I did that once. Except it was on someone's parade trousers when just before we had an incredibly long, end of exercise parade. Was absoloutely hilarious, his legs were red raw. It defintely works :cool:
Yup Arcanum was quite fun, you just gave me the thought of playing it again :cool: Anyway, I loved Fallout and Fallout2. I replayed through them numerous times and could probably do so now. I bet there are places and quests I haven't even done in the game since it's so big! It's a shame that...
Well when I played the demo, I didn't think it was that great, but it was enjoyable and I think the people who were badmouthing it weren't perhaps justified. I don't know, I guess it's a matter of opinion. I would go out and buy it but I don't really have the cash so I guess i'll just have to...
You know that incident reminded me of that little quiz in Jagged Alliance 2 to make your own character. It went something along the lines of,
'You are awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of someone breaking into your house, do you,
a) take the phone, hide under the bed and call...
Well since this was meant to be a console only game, obviously it was going to be disappointing even if it is from the Fallout Universe. Lets just cross our fingers and pray for Fallout 3.
Ugh, Breakthrough was horrible. Short, boring, no room for personal play just all scripted sequences. MoH has fallen from its pinnacle, anything but Breakthrough :p
Umm... back onto the topic... *moves tenatively* I think this 'new' AA is great. Although I'm not sure I understand this Honour system. My honour doesn't seem let me play at 18 C (etc.,) classes on SF Maps even though I've completed SF training, however apart from that its great!
It's called that because that's what it says in the credits :p.
Also surely the Latin should be Deus E Machina. 'e' only becomes 'ex' when the following word is the vowel so you don't get two vowels together. But then again if it is taken from that Greek phrases then I guess they want ex like...
Aye, it took me a few tries, but I managed to do it in about 30 minutes. Take it slow and look for alternate routes. You can usually make it under their noses you just need to be very slow and careful, and tap forward lightly so you can move without noise. Anyone who hasn't finished it, you'll...