Equilibrium \o/


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
The gun battles in Equilibrium are amazing.

Think 'the way the Matrix gun fights should have been' Honestly, they're fooking excellent (not a bad story either ........ altho far from inspired I found the movie very entertaining)

But the best bit :) is ......... the concept and execution of 'gun kata', probably the coolest idea in the world http://www.freewebs.com/equilibrium-movie/gunkata.htm
bah humbug :P

I'll make it to combine soon - then we'll see who the biggest nerd is :)
Havn't seen it, but it is on my Netflix cookoo
I acctually watched this more than once. And I hardly watch a film more than once
Bought the DVD, not letting this little gem get away from me. It's a classic.
Someone told me the guy from Equilibrium should have been Neo, havn't seen it myself though.
Equilibrium = good

I also recommend Cypher for those who haven't seen it.
Cypher isn't out here yet, but it sounds good.

Equilibrium is pretty hokey stuff, but enjoyable nevertheless and certainly less po-faced than the matrix films. Christian Bale is down to play Batman in the next movie (Batman year one), which should be much much darker than the other films (I think the guy who directed requiem for a dream is helming, but I might be wrong).

It was good to see Taye Diggs again. If you haven't seem him before check out Way of the Gun, which is a top film starring, Benecio del Toro, James Caan, Ryan Philipe (but don't let that put you off).
I thought Equilibrium was great, don't know why it was such a flop on the big screen!
I don't know what exactly I love about that movie, besides the fact that it's so cool. I mean the first scene in the dark .. I was like "oh shit".

The ending was a bit cheesy, but by that time I didn't care.
I agree LoneDeranger, the movie is just damn cool, reagrdless of its faults :)


The way he flicks a rifle from the floor, over his shoulder, using only his feet, while in mid run, just to catch it and off the bad dudes is the coolest thing i've ever seen :)

oh oh :) - and the bit where he gets caught with the dog and is surrounded by bad dudes OMG \o/ (well worth watching in slow motion)

Top stuff :D
Originally posted by Alzxul
I thought Equilibrium was great, don't know why it was such a flop on the big screen!
Equilibrium wasnt even widely released though. I heard a lot about it while it was in theaters, but couldn't find it playing anywhere.
Originally posted by Warbie
bah humbug :P

I'll make it to combine soon - then we'll see who the biggest nerd is :)

I was tired and didn't make a valid post.

Thenerdguy's avatar, look at it.
I wanna learn Gun-Kata.Sounds like a bad ass martial arts.
Yeah, I like this movie, I watched it three times on DVD. I am waiting to see it again on TV.
Nah, thenerdguy, you opened my eyes to this movie. It was good, parts of it were too stupid tho.
I decided to watch the movie for cultural enrichment reasons. Because everywhere I went I was hearing "grammaton cleric" and I had no clue what they were talking about.
i liked how most of the movie was a dramatic and sad.. like what matrix shoulda been eh
^Yeh. The after the original (which I love :) ) The Matrix series went stright down the crapper :/ The Animatrix is great tho \o/