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  1. Cleric


    as far as i can see she just acts like most girls in the world "oh no baddie!! please come an help me!!" with any luck during the parts you have to protect her she will just cower behind a box somewhere an cry a bit untill the fighting is done and not run around in you line of fire!!!
  2. Cleric

    splintering wood

    from what i can tell the wood in HL2 is going to be some of the most realistic wood ever made in a game, there are still loads of games out there that have wooden objects that cannot be destroyed!!! an there are people in here moaning about "oh well will it splinter like it should in real life"...
  3. Cleric

    Which box would you buy?

    anyone who pre-ordered it will blatently be getting alyx as no one wants a box with that slapper on the front...
  4. Cleric

    Physics Question

    do you recon it will have a catapult effect?? like if you put a plank of wood over a barrel with a box on the end an then you jump on the other end will the box go flying off??
  5. Cleric

    I want a big gun!!!

    Do any of you remember the final gun from Unreal 2? at first i was amased by it an going wow!!! Then about 2 mins later it started to piss me off as all tactics were lost from the game and you only had to shoot it vaguely close to a baddie and it killed him!!! Big weapons are great but...
  6. Cleric


    The thing is people will pay for a great game that will last, i mean Doom 3 will look good an probably be good but once its finished most people will just forget it and go back to half life 2, once you finish HL2 you mod it, play it online, play online mods, play single player mods!!! you pay...
  7. Cleric

    Which box would you buy?

    if you look at the boxes on the side of the silver one it has pictures of all 3 people!! the others just say half life 2, so it has all 3 pictures and a stylee silver front...
  8. Cleric

    What Mods are you looking forward to?

    I would like to see a MMORPG that is realistic, if you dont like a player you can jus walk up behind him and shoot him in the head or something an the other players can sort you out, not one like "oh no you cant shoot people like that it spoils the fun!!!".
  9. Cleric

    HL2 Special/gold edition?

    Has anyone heard if there will be a gold or special edition of HL2 being released at the same time as the normal one? and if there is what will it have in it?? :bounce:
  10. Cleric

    Hot Chick Who Likes Half-Life Inside

    i am just starting to find it funny that the longest thread on this forum at the moment is based around a half naked girl and a HL2 symbol, this is not a bad thing but it just shows that without any new news about HL2 out there we are running out of stuff to talk about!!!! If this means more...
  11. Cleric

    Hot Chick Who Likes Half-Life Inside

    BONE!!! nuff said :afro:
  12. Cleric

    How it would be when....

    that would be amasing, with all the new physics and everything, the only problem is that HL was a massive game!! it would take an extreamly long time to do it...
  13. Cleric

    Who will not play the single player and just multi?

    When it comes outsingle player will be first but will probably do multiplayer after a while as im moving in with 3 of my mates soon so will have 4 way LAN action!!! but still the SP will make me buy the game but the multiplayer will help it last as long as the first game...
  14. Cleric

    HL2 NOT on the Xbox

    this is probably a good thing, it means they wont take anyone off the PC team to help develop the X-box version...
  15. Cleric

    Hot Chick Who Likes Half-Life Inside

    just coz she has nice breasts doesn't mean shes a slut, usually it just means more blokes stare an ask her out so she is dubbed a slut...
  16. Cleric

    Hot Chick Who Likes Half-Life Inside

    if valve used the idea of half naked girls advertising games it would sell millions!! (more than it already will) immagine if they did the new duke with the graphics of HL2 Duke an his chicks would have never looked so good...
  17. Cleric

    Will Half Life 2 end up using the Havok 2's partial ragdoll effect? (AMAZING video)

    well the only way we will find out is by going upto corpses in the game an kicking the crap out of them, which i usually do anyway!! :cheese:
  18. Cleric

    New Theory..City 17 is inspired from...

    not quite sure if its a perfect match but it is very close, thing is alot of citys in europe look very similar so not much point in guessing!!
  19. Cleric

    Hot Chick Who Likes Half-Life Inside

    i need to get myself one of those!!!
  20. Cleric

    weapons wishes

    what about the crossbow!!! i mean seriously!! shooting someone and going up to find where the bolt hit an stuff, it would be cool!!!