Who thinks TF2 might be a part of the multiplayer... ?

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Thugenstien, I think your missing something, what do you think is happening with HL now? The only reason anyone is playing the origanal HL SP or DM would be because they heard about HL2 and wanted to go back into it, otherwise there would be very few people still playing it. Most people are already playing CS, DoD, and TFC.

Also if you've already beaten HL 2 SP then you've probably already bought it so who cares?

This is the way that I see things going.

Millions of people buy HL 2. They play it, beat it, play it again, beat it again. Then community mods start to come out and people start playing those.

Around this time TF 2 is realeased, best case scenario it's a $30-35 expansion.

Then Valve releases it's 1st HL 2 expansion (let's call it Opposing Shift), brings hundreds of thousands of people back to HL 2. By now HL 2 probably has atleast one kick ass community mod, and possible a free DoD sequel.

This causes more people to buy HL 2 for the kick ass mods they keep hearing about, plus the SP.

Basically don't worry about HL dying any time soon.

Still, I don't see CS 2 coming for atleast a year after HL 2. I mean they havn't even released CS:CZ or CS on Xbox yet and it's still the most popular MP game out there. So what's the rush?
Also remember, they can always release them bundled later on when sales start to decline.
Valve said there will be a huge suprise for HL2's multiplayer and they also said TF2 has to deal with HL2 majorily and if they release any info about it it will spoil alot of things about HL2 and TF2. This pretty much means TF2 is going to be added in with HL2 and they will eventually make CS2 and DOD2 retail after that...most likely a year or longer. Now everyone was psyched about TF2 and looked forward to it until it was pretty much vaporware. Think about it, HL2 will have multiplayer but it wont be anything that big or special..it will most likely get old after awhile but TF2 will be included with it for everyone else just like TFC was included with HL. Since there is a story about TF2 and HL2 that means TFC had to do something with HL and just watch they said there will be a suprise for HL2's multiplayer and TF2 will be it. It will come with it or be released through steam and maybe eventually go retail like all of the other mods but they will defiantely include the game no doubt. Valve has been very generous to the hl community and in a few months or hopefully sometime this summer they will announce TF2 being included with HL2....just watch and wait. It all makes sense but all of you or most of you just have to keep disagreeing. I know they scraped the quake engine along time ago and started to make a new one for TF2 and they announced it would be its own game going retail, well they most likely changed that idea including it with HL2 because they want the hl community to be happy with half life 2's multiplayer. Where most people will start off playing half life2 when tons of others are playing TF2 online that came with HL2...just like how HL one started off online...then came cs of course. I dont doubt valve one bit and listen....if they say TF2 has to do with HL2 well why the **** would they release it retail by its self...they will of course include it with HL2 for singleplayer action with bots (AI) and multiplay. I mean they did say there is going to be a suprise...what else can it be? Im going to laugh at each and every one of you when its true, and lets say if its not well then valve is kind of dumb in my perspective. I cant believe only like 2 people in this forum agree with me about this.
Valve said there will be a huge suprise for HL2's multiplayer and they also said TF2 has to deal with HL2 majorily and if they release any info about it it will spoil alot of things about HL2 and TF2. This pretty much means TF2 is going to be added in with HL2

Nice going Sherlock, only, no. They said that they wanted to wait for an update on TF2 because it was using Source as well, and they didn't want to let anyone know about Source until Half-life2 got its chance to demo. They didn't say anything more than that: just that they use the same engine. Given that they've ALREADY said that it's a standalone game, given that they've spent years developing it with a separate team, and given that they still reffer to them as separate games, it just isn't likely that TF2 will be a free addon.

I know you desperately want it to be so, but wanting it doesn't magically make it true.

if they say TF2 has to do with HL2 well why the **** would they release it retail by its self..

You didn't listen to what they said. They said that it uses the same engine, and your desperate mind somehow mangled that into "TF2 has to do with HL2!!!" which is barely even intelligible English, much less what Valve has actually said.

I mean, do you understand the meaning of the word "surprise?" For all we know, the surprise could be anything at all: it's not like TF is only mod-type on the planet, and maybe they want to try something new.

