What do you people do to relieve stress?

Take a couple of magazines, go to the toilet and take a nice long dump...
Sleep, or games
EDIT: you can always try meditating, I hear thats very relaxing
Tell people how much I hate other people, and how I would kill them.
Do something mindless and boring. Like clean my room (that's why it only gets cleaned up very, very late at night... :O). Or sit down and watch my fishies. Or eat. Anything that doesn't require thought, because thinking just reinforces the stress.... "For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
Listen..to...music....or..create..music......or clean the noodles....
Lil' Timmy said:
math debate.
followin me around an pickin on me tonight eh? :P you needed "math debation" or something to rhyme with what i said.

or you could just say that you practice becoming a master debater, or a math debater. say it out loud.
I go for a walk/run if i get pissed off.........as far as i need to go.
Jackal hit said:
followin me around an pickin on me tonight eh? *yadda yadda*
why would i follow you around? i just wanted everyone to know that:

i won a math debate.
hmm. listen to music probably. read a book maybe. go for a jog/exercise.

i've never been stressed enough to want to consume drugs/alcohol to make me feel better, but you never know, sometime down the line it may come to that. but it's best to resolve your stress with a clear head anyway.
Jackal hit said:
because i'm a schizophrenic megalomaniac
keep telling yourself that.. hahah get it? i'm so ****ing funny it's, well.. funny actually.
One of the best stress relievers out there: AC/DC :thumbs:

Also I play Carmageddon 2...that game relieves stress so much.
stress? what's that? :P

I usually read, listen to music, or game. Just like everyone else :)
I kill someone....................it was a joke. When you give me that look its a joke
Read, program (can cause more stress than it relieves tbh), read about programming, watch a movie, and of course, game.
I've just finished gaming for 3 hours. That brings my total up to 6 hours of gaming since I've completed Doom 3. :/ I really need an addictive multiplayer game. CS:S isn't it. Gaming is a normally a great diversion for me. Not anymore it seems.

I also like listening to music (I just bought the new Modest Mouse album off of iTunes). Reading is good, but the last several books I've read have sucked. I also smoke cigars on occasion, but that isn't the healthies thing on the planet (as relaxing as they maybe). :x

Just wanted to see what you guys do when you are stressed out.
And gaming of course.

qckbeam said:
Read, program (can cause more stress than it relieves tbh), read about programming, watch a movie, and of course, game.

Whats this? A Programmer? Impressive.
Sleep works for me, as does taking a good walk and listening to music.

Also, lotsa coffee helps, and cold beverages. Iced coffee preferably.
play games, but sometimes that how i get frustrated so i go workout and hit my punchin bag while listening to music.
Go to the gym. Put up a hood, put on me headphones, bandage my hands.

And don't stop hitting the bastard till your knuckles are bleeding.

going to sleep or playing computer games...violent ones....with guns...
Letters said:
Running, games, music, and stealing things...

you know.. if you download a p2p app, you can do all of those at once!