U.S. to take control of space :)

Oh yea, forgot about that HUGE American Empire that exists.... :P
Of course they would do this. Haven't you heard of those Russian satellites that take pictures of Area 51?

Oh noes...wait..

*tinfoil hat*
ya america rocks, now if we could find a president that is as great as our country...then maybe the rest of the world would stop bitchin. :P
Yeah, we have a great system in our country..just we have bad represenitives.....
But we have great system on how it all works, just gay represenitives.
One day Canada just needs to go to some poor third world country and claim it for they're own. People would be so surprised it would be years before the world would react.
KiNG said:
ya america rocks, now if we could find a president that is as great as our country...then maybe the rest of the world would stop bitchin. :P

Dude, that post was ****ing awesome. You're my new sig.

dart321 said:
One day Canada just needs to go to some poor third world country and claim it for they're own. People would be so surprised it would be years before the world would react.

HAHAHAH! Seriously: If Canada invaded another country, and word reached the UN, everyone would laugh, and say "No, really, what happened?"

*Note: Not a dis on Canada at all. I rather like our furry friends of the north. They're a peaceful people. (With a shitload of guns.)
ooh, can't wait for a sequel to the Cold War!

lets wait for ze russians to make a satellite-jammer jammer.
But they can't even beat a few thousand resistance fighters in Fallujah. Perhaps they should invest money in trying to actually beat rag-tag Arab armies? Creating T-800s equipped with laser guns and such would solve those problems.
Mr-Fusion said:
But they can't even beat a few thousand resistance fighters in Fallujah. Perhaps they should invest money in trying to actually beat rag-tag Arab armies? Creating T-800s equipped with laser guns and such would solve those problems.

If you knew anything about resistance fighting, you'd know what we were up against. These aren't kids running around with bb guns. We're fighting a determined forced armed with Ak-47's and RPG's. Do you know what an RPG is?? It's a device that can fire a projecile at high velocity that detonates on impact. Over half of coalition casualties have been from RPG fire. Sure, they don't have aimpoints, superior squad tactics, or javelin missile systems, but all that goes out the window when some dude leans out of a random window, and puts an RPG into a parked unsuspecting Humvee crew.
Mr-Fusion said:
All the more reason for T-800's.

We don't use Ruskie designs. :cheese: (Except for the B-29, but I won't get into that, mkay?)
I think he meant T-800's as in those terminator machines. Wasn't that what they were called?
actually i think the ruskies copied us on the b-29 if i remember the history channel correctly.

edit ya i thought he was refering to the terminators too.
KiNG said:
actually i think the ruskies copied us on the b-29 if i remember the history channel correctly.

oh you mean the history propaganda channel? :P
KiNG said:
actually i think the ruskies copied us on the b-29 if i remember the history channel correctly.

edit ya i thought he was refering to the terminators too.

A B29 landed in the Soviet Union during World War 2 and the Russian's refused to give it back until they had fully copied the whole design of it.

And space is free for anyone and everyone who can afford to go up there, not just America.
Maybe the US are getting worried about the new EU funded GPS satalites going up with the help of the russians. Surely this satalite could knock out their signal and make any satalite anyone sends up, absolutely useless.
Yes, but they - er, we - started jamming enemy satellite communications, so we have the capability to claim it when it's necessary.

And about our system here in America... the constitution is arguably the greatest document ever written (thats what our civics books say :D ) because it was made to adapt. It can be completely scrapped and changed anew if times require it to, which they DO. Our political system, with two parties that hate each other and disagree just for the sake of it, will never be able to agree enough to change it through amendments or something more drastic, so it won't happen. A closeminded, prejudiced amendment that bans gay marrige is NOT a step forward and it's not what I'm talking about.

Oh yeah, our president sucks too, and today he'll probably be re-elected because the average American is ignorant.

Sorry to everyone else in the world, as soon as we get a decent president things will change. We went from liberator and protector in World War II to belligerent asshole bully in 50 years. GG AMERICA!
Audiophile said:
Yes, but they - er, we - started jamming enemy satellite communications, so we have the capability to claim it when it's necessary.

And about our system here in America... the constitution is arguably the greatest document ever written (thats what our civics books say :D ) because it was made to adapt. It can be completely scrapped and changed anew if times require it to, which they DO. Our political system, with two parties that hate each other and disagree just for the sake of it, will never be able to agree enough to change it through amendments or something more drastic, so it won't happen. A closeminded, prejudiced amendment that bans gay marrige is NOT a step forward and it's not what I'm talking about.

Oh yeah, our president sucks too, and today he'll probably be re-elected because the average American is ignorant.

Sorry to everyone else in the world, as soon as we get a decent president things will change. We went from liberator and protector in World War II to belligerent asshole bully in 50 years. GG AMERICA!
In the 18th century the US constitution was a unicum, it was the first written official document during mankind's years that gave every human being a chance and gaven every human being the freedom he/she deserved. 100 years later, it was still an example to other countries. 100 years after that, it needs a ****ing serious update!
Values changed, and compared to (newer) Western European constitutions (like the ones in Germany/Holland/Belgium) it's less flexible then it should be.
And the US voting system sucks.

And I wouldn't say Americans are more ignorant then f.i. the French.
Most of you guys get a better education anyways.
MadHatter said:
I think he meant T-800's as in those terminator machines. Wasn't that what they were called?

That flew right over my head when he posted it. :(

Razor said:
A B29 landed in the Soviet Union during World War 2 and the Russian's refused to give it back until they had fully copied the whole design of it.

That's not what I'm talking about. If I remember correctly, the B-29's design was based on stolen Russian blueprints.
ferd said:
In the 18th century the US constitution was a unicum, it was the first written official document during mankind's years that gave every human being a chance and gaven every human being the freedom he/she deserved.

In theory.
Tr0n said:
Someone is jealous of america.... :laugh:

So you are saying that black people, indians, homosexuals etc. have always been 100% completely equal with everyone else in America? Is that right?
Spartan said:
So you are saying that black people, indians, homosexuals etc. have always been 100% completely equal with everyone else in America? Is that right?
Where the hell did that come from?I didn't even say anything about equality...Dumbass...
Top Secret said:
That's not what I'm talking about. If I remember correctly, the B-29's design was based on stolen Russian blueprints.

So the Soviets built a bomber, they stole from America, who stole the design from the Soviets :|.
America has no right to 'own' or control space.
Tinneth said:
America has no right to 'own' space.

Okay, America, the UK and Europe shall 'own' space because America, the UK and Europe r t3h hax0rz!!!!11 and space is a n00b.
A space station maybe...or the moon?
Your voting system sucks, you bomb innocent countries and people beacouse of their iol, you murder democratic elected communist leaders, but exept that, US rocks! :)
(Seroiusly, it does)
The_Monkey said:
Your voting system sucks, you bomb innocent countries and people beacouse of their iol, you murder democratic elected communist leaders, but exept that, US rocks! :)
(Seroiusly, it does)
Our goverment...not "us".
Tr0n said:
Bush...not "us".

Bush is just responible for the second one. And I know that you aren't killing communist leaders anymore. But as I said, you rock anyway. :)

Edit: Nice edit. :rolling: