Search results

  1. EVIL

    Plan of Attack?

    *looks up with a guilty look* ehm, I downloaded it for the world!
  2. EVIL

    EVIL's sketches!

    Whoah, I got replies! *W00t!* I will be adding another batch tomorrow and then reply to every single one of you guys, thanks alot for the nice comment's by the way, I love all you guys! (the man ho that I am) ;)
  3. EVIL

    Worst Game you've ever played.

    Counter Strike (Source included)
  4. EVIL

    dam I am starting to hate Halo

    If this is really such an annoyance to you, and you really can't stand it, then commit suicide. You can't change other peoples oppinions, nog can you change all the threads about halo to reflect your oppinion. LIVE WITH IT DUDE!!!
  5. EVIL

    EVIL's sketches!

    Well, hello there, I happend to be scanning some pages from my sketchbook that I liked, so I thought. "why not poost them here, I havent showed mutch of my art in this place, so why not!" so here they are some random pretty good pages from my black books ENJOY...
  6. EVIL

    PlayStation 5 to Allow Digital Immortality

    ghost in the shell themed sjizz
  7. EVIL

    Finally, Guirella Talk " KILL ZONE 2 IS REAL "

    I know some dudes from Guirella, I'l ask them if its real, can't promise anything tho
  8. EVIL

    Good CPU cooler for Socket 939? .. anyone?

    Hey guys, I am looking for a good CPU air cooler for socket 939 could anyone advise me one?
  9. EVIL

    Nintendo Revolution Fully Unveiled!!!

    anything about its new way of controlling games thing controller yet?
  10. EVIL

    Do I need an expensive floppy drive and modem?

    $7 sony floppydrives will suffer, you really don't need to spend alot on floppydrives, modems are a bit diffrent tho, a good modem will get a more stable connection (good quality cables and connectors to) but these days, you can get modems for not alot of money, they almost give them away on...
  11. EVIL

    Photos of E3's building

    OMG I WANT THOSE STAIRS!@!!! copy paste
  12. EVIL

    Time Mag info on Halo3!

    Because halo got delayed because they had to do some recoding for the box and when it got out for the box it was cool, but its still a fps, and they are always alot better on a pc, plus when it got out on the pc it was outdated!
  13. EVIL

    HOLY SH!T !! Operation Flashpoint 2 SCREENS !! look at this dude, he looks like a friggin puppet, look at those eyes, god AWFULL!! I'l rather have BATTLEFIELD² to, alot more based on the "fun"
  14. EVIL

    Time Mag info on Halo3!

    HALO would have become an awsome series if MS wouldnt have bought out bungie and made it an xbox exclusive title, look how long us poor pc gamers have to wait to get our hands on halo 2 , not forget how long it will take for halo 3 nah MS have ****ed it up imo
  15. EVIL

    Nintendo official site reveals Details about the Revolution

    a quick 3 second search on google would have gave you the yes answer "Designed for the PlayStation 3, Sony, Toshiba and IBM's new Cell processor"
  16. EVIL

    I just can't figure this out!?

    they where all very short clips, but from all the shown games, Gears of war screamed the most next gen to me.
  17. EVIL

    Next Gen Console Poll

    PS3, really interested in the CELL tech, and how powerfull it will really be.
  18. EVIL

    Fake Nintendo Revolution Video Makes Me Cry!

    Hehe yeah just watched it, and the castle level copied a bilion times was a reall good way to demonstrate the power of such a machine. Wished it was true, then that would have been the first console bought by me after the snes (wich is still hooked up to my tv for some retro fun)
  19. EVIL

    PGR3 first screen

    You really have to wait untill they are both out and test each of them yourself to really decide wich one is better. Power wise, I am guessing PS3 because of CELL, cuz that is one sweet piece of hardware I might say. :)
  20. EVIL

    Test Drive Unlimited Xbox 360 Screens and Video

    I am guessing they havent put crashing in it yet, its still a Work in progress. Better to leave it out, then showing of your car unscratched after a huge crash with a truck or so, because that would have looked stupid.