Thugenstein isn't much better. Again, he has a imagined theory about how things should be that may or may not bear any relation to how things are. Why would they think that HL2's multiplay couldnt survive without TF2? Why not try something new with it? Or, if HL2 multiplay is dwarfed by TF2, who cares? That's great for them as well!

Well till then I'm thinkin it's pretty stupid to make conclusions. No point in arguing over something that we know absolutely nothing about.

We do know something about it: that they said it was a standalone game. Sure, anything could happen: Valve could be abducted by aliens. But the reality is, they've said its standalone, and that's still the best information we have now.
Lol thug i was meaning you as one of those 2

if they say TF2 has to do with HL2 well why the **** would they release it retail by its self..

You didn't listen to what they said. They said that it uses the same engine, and your desperate mind somehow mangled that into "TF2 has to do with HL2!!!" which is barely even intelligible English, much less what Valve has actually said.

I did leave out a source of information...a friend of mine went to E3 and asked about TF2 and that is what they said. They said they were not going to talk about TF2 because it deals alot with HL2 and if they mention to much about it they will spoil HL2 and TF2. Please forgive me leaving that part out but knowing that it is even more likely for them to release it together. Plus just think about it, accept that im right and your wrong....people will start seeing soon and then soon it will be announced.
Originally posted by tokin
Lol thug i was meaning you as one of those 2.

I knew that... :dozey: :cheese: i meant 3 as in my uhh.... other, FRIEND... who is ,.. thinking the same th.... anyway yeah.
Oh yeah forgot to mention...ok so valve says they are going to suprise us when it comes to multiplayer. Well they all know people have been pissed since TF2 is still not out since what 1999 now? Well that is going to be the suprise, valve is going to include that with HL2 no doubt. I cant believe people dont see what im saying and believe it.....btw im not the only one that believes this.

Also here is a interview or little article that was not posted to long ago, i think august 2002 actually.

When Robin Walker, Yahn Bernier and John Cook -- who are some of the leaders on the development team -- first started going toward the path they wanted to with Team Fortress 2, toward the game that they wanted to make once they'd defined it, it became clear that the Half-Life technology base was going to be pretty limiting. It has been said 'on the record' that there's a new internally-built engine, and TF2 will use that. So rather than showing more old screenshots and stuff that's in development while we're building the new engine, we decided to put it back into the pot and cook it a bit more. We'll start showing it again once it gets to a certain point, and we're now getting there.

That was from planetfortress.com and that was the most recent status of TF2 we have heard, nothing big but letting us know its still in development. Now that quote doesnt hint TF2 being included with HL2 at all but still if you would think about all of this you know this is all making sense.
Originally posted by tokin
Oh yeah forgot to mention...ok so valve says they are going to suprise us when it comes to multiplayer. Well they all know people have been pissed since TF2 is still not out since what 1999 now? Well that is going to be the suprise, valve is going to include that with HL2 no doubt. I cant believe people dont see what im saying and believe it.....btw im not the only one that believes this.

Also here is a interview or little article that was not posted to long ago, i think august 2002 actually.

That was from planetfortress.com and that was the most recent status of TF2 we have heard, nothing big but letting us know its still in development. Now that quote doesnt hint TF2 being included with HL2 at all but still if you would think about all of this you know this is all making sense.

Good stuff. But them saying that TF2 would have something to do with HL2 could simply mean that it only would use it's engine. But i still believe it would come with HL2, if not right away then later. But free n all.
another reason to prove this...here is an interview that is about 2 or almost 3 years old from gamespot...this is just a section of it...

GS: Will it be possible to build mods for Team Fortress 2 right after it launches?

RW: In fact we intend to ship the SDK (software development kit) for Team Fortress 2 before we ship the game. People should be making mods before we release Team Fortress 2, I hope. We should be talking about that sometime soon.

