces are further down and longer out the normal poples...
  3. FireBall

    what is dpi?

    THANK YOU good sir:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
  4. FireBall

    Example of Artificial Inteligence

    Somehow i doubt that it is a fan :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  5. FireBall

    what is dpi?

    PLEASE tell me im DYING to know :bonce: :bonce: ;(
  6. FireBall

    The real City 17 is...

    The guy in the video says something like "In this last sequence you will get a look at the citadel at the center of the alien combine. The combine is a fortress wich is slowly eating its way through the rest of City 17"
  7. FireBall

    The real City 17 is...

    We have been told that the combine are alien (Gamespy movie on the elevator) so i dont think they are russian :laugh:
  8. FireBall

    Show us your desktop

    Jager where did you get that one !? :eek: :naughty: :laugh:
  9. FireBall

    After Life!!

    What is Stalker and where can I find info on it? I have never heard of it:cat:
  10. FireBall

    Who thinks TF2 might be a part of the multiplayer... ?

    Lets hope he is wrong :cheers:
  11. FireBall

    shadows in screenshots

    yeah we know about that
  12. FireBall

    HL2 weapons elsewhere

    I want a silenced FN F2000 like the one sam uses :cool:
  13. FireBall Demo

    yay, more threads like this, I love funny tech demos :bounce: heres a link to the skeleton ragdoll thing for the people who havent seen it. i really enjoyed it :) Ragdoll
  14. FireBall

    Ughh G4 is gay

    uhh... whatever :dozey:
  15. FireBall

    Will My Computer Run Half-Life 2?

    keep it civil :cheers:
  16. FireBall

    HL2 weapons elsewhere

    yeah the twin guy in the matrix had an ump. the gun alyx hands gordon is an mp5k (shorter verion of the mp5) but the one he holds is an MP7 (i think thats what i heard)
  17. FireBall

    Did anyone else find that chick annoying?

    yeah Mr.Reak thats what i mean
  18. FireBall

    Did anyone else find that chick annoying?

    hes talking about alyx yeah i didnt like her "scared movement" when she sort of put her hands toghether infront of her neck.. hard to explain but it looks sort of overacted and sissy
  19. FireBall

    Weapon dropping

    If a watermelon KOs you, you should be wearing a helmet full time