Who thinks TF2 might be a part of the multiplayer... ?

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i think that they might release tf2 with hl2 as an added bonus for the community... the only reason i think they might not.. is because tf2 is such a big concept they wouldn't want it to be just thrown in like it was nothing.. but i also believe it's possible because how they are seemingly keeping multiplayer underwraps untill sooner till release.. they gave us team fortress classic with hl1.. so why not the sequel with the debut of the new engine? ... they've supposedely been working on it this whole time.. and i don't know how they are going to handle all of valve's upcoming releases (cs: cz.. hl2.. tf2?) if they don't bundle any of these games.. the market will be flooded, leaving the company loosing money on cd production costs.. etc... but if not that, when will tf2 be released? q4 2004? never?

ps: we already have tf1.5 ... and they keep implementing new features which were going to be in tf2 (integrated voice comm.) with each update.. who knows?
I'm really not sure...on the one hand, they may release it together, but i'm basing this on how the multiplayer's supposed to be "something special". On the other hand, TF2 has been a very hyped game and, in my opinion, would sell quite well on its own. So it's really hard to tell, unless one of you people work as Valve's sales and marketing agent...I'm hoping it's a two-in-one deal, though, heh.

Originally posted by Vertigo
I'm really not sure...on the one hand, they may release it together, but i'm basing this on how the multiplayer's supposed to be "something special". On the other hand, TF2 has been a very hyped game and, in my opinion, would sell quite well on its own. So it's really hard to tell, unless one of you people work as Valve's sales and marketing agent...I'm hoping it's a two-in-one deal, though, heh.

i agree that it could make tons of money on it's own.. but valve also might be confident enough with the release and popularity of half-life2 on it's own to allow tf2 to be a free addition to the amazing game.. who knows? it could just be in there to blow everyone away and prevent the kind of hype which eventually faded into endless jokes and anger after the release date slated for 1999 was never fulfilled...

i guess we'll find out sometime this summer.
Originally posted by FireBall
Click here
okay.. but that doesn't really change much.. thanks for giving me HIS oppinion on my topic, it's not like just because he is an admin here he can devine knowledge which hasn't been released.
It will probably be its own separate game, but might also be downloadable for those w/ HL2. Somewhat like today, you can buy retail CS, or dl it if you have HL
All we can do is wait for Valve to announce something on TF2 (they said they were going to do it soon). It's still likely to be its own retail game, and of course if you want free TFC on HL2, nothing is stopping you from making it yourself.
Originally posted by Apos
All we can do is wait for Valve to announce something on TF2 (they said they were going to do it soon). It's still likely to be its own retail game, and of course if you want free TFC on HL2, nothing is stopping you from making it yourself.
except lack of time, talent, and money.. but yeah okay.
It would logically be stupid for Valve to release TF2 or CS2 as addons. When you think about it on the surface, you first think of yeah seperate games so they can make a ton of money with HL2 and the addons. BUT .... Have you guys ever thought of that the only reason HL1 has survived so long was because of TFC and CS? If Valve were to release TF2 and CS2 as seperate games, they would make alot of money off that but would leave HL2 itself to die out within the year because the two most popular mods would come as seperate games and for that, no one would buy HL2 anymore. They would promote 1 thing, and leave the real game out to die.
Point taken. Although, you never know. Valve may pull an EA and not worry about the game at all and just go for milking the cash cow.

Originally posted by Vertigo
Point taken. Although, you never know. Valve may pull an EA and not worry about the game at all and just go for milking the cash cow.


Valve has a shit load of money now as it is. They said so themselves. And for the fact that this title's NAME is Half-Life 2, will alone sell like a bitch. And they will make so much money it won't even be funny. I don't think they will want to make TF2 and CS2 seperate games. They would have so much money that they most likely would rather care increasing HL2's community rather than make petty cash off addons.
I don't mean to sound redundant, but I once again point you towards EA. I mean, they have a shitload of money (and they really do have a TON of money), and yet they still pump out (in certain cases) subpar games. If they really wanted to, they could put all their efforts into one game and make a fantastic, revolutionary game, but they don't. In either case, I have faith in Valve and trust they'll make the right decision, whatever that may be.

