i have so many, i seriously think iv blocked most out. btw great subject spud. :D
i was in wrestling and so guy had ring worm and didnt tell anyone, so i end up getting it...on my facial cheek...i had to walk around school for 2 weeks wit that...fuggin gross.
man iv had my face turn red...
make sure your usin the google image search buddy. and type 'king'. iv tried it many times, believe me i didnt want to post pr0n. GOOGLE MADE ME DO IT.
well heres mine, not sure if it appropriate as it does have an animated nipple. if the mods dont like it i guess it will be removed.
thats the first pic...sigh i was hoping for something cool.
actually i think the ruskies copied us on the b-29 if i remember the history channel correctly.
edit ya i thought he was refering to the terminators too.
heh looks like we own space as well as the world :P
just a step towards it anyway.
nice gif. btw dont make a big deal out of this, every child knows what breast are, and if they dont they should :) elf is just giving showing how they should look :P
not a big deal, only thing its good for is building anticipation on the way home and while installing.
oh and valve is all about breaking tradition.
once again, a big thing out of nothing.
samurai for sure, its an amazing way of life. samurai would win head to head with a ninja if they fought fair, but ninjas have no problem killing people in their sleep or anywwhere besides a battlefield. ninjas are dishounorable and would kill themselves if discovered to save their families honour.
it explains the netcode and rates somewhat, here is my setup.
rate 20000
cl_rate 20000
cl_cmdrate 101
cl_updaterate 60 (my avg fps)
cl_smooth 0
cl_interp 0.05
fps_max 101...
those rates have helped everyone that i know with a fast stable connection. and if one were to look in the thread i provided they would be able to read what rates would be best for thier connection.
the rates i provided are definatly not for everyone, i think i hinted at that.