This is from personal experience, most of you have probably read the "Ode to the nice guys" article:
Well there was something that the author must have never quite experienced. You see when you are the nice guy to a girl who doesn't know...
It has yet to be peer reviewed so this may not lead anywhere but if it is all true then this is BIG news.
NASA has considered trying to actively disprove conspiracy theorists but decided it would do more harm than good:
They did land, and in a decade it will most likely be confirmed.
Overhyped to insane levels. In a few years it will become a standard but the fact is that every TV that works now will still work perfectly fine with HD programming then.
They look nice but they simply aren't worth the money if you aren't willing to spend for a home theater setup. They aren't...
I hate resurecting old threads but this really didn't need a new thread of it's own:
It's a proper scientific paper detailing the physics. This is really only meant for the hardcore here since it includes a lot of very...
At least depending on how we end up defining a planet since there is no real definition of one yet. Right now an object larger than pluto has been found orbiting within the solar system further out that pluto.
We may end up with 8...
The telegram has now officially passed into history.,70147-0.html?tw=wn_index_8
Last week, the last 10 telegrams included birthday wishes, condolences on the death of a loved one, notification of an emergency and several people trying to be the last to...
"Think unsexy thoughts Think unsexy thoughts Think unsexy thoughts Think unsexy thoughts"
Seriously though, tell him to take cold showers whenever he feels... In heat.
It's about damn time. As a PVP-RP player this is even more welcome since it just makes the world that much more interesting. Finally wandering around will seem much cooler.
I just hope the weather is more complicated than: "Snowfall every other hour here, rainfall at 12:00 here every day."...
Actually there are asexuals. It doesn't mean they havn't gotten laid yet, it means they actually don't have any sexual interests or desires whatsoever.
I wish I was one of them too, it would make life much less stressful.
Probably not legal but I am interested. Although I will definitely be doing research into this. Last thing I want to do is screw something up with my computer and/or account.
This reminds me of when I had a rabbit. We used to try and put a leash on him to see if we could take him for a walk but he hated it so much he always ripped it off, hide under something and start growling at us until he calmed down.
I had totally forgot about it but there actually is a demo:
It also turns our there is a Gothic 1 demo to download which I never knew about...