TF2 is not an addon. It's its own discrete game: they invested tons of money into making it, and its going to be a lot more complex, with a heck of a lot more maps and features, and maybe even single-player gameplay, than just TFC was.
Maybe Sierra will publish it.... But it looks like its gonna be Electronic Arts...
i think that they might release tf2 with hl2 as an added bonus for the community... the only reason i think they might not.. is because tf2 is such a big concept they wouldn't want it to be just thrown in like it was nothing.. but i also believe it's possible because how they are seemingly keeping multiplayer underwraps untill sooner till release.. they gave us team fortress classic with hl1.. so why not the sequel with the debut of the new engine? ... they've supposedely been working on it this whole time.. and i don't know how they are going to handle all of valve's upcoming releases (cs: cz.. hl2.. tf2?) if they don't bundle any of these games.. the market will be flooded, leaving the company loosing money on cd production costs.. etc... but if not that, when will tf2 be released? q4 2004? never?

Uh yeah worldspawn you pretty much explained that perfectly and everything you said up there is starting to make sense about just adding tf2 and cs2 onto the half life 2 community. I mean look they started from half life and added on cs not knowing it was going to be a big hit all and look at it now. So it means they released cs retail to bring in more money and hopefully building a bigger commnunity.....now look at it this way.....THIS MAKES PERFECT SENSE AND YOUR ALL ABOUT TO BE WRONG. Ok so they make HALF LIFE and release TFC with it. Now think about it halflife had its own multiplayer but it was never huge, i mean for alittle while but TFC had way more people playing it...am i not correct? Well do you not get it.....they will have alittle pretty fun and ok deathmatch for halflife2, then TF2 will be included with HL2 as another little story added on to it about the game since they say "That TF2 deals very much with HALF LIFE 2 and we dont want to talk about tf2 because it gives away to much info about HL2." That was mentioned at E3. Ok so keep listening... Ok they have also mentioned that they want to make the community bigger ok so they make cs retail and dod retail...but they never released a TFC retail...it only came in the platinum edition. Which means TFC is supposed to be with Half life and it doesnt need to be retail because get this they never release patches for tfc...they always come with the HL UPDATES!! Like all of the changes and stuff...so that means TFC&TF2 have to do something with HL&HL2 because tfc is for the like first few thousand people playing and along time member because it was released long ago so they respect that and will release TF2 with HL2 so we can all play it and eventually it will go retail letting all of the newwer newbs to start playing.....hopefully some of you smarter people can understand that. It all makes sense now? Sounds exciting doesnt it.
Yeah and one more thing....Sierra/Valve will do this for us because think about the most nice gaming company you know....its sierra because they treat the community with alot of respect and keep bringing out updates like every 6 months where most games put out 3 or 4 and never put out anymore again....they keep the community running by doing all of that.
That's a lot of wishful thinking, but the fact is, TF2 was developed to be a standalone commercial product, and it's not likely that they'll just dump all that work and hand it out for free. Maybe they will, but it's still about as likely as Nintendo just deciding that they'll release the Zelda:Windwaker sequel for free as a gift to the community.

You enjoy getting things for free, and I understand that. I'd certainly love to get a million dollars and a solid gold computer for free. But we can't have everything we want.

Consider Counter-Strike: CZ. It is a multiplayer-based game turned into a single player game.

Well, as it turns out, that's part of what TF2 is as well: it has many many new levels and features and bots designed for an entire single-player experience. What they are developing doesn't sound at all like a mod, it sounds like a game.
Well we both have points about this and it will only tell in time.....the happiest day of my life by the way....september 30th.

