HL2 NOT on the Xbox

this is probably a good thing, it means they wont take anyone off the PC team to help develop the X-box version...
I agree, big dissapointment to Xbox fans, but then again it will probably result in a better overall game.
hl2 is probly like 95% done now anyways...
Microsoft screws us over with Halo, and StarCraft Ghost. So we screw them back with HL2. I love it.

*:laugh: evil laugh:laugh:*

EDIT: whoops, forgot to add something in my original post. "but a few months after"
maybe gabe was thinking the same thing...

'Right ya b*stard... you dont release halo.... Im gonna screw you over with HL2!!! REVENGE!!'
YES! Screw them for Halo!! I have nothing against XBOX but they did screw us on HALO so this is what they get, VALVe dont release it for XBOX!
nasty deathrow prisoner look* "Its payback time billy boy"
YES! Screw them for Halo!! I have nothing against XBOX but they did screw us on HALO so this is what they get, VALVe dont release it for XBOX!
hehe :laugh:
Can't help it, but somehow I take it as a positive thing ^^

as an avid PC AND Xbox owner, i'll fight agianst u guys.

Why do you think that wokring on an Xbox version takes away from the PC dev team? the xbox uses DirectX, it's vid card is based off the the nVidia GeForce 3 series, there's not much diffenrt....

How do you say that Microsoft screwed you over with StarCraft Ghost? Microsoft doesnt own any of Blizzard, Blizzard decided to do that on its own. and SC:G is coming out on PS2 and GCN.

And the Xbox version might jsut be pushed back a bit to intergrate Xbox LIVE or soemthing...
I'd rather Valve did release Hl2 for the Xbox as it would mean more cash to plough into hl3. However I do think they should make the Xbox version inferior in some way, perhaps it should randomly insult the player every 10 minutes.

"Yeah, open that door you f***ing microsoft slave"

"You got killed by a grunt. Man you really suck, you c**t"

"Missed again. Buy a PC and play with a mouse instead"
Xbox can eat my ass.:afro:
And i think they will get PLENTY of cash from hl2
That's really too bad for M$, HL2 would've been a key title to sell more xboxes.
Originally posted by derby
I'd rather Valve did release Hl2 for the Xbox as it would mean more cash to plough into hl3. However I do think they should make the Xbox version inferior in some way, perhaps it should randomly insult the player every 10 minutes.

"Yeah, open that door you f***ing microsoft slave"

"You got killed by a grunt. Man you really suck, you c**t"

"Missed again. Buy a PC and play with a mouse instead"

that made me laugh so hard :E
Originally posted by derby
I'd rather Valve did release Hl2 for the Xbox as it would mean more cash to plough into hl3. However I do think they should make the Xbox version inferior in some way, perhaps it should randomly insult the player every 10 minutes.

"Yeah, open that door you f***ing microsoft slave"

"You got killed by a grunt. Man you really suck, you c**t"

"Missed again. Buy a PC and play with a mouse instead"

:laugh: :cheers:

keep em comin!
I bought an xbox, thats reason enough.
then they dont release any games, the ones that are released suck ass.
in almost 2 years, the only decent game is halo... and I played that to death before I even got an xbox.
xbox is no bueno, PS2 all the way, actually my computer and then ps2 :cheers:
lets not start a console war right now...
Xbox has plenty of good games.
FPS: Halo, RtCW, SoFII, MoH:F, etc.
it has Morrowind, and thats one of the best RPGs ever.
It hasd plenty of Racing games.
and more.

Why do you hate Microsoft? Without Windows, we'd still be in the dark age of gaming. (god DOS was a pain in the arse.) They fund plenty of companies that make good games, PC and console.
Sorry but if your gonna start ranting about Microsoft, you'll have to rant about 80% of the other corporations in the world. Most corps have bad business practises - only Microsofts come to light because they are a large, well known company.

