Any games you are looking more forward to than HL2?


Jul 1, 2004
Reaction score
Shot me, but im looking more forward to Brothers in Arms for PC.

Half-Life 2 in secound place :)

What about you guys?
No, not really. There are several games (BiA among others) that are very high on my play-before-I-die list, but HL2 is undisputed #1.
Rome: Total War possibly. Its about equal though.
Project Gotham Racing 3 on the Xenon (or whatever the Xbox2's real name will be)

...and Unreal 3 - simply because it's next generation and I like shiny new stuff.
Some_God said:
Brothers in Arms... *creams pants*

did you watch the 14 minute video from e3? wasnt the ceo of the game company annoying as hell? I wanted to yell at him "shaddup already"

but ya the game looked good, although a little simplistic.
the brotherhood game did nothing for me. Not even a sparkle in my eyes...
Yeah they talked too much in that vid... wanted to see Brothers in Arms... *creams pants*
Nope. HL2 is number one here, but thats only because there will never be a FS3 or TA2.
HL2 is #1 for me, but DOOM3 and STALKER are a close second!
Nope...but LotR:BFME and D3 are a close second and third. :E
Medal Of Honor Pacific assualt
Brothers in arms (maybe...btw isnt BiA xbox only?)

Doom3 (I'll wait for reviews and even if it scores a 10 out of 10 I'll still weigh my options..***n and gun isnt too appealing)

Brothers in Arms (and no it's going to be out for PC too :p )
Halo 2
Doom III
GTA: San Andreas (if it'll be out for PC)
Hmm, not sure whether they are above Half-Life 2 on my list of games wanted, but Stalker and World Of Warcraft are defintely up there.
CptStern said:
Doom3... run and gun isnt too appealing

It's not supposed to be run and gun for Doom 3. They wanted to slow things down, and in fact the FPS is capped at about 60 frames a second.

If I buy Doom 3, I just hope I have enough money to buy the Collectors Edition of HL2...
dangerousdarrin said:
It's not supposed to be run and gun for Doom 3. They wanted to slow things down, and in fact the FPS is capped at about 60 frames a second.

If I buy Doom 3, I just hope I have enough money to buy the Collectors Edition of HL2...

same sort of idea...blast everything you see. I could be wrong...I'll make my judgement when it comes out
HL2 is number 1 by far, but BIA arms looks really good, Full Spectrum Warrior mixed with Red Orchestra.
Doom 3 looks like crap to me, the enemies die so quickly. I don't see it being too scary if the enemies all die in under 3 shots.
HL2 is easily #1 for me
Doom 3
Metroid Prime 2
Resident Evil 4
New Zelda
Halo 2(just so i can play it at friends)
Half Life 2
Medal of Honor:Pacific Assault
Doom III
Brothers in Arms

damn there was a lot more, can't think.
3 Games at the moment:

Half-Life 2
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth
there are OTHER games :O.

j/k, im looking forwards to BiA as well, and a few others like d3, but hl2 is still at the top spot. its gonna be great :D.

semisonic - secret smile
1) Doom 3
2) Half-Life 2
3) Rome Total War
4) Stalker
5) Fear

Right now I am more hyped for Doom 3 than Half-Life 2. :O
Foxtrot said:
Doom 3 looks like crap to me, the enemies die so quickly. I don't see it being too scary if the enemies all die in under 3 shots.

Uh, what? Was that a joke or are you serious? Where do you get this information on how long the enemies (most of which haven't even been seen in screenshots, let alone video) take to die?

Seriously...that has gotta be the most ridiculous thing I've heard on this board, and that's really saying something.
#1 DOOM 3
#2 DOOM 3
#3 DOOM 3
#4 Half Life 2
#5 DOOM 3
#6 Brother in Arms
#7 Rome Total War
#8 DOOM 3
#9 Sims 2
#10 DOOM 3

Foxtrot said:
Doom 3 looks like crap to me, the enemies die so quickly. I don't see it being too scary if the enemies all die in under 3 shots.
That's ridiculous, you played the game??
1. Halo 2
2. Fable
3. MGS3
4. Rome: Total War
4. HL2
5. Dungeon Siege 2 (eh...just wanted a number 5 spot..and this looks cool - hopefully ranged levels actually do something this time)
BirdMan said:
#1 DOOM 3
#2 DOOM 3
#3 DOOM 3
#4 Half Life 2
#5 DOOM 3
#6 Brother in Arms
#7 Rome Total War
#8 DOOM 3
#9 Sims 2
#10 DOOM 3

That's ridiculous, you played the game??

I have a feeling you like doom 3. Is that a correct assumption? :rolling:
None more than HL2 but just as much:

1) Brother-In-Arms (by the way, PC and XBox only - no PS2)
2) Doom III
3) S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
4) F.E.A.R.
5) MOH: Pacific Assault
6) Call of Duty: United Offensive
7) Close Combat: First to Fight
8) Star Wars: Republic Commando
Soundwave said:
Uh, what? Was that a joke or are you serious? Where do you get this information on how long the enemies (most of which haven't even been seen in screenshots, let alone video) take to die?

Seriously...that has gotta be the most ridiculous thing I've heard on this board, and that's really saying something.
The trailer.
Which one, the XBox trailer? The one that shows a grand total of what, 4 different enemies taking damage/being killed? Not to mention the lowest tier enemies in the game. How does that equate to ALL the enemies taking 1-2 shots?

Looks to me like you saw the zombies and imps being killed by shotgun blasts and through some twisted thought process decided that it was like that for every enemy.
Rome: Total War
Pro Evolution Soccer 4
Mario Tennis
New Zelda

There are a few more I'm looking forward to more than HL2 as well.