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  1. EVIL

    1.03 patch out

    holy freckles, nice speed
  2. EVIL

    Signature Four Line Limit

  3. EVIL

    Question to the UK people

  4. EVIL

    New PC, but which case?

    teh ugly
  5. EVIL

    New PC, but which case?

    none of them because they prolly suck anyway, and you only picked them because they look cool (I personally think they look like shit)
  6. EVIL

    State of the Site

    I say reboot start over again, sometimes thats the only way to get something fixed, and I personally think its the most effective way on this case since the beginning munro made all the desisions, it was like a prison. moderators who think they are god all chosen by the admin, in this case...
  7. EVIL

    State of the Site

    its true, the website has been degrading, the community is picking sides, some have already done so. I for example feel no connection with the community anymore, reason? leaders, how they are chosen. (maybe its a good idea to vote for moderators, supermods, admins by the community - its a...
  8. EVIL

    Lost Coast - 9/30/05 ?

    thats the level of graphical quality you compare your games with
  9. EVIL

    Northern Polar Ice Cap Disappearing

    "Flying in very high stratus clouds hence the enormous contrail"
  10. EVIL

    Northern Polar Ice Cap Disappearing

    also notice that some are civilian aircraft from japan airlines, and also READ TEH BLOODY TEXT BELOW TEH PICS! there is absolutly nothing wierd about the pics m8! oh wow, colours in teh outtrail, its ice and water m8, you know the mistery thing called RAINBOWS? same thing!
  11. EVIL

    Lost Coast - 9/30/05 ?

    yes, I am sure valve is very sorry they can't keep up with pixar
  12. EVIL


    I have to disagree on the mixing epi 1 and 2 sure it would have felt les repeated, but you wouldn't have seen what really happened with kate. yup, its true you could have mixed those scenes, but it would have felt even more repeated at that time, plus it just isnt how lost is edited, its not...
  13. EVIL

    I am never to go to again... ever...

    I mastrubated...
  14. EVIL


    just saw ep2, damn that was cool! noticed the logo on the shark's tail as it swam by, its actually a bit diffrent from the logo on the supply stuff plus the "others" looked pretty dangerous wait a minute, they arent the "others"? but actually the survivors from the tail section? woah didn't...
  15. EVIL

    OMFG The New Limited Edition case Model for the PS3!

    its so old, that the pic was reconstructed from underneath cave paintings
  16. EVIL

    Will you buy XBOX 360?

    who is conzolez lolz?
  17. EVIL

    Adrian Carmack sacked by id

    Kenneth Scott pwnz Steed
  18. EVIL

    ZOMG! Teh carrots!!

    so you are gay?
  19. EVIL

    Microsofts X-box division down $4 billion

    newsflash: "Microsoft bankrupt, end of world is near"