We can only hope and pray they did what i said, its so much smarter. Also they are making the new SDK mod programming thing so they incourage people making mods and hopefully some will hit off huge and they will end up making them retail so that shows they want to keep getting the community even larger. TF2 on the other hand im not sure....and it's not to much further away until HL2 to see who is right about TF2 being included or not.
Tokin no offense but you don't seem to know what your talking about at all.

1st of all to all those who think it will be free because "valve made so much money on HL 1." Valve has said that they've put most of the money they made from HL 1 into HL 2. Infact a direct quote from Gabe Newell, "Basically, we took every dollar we made on Half-Life and put it into Half-Life 2" (PC Gamer June 2003, pg. 48).

What this means is basically 1, a company can not make a profit from just having one hit profit (including games developers, book publishers, movies studious, tv series creators, even most musicians don't make much money on their 1st CD even if it goes gold). 2, they probably took money from sierra to fund TF2, which means Sierra wants it's cut too, so even if Valve wanted to release TF2 for free they'd probably have to pay off sierra several million dollars on top of any investment they've made in the game.

2ndly Half-Life 2 will be just as mod friendly, and if there were any HL 1 mod I'd expect to have a sequel and remain free for HL 2 it would be DoD. I mean the CS guys probably still want some more cash, and who can blame them, they made the most popular MP FPS. I believe that if there will be any free mods for HL2 it will again come from the community and not from hired devs.

Also keep in mind it was a different world in 1998. How often did you see MP only games? Now we have Quake III, UT 2k3, America's Army, etc. If TFC was released as a stand alone in 98 it would have been much harder to break through. Now however it has a following so MP games are much bigger.

The closest thing to TF 2 being free that I can imagen is having something like a $20-30 expansion for HL 2 users, released on steam, as well as a $50 stand alone sold on shelves.

Also if anyone is expecting a free CS 2 I'd really suggest to not hold your breath. Now, as we speak there's probably 50-60 thousand people playing that game, the next highest MP FPS is probably around 5-6 k. Infact I'd rather see CS 2 be sold then given away, because if it's given away it will likely be several times worse than were they to charge, due to what would probably be a microscopic budget.
don't mean to sound redundant, but I once again point you towards EA. I mean, they have a shitload of money (and they really do have a TON of money), and yet they still pump out (in certain cases) subpar games. If they really wanted to, they could put all their efforts into one game and make a fantastic, revolutionary game, but they don't. In either case,

correct me if I'm wrong...

but EA publish games, Valve developes games...there's a difference.

since they say "That TF2 deals very much with HALF LIFE 2 and we dont want to talk about tf2 because it gives away to much info about HL2." That was mentioned at E3.

where the **** did you hear/read that???

unless you provide me with a link ASAP I think you've might have misunderstood something...although Combine vs. freedom fighters would be cool....but also altering everything we've seen so far about TF2. but then again I think they've started from scratch when they've changed to the new engine...so it might be possible that they've changed gameplay and game design altogether....

but I don't think you should expect to get neither CS2 or TF2 as a bundle....

first off I Don't think cs2 is very far in development and it won't be able to be done 30th of september.....I'm pretty sure that of the sparse info we've gotten so far...it was mentioned that it would be standalone...

TF2 was originally meant to be a standalone aswell....and I don't think much have changed about that either....of course it would be nice to have it as free mod, but not very likely IMHO...
Urgh, I would hate it if TF2 was HL2's multiplayer. That would be so annoying. Sure I like TF2 and all, but I am expecting something more like the HL multiplayer!
yup I would hate it if they at least didn't put in regular deathmatch...

but there's a possibility that they might wanna do something like RTCW(multiplayer was team-based TFC-ish stuff)....but I kind of hope not. or atleast have both...
Originally posted by Dave
Urgh, I would hate it if TF2 was HL2's multiplayer. That would be so annoying. Sure I like TF2 and all, but I am expecting something more like the HL multiplayer!
nobody said anything about taking away hl2dm... having tf2 be on the multiplayer cd of hl2 wouldn't mean you couldn't still have the hl2 multiplayer..?
I'm guessing that HL2 will include some sort of death match mode (drivable striders?) and perhaps a cooperative mode. TF2 will probably come out later, but as an add on with some other mods as well (CS2?). Who knows though, Valve has been very generous when it comes to the mod community.
Originally posted by worldspawn
nobody said anything about taking away hl2dm... having tf2 be on the multiplayer cd of hl2 wouldn't mean you couldn't still have the hl2 multiplayer..?

