Incoming Source Weekly Update #3 [09/30/05]
Our third weekly update. It is the last day of the month and we have something special for all of you. No, we will not be showing another environment this week, we are saving those for later. This week we are showing off our models. One of our human Trojan models along with the human arm models.
For the video / audio aspect we have two audios for you.
One is one of our Soundtracks by BT. We have two musicians, Unclebob and BT. Unclebob is heavily underway on plenty of different soundtracks.
BT has finished this one, labeled "Angels Fate".
We also have uploaded our Live Radio interview with Stands at 15mb and is about 20 minutes long. And that is not all! We have an animation preview video for you guys as well showing the official animations for the FN 2000 using our hand models... well... some of the animations, not all.
Direct Links to files:
Soundtrack "Angels Fate" Live Radio Interview
FN Animation Video:
So animations are heavily under way (obviously). Hav0c has rigged the new arm models and has begun animating the official weapons with the official arm models. Over the course of the next few weeks, I think it is safe to say you can expect some in-game footage or at least official ingame screenshots. Stay tuned for next Friday as we have more media for you.
Questions and Answers:
(Q>) Why is Master Chief in your game?
(A>) I'm afraid he's not. If you think our armor looks like Master Chiefs, their is a SLIGHT resemblance, because, well, they are both suits of armor. But if our guy looks like anyone it would resemble the spawn of a hot three-way including an ancient Greek warrior, master chief and a star wars clone trooper. After that steamy session, the love nectar from all of them mixed and formed into our hero.
The Contest
Today also marks the official start date of Incoming Sources first official contest.
The contest will result in three winners, as their are three different categories.
wallpaper / poster:
Create a wallpaper or a poster either using media of ours or creating some of your own, or heck, a combination of both to create the best poster or wallpaper that relates to Incoming Source.
concept art:
Create concept art that takes place in the Incoming universe. Feel free to draw our vehicles, players, weapons, environments. Draw anything ranging from an entire war concept to a vehicle concept.
photo art:
Take a photo that represents an area in our game or that could be seen in an Incoming environment.
Each of these contests are based on both composition and quality.
We are going for realism, nothing cartoony or abstract.
The three winners will have their work included in Incoming Source as well as on the website. They will receive full credit. They also receive a beta testing position that goes up until the official release.
(You must be 18 years or older to enter / or have a parent or guardian willing to vouch.)
Incoming Source wants you!
That is right. Incoming Source is still hiring in select positions.
We are looking for someone that is experienced with the Source SDK as well as a fair amount of C++ knowledge in general. The programmer will be working closely with our other programmers. We have SVN servers set up so they can communicate as well as code "together". We also have various communication programs set up.
We are looking for skilled mappers with knowledge in displacements as well as urban-based maps.
Player Animator:
Someone with advanced knowledge of character movement. Knowing how to rig is a plus but not required.
Concept Artists:
Able to draw and color various types of concepts ranging from weapons to players to vehicles to full out war scenes.
Texture Artists:
Artists that can create map textures for our unique environments. We are a heavily-outdoors-based total conversion, but we do feature urban maps as well.
Progress Update [09/30/05]
-Trojan Player model complete [model / skin]
-Marine Player model complete [model]
-ATV model complete.
-ATV texture 50% complete.
-Steyr-M Pistol completely re-textured.
-Sako TRG-22 Sniper Rifle texture has began.
-Penguin Assault Buggy vehicle has been textured.
-Phantom Fighter Jet UV mesh complete.
-Gladiator Texture nearly complete.
-FNC30 Human Assault Rifle model complete.
-XR8c Human Assault Rifle model complete.
-Arm models re-modeled.
-Arm models re-textured.
-Arm models rigged.
-Official weapon animations have begun.
-Mapping department is mad crazy.
-inm_cera in production.
-inm_strike in production.
-inm_desolate in production.
-inm_tundra in production.
-inm_scale being finalized.
-Prop Models being completed at a rapid rate:
-4 palm Trees (one has little to no animation, the other three have different wind animations).
-2 barrels.
-lamp post.
-stop sign.
-road signs.
-two benches.
-ammo crate.
-Sounds: Music and others being completed:
-Radio commands are nearly complete. Expect a sample soon.
-We have 3 different sets of radio commands, two are done.
-Dropship sounds effects are underway.
-Ambience Sound effects are underway. (beach, cave, and swamp are done).
-Main theme song is underway.
-5 soundtracks completed.
-All weapon sounds are done.
-Interactive Menus added to the Internal Alpha (ala Doom 3 / Dystopia).
-2x Zoom added to the FN 2000 Assault Rifle.
-Heavy PR begins soon. 3 interviews scheduled. Radio interview already recorded and will be uploaded to the site shortly.
-Praz still sucks at his own game.
Well that's it for this week, make sure to come back next week for some more Incoming fun.