I'm not condoning what they do, I just get annoyed when 'badasses' write Scr3w M$ on their pencil cases.

If you cant tell, I own an Xbox. Never in a million years would I give it up for a PS2 or a Gamecube. If you gave me a shithot looking Alienware comp, thats a different matter!
I'm more about games than what the games are played on. It's expensive to think that way, but hey, I don't like to miss a great game.

My PC, on the other hand, is a totally different story. :P It's all about the upgrading.
When the ystart churning out good games for Linux, the world will be a better place.

... wait a minute ...:hmph:
Something that nobody has mentioned yet is that this news means Bill Gates won't be getting even richer from the glory that is HL2! :cheers:
Why do you hate bill gates? is it becase he's rich? he does run a sucsessful business.....
Originally posted by derby
I'd rather Valve did release Hl2 for the Xbox as it would mean more cash to plough into hl3. However I do think they should make the Xbox version inferior in some way, perhaps it should randomly insult the player every 10 minutes.

"Yeah, open that door you f***ing microsoft slave"

"You got killed by a grunt. Man you really suck, you c**t"

"Missed again. Buy a PC and play with a mouse instead"

That would be pretty funny. Perhaps more about being Microsoft's bitch would really infuriate them.

Edit: The problem i have with Microsoft is that they have for all intensive purposes become a monopoly. Sure theres alternatives but they just cant compete with the super corporation.
You say that without windows we would still be in the dark ages, but imagine if there had been a little more competition.
Not only would we have left the dark ages, but stuff like XP the spyware OS wouldn't exist. There would be far superior OS's which would have to have less bugs and annoyances in them simply because no company would dare do stuff like that because their rivals would capitalise completely.
Its obvious that windows could be improved on loads but Microsoft have no reason to release all the greatest stuff at once when it would be far more profitable to do it over a few years.
I agree entirely with Farrowlesparrow. Microsoft is simply the perfect example of a monopoly. They have almost no competition, as a result their products suffer, they can charge almost any price they want, and no one can do anything about it. Switch to Linux and you wont be able to use ALOT of software (Although that is changing) Switch to Macintosh and you lose even more software and almost every major PC game.
Microsoft is a tax cheat. It makes billions in profits but doesn't pay a cent in taxes.

Is it fair that the average person who works their asses off everyday to make just $30k a year and has to pay plenty of taxes while companies like Microsoft makes billions in profits and pays no taxes? M$ is no better than Enron.

They might provide a valuable service but that doesn't give them a right to weasel their way out of paying their dues.

Microsoft Escapes Death, Taxes
I read in the paper that someone found a chicken head in one of Microsoft's products, it even showed a picture.

Or was that McDonald's? I know it began with a M.
Bill Gates means a ****ing monopoly. It must be erradicated.

The ****ing bill knows that games will be the most successfull product in a near future and they want to put their dirty hands on this bussines also.

Let's start. i need some sport games for my x-box. Let's buy EA.
Well uoouu i like this game Halo. Lets buy Bungie.
Uoouu i like this final fantasy games. Let's buy squar...ey...wait!!....why can't i buy square?? ****ing japanesee people they don't know who i am!!!!
From PlanetHalfLife.com

Half-Life 2 Xbox Confirmed
6/9/2003 13:45 PST | Half-Life 2 | by Fragmaster |
GameSpyDaily has confirmed that there will be an Xbox port of Half-Life 2 after all, despite earlier reports today saying otherwise.
Lombardi today told GameSpy Half-Life 2 is certainly in development for the Xbox. "Half-Life 2 is planned for the PC and Xbox. We've announced the shipping date for the PC version [September 30, 2003 - ed.], and we'll announce a shipping date for the Xbox version later in the year."
This may annoy some people (well Americans at least) but you do realise that according to the 'American dream' Bill Gates is what basically what you all aspire to be.
This topic gets updated pretty fast, funny really.

How could they get us all excited like that, stupid reporters need to report stuff properly.