Oh sorry, just some people are saying "Wouldn't it be cool if TF2 was the HL2 multiplayer". In which case, it's definatly not cool. If it was an addon, like TFC was in the HL generation pack etc, then that'd be cool! :)

But I doubt they will release it for free. It was previewed in games magazines like a real game, not just a mod. I see it as a totally seperate game from HL, just using the same engine.
Originally posted by Calm_Blue_Ocean
I'm guessing that HL2 will include some sort of death match mode (drivable striders?) and perhaps a cooperative mode. TF2 will probably come out later, but as an add on with some other mods as well (CS2?). Who knows though, Valve has been very generous when it comes to the mod community.

I'm pretty sure that there won't be any coop stuff...just too hard too do properly
also I'm pretty sure that if TF2 won't ship with HL2(and I doubt it will)...it will be a standalone and not an add-on.
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
correct me if I'm wrong...

but EA publish games, Valve developes games...there's a difference.

Gah...good point. Sorry, this was one of my many inane ramblings from late last night. Just ignore most of it, it's spam anyway, :dozey:

no need to apologize...

it's a jungle out there finding out who publish and who developes...and who owns who and what and so on...
Originally posted by Apos
TF2 is not an addon. It's its own discrete game

How would you know, einstein. No more gossipping damnit! :flame:
I know because that's what Valve and Sierra both said when the game was announced, that's what giving it its own separate Sierra website was all about, and they have yet to say or signal anything different.

Gabe said that they were holding off on announcing something new about TF2 because it was using the Source engine, and thus they couldn't announce stuff about TF2 without revealing the existence of Source... which they did not want to do until they were ready to reveal HL2. In any case, we'll probably hear about what's up with TF2 fairly soon.
Originally posted by Apos
I know because that's what Valve and Sierra both said when the game was announced, that's what giving it its own separate Sierra website was all about, and they have yet to say or signal anything different.

Gabe said that they were holding off on announcing something new about TF2 because it was using the Source engine, and thus they couldn't announce stuff about TF2 without revealing the existence of Source... which they did not want to do until they were ready to reveal HL2. In any case, we'll probably hear about what's up with TF2 fairly soon.

Well till then I'm thinkin it's pretty stupid to make conclusions. No point in arguing over something that we know absolutely nothing about.

Back to CS2....I think it will be a separate game, because look at the graphics and features it will possibly have....what do you think the download size will be? 500mb? and that just the beginning, maybe all the updates will be huge and for some people it will be difficult to get (dail-up). But it would be cool if they sold CS2 for like $30 and not $50 :afro:
humm, i dont seem to understand why people cant think logically. Valve wants to make money, to make most money are they going to ship a 4 year project as a side to HL2, or are they going to ship it as well as HL2 and make money off them both.

think from the view of the person who controls the decision and it makes questions like this irrellavant.

*edit* word order
Originally posted by Deviant
humm, i dont seem to understand why people cant think logically. Valve wants to make money, to make most money are they going to ship a 4 year project as a side to HL2, or are they going to ship it as well as HL2 and make money off them both.

think from the view of the person who controls the decision and it makes questions like this irrellavant.

*edit* word order

OMG you people just dont READ the posts. I said this before: On the surface you think that they'll make money off of both. BUT, if they release TF2 seperately, and CS2 seperately, those 2 products will flourish but HL2 will no longer have those two mod's support and no one would buy HL2 anymore because once they finish single player, they'd rather play TF2 and CS2 as MP games. They would promote the addons but leave the game out to die because it would no longer have the support of the two biggest mods that used to be in HL1.