HOLY SH!T !! Operation Flashpoint 2 SCREENS !!


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score



HOLY SHIT! That looks awesome!

It will blow BF2 out of the water...

But, which war is it this time? :o
The character models look like toy soldiers. Granted, its a lot better than I could do but they still don't look the greatest.
Spot the difference...



One of these is a badly modelled plasticine character, and the other is Morph.
No, that's fair enough. The environments look good, but if those characters are animated nearly half as badly as they are modelled it would crush any sense of realism.
Battlefield 2 models:




Those look better to me. :thumbs:
Single player Operation Flashpoint >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Multiplayer Battlefield 2
Actually, to me it just looks like its very early in production. If they can make it fun then it'll be awesome.
People enjoyed flashpoint and its expansions because of the gameplay. Granted battlefield 2 graphics are way ahead, but its more first person shooter than soldier sim.

If you want to shit your pants, and feel completely vulnerable - play operation flashpoint 1/GOTY etc. If those ancient graphics can stir emotions like that in me, then they do their job and dont really need much refinement. If OP:F2 doesnt leap forward in graphics i doubt it will upset the huge community thats grown around it.

Both games please people in different ways, BF2 obviously exciting and cinematic - whereas OP:F has its own qualities so dont go comparing them you tits.
Jesus, you guys never played Flashpoint did you?

The animations for the original games was the best, soldier-like and most realistic I've ever seen, even though the models weren't the best.

I think the models look decent,but it doesn't matter.. If it's anything like the old game, this is going to rule.
the one picture of a building looks like it has been taken straight out of avalon in op flashpoint 1!!!
oh and the models are disappointing
Zerimski said:
Spot the difference...



One of these is a badly modelled plasticine character, and the other is Morph.

LMAO!! oh great, i shoulda checked this post _before_ I got a cuppa :p
i just dont care about the graphics , OFP gameplay was\still one of the best !
i just love this game , i got all the exp packs !
What about porting the models over from Battlefield 2! now we're all happy :p

Edit: lol TDE.. those morph guys we're class :laugh:
Eh some of these pics are from the XBOX version of OFP. NOT OFP 2. The first pics are from OFP 2.
I hate gfx whores that base opinions on screenshots.

Hopefully OF2 can live up to the high expectations the first one set. I love sand box type games and if the second one is anything like the first, we'll be in for a treat. They could keep the same models and textures from the first one and I'd still be excited about this game.

This is PC only right?
Judging from the camo pattern and the RIS system on the M16, it's gonna take place today :) good.
Can't wait for this. The mission editor of the first was so great, the life span of OFP1 for me at least has been like 4 years, still played it the other day :)
Fishlore said:
I hate gfx whores that base opinions on screenshots.

Where, in any of my posts, did I state that the game itself would be bad? In fact, the only thing you can base an opinion on from screens is the graphics, so what else am I supposed to assess? You cannot make the assumption that the gameplay will be good, based purely on the screenshots. If you do, you are no better than someone who says it will be poor, based on screenshots. Also, you cannot make the assumption that the gameplay will be good because it's the sequel to a great game. Countless sequels have proved that not to be the case.

I enjoyed what I played of OFP, and I hope that the sequel will maintain the great gameplay. However, that doesn't stop the models looking shockingly bad.
"...the scale of enemy in sight is far beyond their previous soldier sims, encompassing vast areas and hordes of troops and vehicles"

"Set in the near future a fictional war breaks out between the US and USSR..."

Goes on to say it'll be a 30 mission campaign over england, Alpine germany and the lowland Czech Republic. The opening mission sees you attempting to take the beach at plymouth :D. Each area is a massive 10km by 10km.

Craters can be formed and used as cover. Artillery etc. Exciting :)

Edit: whaidaminut! is this is another game again?!
Edit II: yes, yes it is. a completely different game. oh well ;(
I hope the control interface is a bit less clunky feeling than last time.

The previous one didn't look great because it used Voxels, right? Rather than opting for true 3D-ness.
Enemy in sight is afaik the XBOX version of ofp1.
The screenshots seem to come from a very early alpha. Those character models are laughable. I hope they work on those ....
OFP's graphics were crappy when it came out, and it became the best realistic FPS out there.

OFP's graphics look good, ergo, it will become the best realistic FPS out there.
The models do look rather goofy, hopefully things will improve since this game isn't slated until 2006, the year UE3 will be starting to emerge.
NikolaX said:
this game is not about gfx at all//

EXACTLY anyone that has played this game knows its not about the graphics its all about the gameplay so as long as they carry over the great gameplay from the original I will be more than pleased, cause Ill have semi realism from this game and then the arcade type fun from BF2.