I know what you mean. Everytime I've tried to get into modelling and games design, I start a tutorial and think, wow I'm doing so much better this time! And then it gets to a bit which just tells you to do something, and you have no clue what it's on about and then I just give up again lol. Was...
I know what you mean. I'm obviously very interested in this game and am going to buy it no matter what, but there has been something very odd which I haven't been able to put my finger on. I know something is wrong but I just can't express it or say what it is. Something with the movement maybe...
Damn straight, how are you meant to do your 1337zor str4f3 bunnYz0rh0pp1ng without a keyboard?! Madness!
Multiplayer is defintely a very important aspect in my gaming life. I like computer games which have the option of multiplayer, but have a deep and involving single player storyline as...
Well spank my ass, I have 5! And I have no idea what they are, lets check!
Hmm, one was about Thugenstein and the others were sent to me by mistake lol.
I played the demo, and was quite impressed, but I'm not sure i'll be buying it, even with the positive feedback. There a are lot of other games I'm saving my money for.
I think they look fine, perhaps a little overdone. But if you're playing at 2am in the morning, with the lights off and you're walking down a dimly lit corridor with one of them in it, I think you'd change your mind.
Obviously they look silly just looking at them in a still picture, because...
midget pr0n r0xx0rZ joo!!111!!!oenoen1!!e1!kkthxplzdieirl. Sorry I couldn't resist
Well I haven't played Doom3, and I don't know what kind of physics and so forth they are planning for it, so I can't really compare the two since I've only played one.
I'm not so sure about the anomalies being that fantastic. I remember reading somewhere that some guy who had been playing ages was running anyway from a huge monster and he just ran smack straight into one and died.
Sure they're a good idea, but they're randomly placed. You don't exactly have...
The same thing has happened to me SilentKilla, though I doubt anyone remembers me, and I didn't get an automated e-mail, I just decided to check out what was going on. I remember your signature like CB said, and also you were having a stab with 3dsmax weren't you? You modelled a smoke grenade...
Well I'm a big fan of post-apocolyptica, and Stalker is high of my list of next generation shooters. Halo was a big disappointment for me. It wasn't that fun for me, but I guess we all have our likes. Thus I'm not really interested in Halo 2.
I got the Stalker 300mb E3 Video as soon as I saw...
When I was making a character for the online roleplaying guild I'm part of in Ultima Online, I couldn't think of a name, and the leader told me he had a character called Azuul, so I grabbed it, inserted 'L' between the 'A and the 'Z' and replaced the first 'U' with an 'X'. Voila!
There's also something screwed with my size of the picture on my monitor, there's a slight deformation in the way it bends, and when I up the resolution this increases and it looks horrible. Also I'm scared to leave the security of my precious 1024x768 :p. Someone told me there was a piece of...