Now they are shipping SDK on ebgames before HL2...now thats alittle sketchy why would they make TF2 retail and HL2 retail and have mods made for both games. That sure in hell doesnt sound right. That would be way to unorganized and they would have to keep up with alot of shit and the games would end up becoming very unorganized. Now if they said HL2 was only single-player then of course TF2 would be retail and mods would be made from that but they have announced HL2 will be multiplayer but they wont say anything about it yet. Now there is only one thing that might make me change my mind. They used all of the money made from HL into HL2 and prolly TF2, now if they used all of it like they said then maybe TF2 will be retail so they can get alot of money for both games and eventually cs2 and dod2 and any other mods becoming retail.
Uh, I don't mean to say that you're wrong or anything, but basing opinions on information that is two or three years old is never the greatest thing. I know that that's the only info we can base statements on, but considering how old it is, how about we just WAIT until we get more information before we speculate. Thank you very much.

--------------------------(it damn well better)
Still just wishful thinking with precisely no evidence. They are related so they MUST be the same game. They both are moddable so they MUST be the same game. I don't see how either of those things prove anything. We're still where we were when we last heard from Valve on this subject: HL2 is a standalone, so is TF2. And nothing said so far even implies that this has changed. If it has, it wont be because you figured it out, it will simply be because they kept it secret until now, and you were still jumping to illegitimate conclusions.
Damn you Apos! *underlines "THREAD STOPS HERE"*
Hm. I guess I'm adding on to this thread myself. Damn my hypocrisy! Damn it to hell! *clubs self with baseball bat*

-Vert (please stop the thread now...)
i asked a few questions to gabe and a few other valve employees. Has anyone ever emailed them? Are they good about responding back?
Gah! Damn you! Thread ends! Oh wait...*beats self with bat again*

Anyway, I strongly doubt they'll respond to you in a way that gives you any real information, if you're asking about TF2. They're like any company -- they'll let out information publicly in press releases, not through private e-mails to random fans.

Sometimes they are, sometimes they're not: it really depends on the question, and if they feel ready to answer it right then and there. Generally, it's not a good idea to bug them about things that they've either said they wont talk about yet (which includes TF2), or is something you'd assume every moron fanboy is mailing in about ("I don't like the way the grenades look! Wahhhh!")
I'm with Apos on this...

Tokin realise this: you don't know shit...none of us does...so sounding as sure as you do saying we're asshats for not seing the "obvious" just make you look dumb...

Uh, I don't mean to say that you're wrong or anything, but basing opinions on information that is two or three years old is never the greatest thing.

well actually the opposite theory is also based on 3 years old info about the game being a standalone... ;)

IMHO I don't think that TF2 will ship with HL2....notice the "think" -part Tokin....you might learn something...

then again as I've said before...it's possible that Valve will do something like RTCW with the multiplayer part...we just don't know...
Well, in that german interview, Valve stated the reason TF2 wasn't publicly revealed (too much, atleast) is that they didn't want to reveal the existance of the source engine until they announced HL2.

TF2 will use the source engine... However probably not as a mod but as a retail product.

And this thread will nev@r d13!!!! Cry vertigo, cry. :cheese:

I don't get it. I've seen no link to anything with Valve saying anything about TF2 other then "we didn't talk about it because it would have revleaed the source engine" or "we'll talk about TF2 later." Any Sierra, Valve, or whatever TF2 sites are years old being put up when TF2 was supposed to be released shortly after HL1 with no updates for years so you really can't point to them as proof of what the game will be like because they are so out of date. From what I have read I don't think there is an answer to the origional question of the post other then:

1) Yes, I think it MIGHT be part of HL2's multiplayer as a free addon or expansion pack.


2) No, I don't think that's a possibility.

In either case it seems like just guessing at this point. However, If anyone would point me to an interview, preview, or press release where some information (that answers the question I mean) other then what i said above is stated by Valve since HL2 was announced, I would apreciate it because I'm not sure why the FAQ that is stickied on the top of this page is so sure about it while several previews on respected sites and magazines are still speculating about this very thing.

Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
Straylight go to the TF2 forum...


