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  1. KiNG

    Most Embarrassing / Strangest moments

    i have so many, i seriously think iv blocked most out. btw great subject spud. :D i was in wrestling and so guy had ring worm and didnt tell anyone, so i end up getting it...on my facial cheek...i had to walk around school for 2 weeks wit that...fuggin gross. man iv had my face turn red...
  2. KiNG

    Men of Valor Singleplayer demo

    is it good? i dont really want it on my comp if it isnt.
  3. KiNG

    The User Name-Google-Image thread.

    make sure your usin the google image search buddy. and type 'king'. iv tried it many times, believe me i didnt want to post pr0n. GOOGLE MADE ME DO IT.
  4. KiNG

    The User Name-Google-Image thread.

    well heres mine, not sure if it appropriate as it does have an animated nipple. if the mods dont like it i guess it will be removed. *** thats the first pic...sigh i was hoping for something cool.
  5. KiNG

    U.S. to take control of space :)

    actually i think the ruskies copied us on the b-29 if i remember the history channel correctly. edit ya i thought he was refering to the terminators too.
  6. KiNG

    U.S. to take control of space :)

    ya america rocks, now if we could find a president that is as great as our country...then maybe the rest of the world would stop bitchin. :P
  7. KiNG

    U.S. to take control of space :)

    heh looks like we own space as well as the world :P just a step towards it anyway.
  8. KiNG

    My eyes have been soiled!

    nice gif. btw dont make a big deal out of this, every child knows what breast are, and if they dont they should :) elf is just giving showing how they should look :P
  9. KiNG

    November 1st! 15days!

    ya what kinda of place do u think this is? an open forum where u can share your opinion? pfft
  10. KiNG

    What ever happened to the Pizza bull****

    didnt go down as planned so he gave the money back.
  11. KiNG

    No instruction manual? What a load of crap.

    not a big deal, only thing its good for is building anticipation on the way home and while installing. oh and valve is all about breaking tradition. once again, a big thing out of nothing.
  12. KiNG

    What's cooler: Samurai's or Ninja's?

    samurai for sure, its an amazing way of life. samurai would win head to head with a ninja if they fought fair, but ninjas have no problem killing people in their sleep or anywwhere besides a battlefield. ninjas are dishounorable and would kill themselves if discovered to save their families honour.
  13. KiNG

    /logout /exit (my goodbye thread)

    see ya, enjoyed your posts.
  14. KiNG

    What do you people do to relieve stress?

    play games, but sometimes that how i get frustrated so i go workout and hit my punchin bag while listening to music.
  15. KiNG

    I Hate Cheaters

    iv seen one, a myg*t. was usin speedhack, i think thats it though.
  16. KiNG

    Are you gay?.....Take the test and find out!

    im 30% gay.
  17. KiNG

    I Am Unbanned

    lol its like he just got out of jail. yay for j00 and hl2
  18. KiNG

    Rates - what should they be? it explains the netcode and rates somewhat, here is my setup. rate 20000 cl_rate 20000 cl_cmdrate 101 cl_updaterate 60 (my avg fps) cl_smooth 0 cl_interp 0.05 fps_max 101...
  19. KiNG

    Half Life 2 multiplayer - Was it always CSS?

    ya when gabe said that a while ago i assumed hl2 had its own. man i hope tf2 wipes the floor with css.
  20. KiNG

    Seriously the hitboxes

    those rates have helped everyone that i know with a fast stable connection. and if one were to look in the thread i provided they would be able to read what rates would be best for thier connection. the rates i provided are definatly not for everyone, i think i hinted at that.