Praz out.
Our third weekly update. It is the last day of the month and we have something special for all of you. No, we will not be showing another environment this week, we are saving those for later. This week we are showing off our models. One of our human Trojan models along with the human arm models.
For the video / audio aspect we have two audios for you.
One is one of our Soundtracks by BT. We have two musicians, Unclebob and BT. Unclebob is heavily underway on plenty of different soundtracks.
BT has finished this one, labeled "Angels Fate".
We also have uploaded our Live Radio interview with Stands at 15mb and is about 20 minutes long. And that is not all! We have an animation preview video for you guys as well showing the official animations for the FN 2000 using our hand models... well... some of the animations, not all.

Direct Links to files:
Soundtrack "Angels Fate" Live Radio Interview
FN Animation Video:
So animations are heavily under way (obviously). Hav0c has rigged the new arm models and has begun animating the official weapons with the official arm models. Over the course of the next few weeks, I think it is safe to say you can expect some in-game footage or at least official ingame screenshots. Stay tuned for next Friday as we have more media for you.
Questions and Answers:
(Q>) Why is Master Chief in your game?
(A>) I'm afraid he's not. If you think our armor looks like Master Chiefs, their is a SLIGHT resemblance, because, well, they are both suits of armor. But if our guy looks like anyone it would resemble the spawn of a hot three-way including an ancient Greek warrior, master chief and a star wars clone trooper. After that steamy session, the love nectar from all of them mixed and formed into our hero.
The Contest
Today also marks the official start date of Incoming Sources first official contest.
The contest will result in three winners, as their are three different categories.
wallpaper / poster:
Create a wallpaper or a poster either using media of ours or creating some of your own, or heck, a combination of both to create the best poster or wallpaper that relates to Incoming Source.
concept art:
Create concept art that takes place in the Incoming universe. Feel free to draw our vehicles, players, weapons, environments. Draw anything ranging from an entire war concept to a vehicle concept.
photo art:
Take a photo that represents an area in our game or that could be seen in an Incoming environment.
Each of these contests are based on both composition and quality.
We are going for realism, nothing cartoony or abstract.
The three winners will have their work included in Incoming Source as well as on the website. They will receive full credit. They also receive a beta testing position that goes up until the official release.
(You must be 18 years or older to enter / or have a parent or guardian willing to vouch.)
Incoming Source wants you!
That is right. Incoming Source is still hiring in select positions.
We are looking for someone that is experienced with the Source SDK as well as a fair amount of C++ knowledge in general. The programmer will be working closely with our other programmers. We have SVN servers set up so they can communicate as well as code "together". We also have various communication programs set up.
We are looking for skilled mappers with knowledge in displacements as well as urban-based maps.
Player Animator:
Someone with advanced knowledge of character movement. Knowing how to rig is a plus but not required.
Concept Artists:
Able to draw and color various types of concepts ranging from weapons to players to vehicles to full out war scenes.
Texture Artists:
Artists that can create map textures for our unique environments. We are a heavily-outdoors-based total conversion, but we do feature urban maps as well.
Progress Update [09/30/05]
-Trojan Player model complete [model / skin]
-Marine Player model complete [model]
-ATV model complete.
-ATV texture 50% complete.
-Steyr-M Pistol completely re-textured.
-Sako TRG-22 Sniper Rifle texture has began.
-Penguin Assault Buggy vehicle has been textured.
-Phantom Fighter Jet UV mesh complete.
-Gladiator Texture nearly complete.
-FNC30 Human Assault Rifle model complete.
-XR8c Human Assault Rifle model complete.
-Arm models re-modeled.
-Arm models re-textured.
-Arm models rigged.
-Official weapon animations have begun.
-Mapping department is mad crazy.
-inm_cera in production.
-inm_strike in production.
-inm_desolate in production.
-inm_tundra in production.
-inm_scale being finalized.
-Prop Models being completed at a rapid rate:
-4 palm Trees (one has little to no animation, the other three have different wind animations).
-2 barrels.
-lamp post.
-stop sign.
-road signs.
-two benches.
-ammo crate.
-Sounds: Music and others being completed:
-Radio commands are nearly complete. Expect a sample soon.
-We have 3 different sets of radio commands, two are done.
-Dropship sounds effects are underway.
-Ambience Sound effects are underway. (beach, cave, and swamp are done).
-Main theme song is underway.
-5 soundtracks completed.
-All weapon sounds are done.
-Interactive Menus added to the Internal Alpha (ala Doom 3 / Dystopia).
-2x Zoom added to the FN 2000 Assault Rifle.
-Heavy PR begins soon. 3 interviews scheduled. Radio interview already recorded and will be uploaded to the site shortly.
-Praz still sucks at his own game.
Well that's it for this week, make sure to come back next week for some more Incoming fun.
Praz out.