First off, you dont know that. And whoever said that is full of shit cuz they dont know either. No one buy the damn company knows why the hell is everyone just bitching about something that they know nothing about. And who gives a **** if it wont ship with it, infact im pretty sure it wont cuz they would want people to play HL2's default multiplayer first, but i dont know fo sho. But just as long as itll come later FREE, as a download.
Thug its not...i emailed gabe and he said TF2 will be retail via steam. So that does suck i wish they would of suprised us with it included....this blows but i bet they might include something else or something i hope....well this fall is going to kick ass...alot of bad ass games are going to be released...mainly HL2. Im going to Maine on June 25th so ill take HL with me up there and beat it again just because i need to...i havnt played it in a few years now. Need to refresh my memory....oh well i just wanna hear an update about TF2 sometime this summer.
Originally posted by tokin
Thug its not...i emailed gabe and he said TF2 will be retail via steam. So that does suck i wish they would of suprised us with it included....this blows but i bet they might include something else or something i hope....well this fall is going to kick ass...alot of bad ass games are going to be released...mainly HL2. Im going to Maine on June 25th so ill take HL with me up there and beat it again just because i need to...i havnt played it in a few years now. Need to refresh my memory....oh well i just wanna hear an update about TF2 sometime this summer.

Dude as much as i like you and all, like i said in the other post in TF2 section, Im having a hard time believing that Valve told you this. Why would Valve tell some fanboy something that hasnt been stated officially to the public. Companies dont just give out inside info to random fans.
well dude most likely he hasnt been asked this by anyone else yet or from the public in an interview so they are just waiting or he isnt making it a big deal. Then again what if he was lying just lying to the public knowing that would get around??? But it makes sense for their market and business so i guess we will here about this sometime this summer. :)
Originally posted by tokin
well dude most likely he hasnt been asked this by anyone else yet or from the public in an interview so they are just waiting or he isnt making it a big deal. Then again what if he was lying just lying to the public knowing that would get around??? But it makes sense for their market and business so i guess we will here about this sometime this summer. :)

Of course he know it would get around. He knew you probably had a big mouth. :cheese: Im sure he lied to you. So you can tell everyone and the debate could stop. I mean asking him about that is just like asking a movie star about their wishes for world peace.
The June PC Gamer HL2 Preview has an orange box called "Secrets and Speculation." In it there is a blurb that says: "Wouldn't it be cool if Team Fortress 2 ended up being Half-Life 2's multiplayer component? Were not saying it's likely... but it sure would make up for the long wait." I can't help but wonder why PC Gamer didn't get a yes or no out of Valve about this but you did (and I know I'm assumeing they asked.)

Originally posted by Straylight
I can't help but wonder why PC Gamer didn't get a yes or no out of Valve about this but you did (and I know I'm assumeing they asked.)

LOL tokin got told. That seriously is an interesting point. Why would a major magazine not get an answer but you would. Sorry tokin but i just dont believe you. :afro: (the fro, oh yes)
Here is the email buddy....i have the real thing from hotmail if someone would like to host the pic...here is the text.

TF 2 will be sold as a stand-alone SKU at retail, over Steam, and i am sure at some point it will get put in the same box as HL-2.

We didn't say anything about TF-2 at E3 because it would have gotten mixed up with the HL-2 stories.

-----Original Message-----
To: [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]
Sent: 5/26/2003 10:32 PM
Subject: 2 quick questions for the valve team

Hello to all of you, i decided to email you all and ask a few
Im not expecting all of them to be asnwered, im just hoping i will get a

email back from one of you regarding atleast one question or just a
statement. I would also like to say i really appreciate what you guys
done for the half life community and I respect all of you, keep up the
great work....your company is above and beyond any other games and
when it comes down to caring and what you guys can deliver to us gamers.

Well here our my questions.

Is Team Fortress 2 going to be included with HL2?
Is Team Fortress 2 going to be its own seperate game and released
steam for charge and/or retail?

Those are the only 2 questions i have. I would also like to confirm

something else i have been hearing. People from E3 have mentioned you
have said you wont release anything on TF2 because it will give away to
about HL2 and TF2 and ruin alot of the suprises.....anyway to clear that
Well thank you, i must be going now and I hope to hear from someone.

-Jonathan Winn
The June PC Gamer HL2 Preview has an orange box called "Secrets and Speculation." In it there is a blurb that says: "Wouldn't it be cool if Team Fortress 2 ended up being Half-Life 2's multiplayer component? Were not saying it's likely... but it sure would make up for the long wait." I can't help but wonder why PC Gamer didn't get a yes or no out of Valve about this but you did (and I know I'm assumeing they asked.)

Gabe told me this in an email but it doesnt really matter what you guys think, im trying to figure stuff out on my own now. Let's see i have this issue, it does mention about top 10 things they know and 10 top they dont know. That was mentioned in there about the multiplayer componet, this can only mean that valve told them no it will be retail but they had nothing else to say so they added that in about TF2 just to make people think. Or valve told them yes but they could get sued if someone mentioned it possibly but i greatly doubt that, i bet they just added it in to make people think about it.
Originally posted by tokin
Here is the email buddy....i have the real thing from hotmail if someone would like to host the pic...here is the text.

Well what he answered could have been totally different. And you could have changed it. :cheese: Also, a pic could easily be modified with photoshop.
omg you have got to be kidding me this is ridiculous, i cant believe you guys. For one i wouldn't make this up for no reason, i do find that weird that he hasn't said that to the public but i swear to god i emailed [email protected] and he replied with that response. I think its really gay you guys dont believe me or atleast some of you but that's fine, we will see the truth when he announces something about TF-2.
I think what is funny about it is that he knows what he is doing with all of this and where he is going. He could be telling me this and telling the truth then when i mention it to people they will think im lying, that is why he maybe hasn't said shit to other companies or in interviews, but lately i havn't read an interview discussing that so maybe that hasn't been asked yet. So he may just be messing with my mind and completely lying to me about it or telling the truth knowing im just some gamer that when i say something no one will believe me because it hasn't been announced. I cant bitch about that though because I mean if some random person brought that up many people may not believe them so I guess that makes sense...oh well btw i have no idea how to use photoshop at all but i would really like to know so i can freaking learn how to make decals and shit, lol.
I didn't mean it as an accusation or anything man. Valve probbly would give you that response if they expected everyone to know from the beining that they would be two seperate games which is perfectly reasonable as TF2 has always been its own game. In this case it might not be "inside information" they are giving to a fan--only the rebuttle of a rumor that they didn't start. There was no hint from Valve that they were ever considering making TF2 HL2's multiplayer so I can see why they wouldn't foresee everyone second-guessing them about this. I just wondered why no one got the story one way or the other if it was so easy.

I think Tokin's right. Besides, it's a fair business judgement on Valve's part. Many people like to play TF2. Now that it is certain to be popular, why not sell it and rake in loads of money? I mean, this isn't some sort of volunteer business you know.

But that's just my opinion, it's entirely up to you to draw your own speculations.
Knowing valve, something still tells me they will release it with HL2...and that is the suprise. Gaming companies can say whatever they want, i dont know why but i have a gut feeling that they will release it with HL2. Im really going to be suprised if they dont, I have no idea why i feel this way and you guys can say whatever you want about it but i still believe they will release TF2 with HL2. If im right you guys can all be my bitches and if im wrong then call me whatever you want...no one will get anything out of this except me proving a point or you guys being right and me completley wrong.
it be cool, but i probly wouldnt keep up with it long, for if i play multiplayer games too much i might end up killing someone.
i hope your joking....anyways valve says there will be a huge suprise for multiplayer and things through the game and if you just think about it TF2 has got to be HL2's big suprise included with it, hopefully bots for single player but also a major online fps that the story has something to do with HL2...now knowing this is true its pretty much to see it either go retail or the suprise being included with HL2. I really cant wait to see....
Originally posted by tokin
i hope your joking....anyways valve says there will be a huge suprise for multiplayer and things through the game and if you just think about it TF2 has got to be HL2's big suprise included with it, hopefully bots for single player but also a major online fps that the story has something to do with HL2...now knowing this is true its pretty much to see it either go retail or the suprise being included with HL2. I really cant wait to see....

Dude I think you need a timeout from HL2 man. Too much feelings for you. Go do something else, get laid or something. I think everyone here needs to simmer down, myself too.