splintering wood

Originally posted by Dr.Sbaitso
Yeah i have to agree with Apos here and say that you all are really really really anal. Maybe Freeman should have to stop and take a shit once and a while too just to make it realistic. I so really want to say something sarcastic or an outburst of "ARE YOU GUYS ****ING STUPID OR SOMETHING?" but i cant think of any way to do it properly. But the funniest line was "I hope they fix that." FIX WHAT? There isnt anything wrong with it! Oh my god! You people are gonna hate this game when it comes out becuase of little shit like the wood splinters too much and doesnt make proper holes. Im sorry but i know that someone else out there is reading this thread and is thinking about how rediculous this is.
first time that i like your post.
Originally posted by Dr.Sbaitso
Yeah i have to agree with Apos here and say that you all are really really really anal. Maybe Freeman should have to stop and take a shit once and a while too just to make it realistic. I so really want to say something sarcastic or an outburst of "ARE YOU GUYS ****ING STUPID OR SOMETHING?" but i cant think of any way to do it properly. But the funniest line was "I hope they fix that." FIX WHAT? There isnt anything wrong with it! Oh my god! You people are gonna hate this game when it comes out becuase of little shit like the wood splinters too much and doesnt make proper holes. Im sorry but i know that someone else out there is reading this thread and is thinking about how rediculous this is.
:cheers: my sentiments exactly.

of course gordon should stop every once and a while and take a shit!
:P j.k
/me tests /me

sbatisto or whats his name is right. im afraid this board will ruin my HL2 expirience. i cannot roam safely here anymore. now look what youve done. thanks alot.
Lol@ nite

this is true, there is a fine balence between fun and sim, and, tkaing americas army for an example, game scan balence there very well. its all baout balaence.
Yeah, a game can't be too unbalanced. And for all those who have never used again against wood, it will feel unrealistic if it not breaks. Remember we humans are very destructive=)
Originally posted by Apos
Dude, we're talking about a board. I can live with boards splintering anywhere from my pistol to my rocketlauncher. That's what boards are there to do. How can you possibly think that we're "back to Quake1" with the amount of crazy-ass physics in the game?

What gives you the impression that you wont? A shotgun has a much wider spread: it will take out many parts of a "barrier" all at once.

Yes agreed. But you say yourself that a SG works differently than 9mm, since we've already got crazy physics I'd like to see valve pay enough attention to detail to make sure that this is obvious when you do something as common as blast wood with your weapon.

I'm not being anal, the devil's in the details, all a part of the immersion process that made the original such a hit.
Originally posted by Dr.Sbaitso
Yeah i have to agree with Apos here and say that you all are really really really anal. Maybe Freeman should have to stop and take a shit once and a while too just to make it realistic. I so really want to say something sarcastic or an outburst of "ARE YOU GUYS ****ING STUPID OR SOMETHING?" but i cant think of any way to do it properly. But the funniest line was "I hope they fix that." FIX WHAT? There isnt anything wrong with it! Oh my god! You people are gonna hate this game when it comes out becuase of little shit like the wood splinters too much and doesnt make proper holes. Im sorry but i know that someone else out there is reading this thread and is thinking about how rediculous this is.

Haaa! Actually I was going to mention in my original post, that though I want to see realistic gameplay, I draw the line at mundane biological functions.
But hey Duke Nukem used to relieve himself in the urinals if I remember correctly.
That's probably fitted into his HEV... space-age style.
"mmmm, much better"

like lord'o'black adder said, they are particularly "anal" on the amount of effort they put into getting water "just right".. why can't they spend the same amount of time on sorting out wood splinter/hole effects?

but you know, whatever, you don't have to listen to me...
I think it is just for the presentaation.. it looks much cooler when the wood shattes instead of laving bullet holes. they dident had the time to fire loads off bullets in the wooden plank's untill it shatters.
But you say yourself that a SG works differently than 9mm,

Because the physical spread of the pellets is wider: I don't see any reason why that wouldn't do different things, because it will hit more "boards" at once. The fact is, having differential "damage" of physical objects is common in most games, and I'm sure some objects will go downto rocketlaunchers that would stand up to gunfire. But wood should NOT stand up to gunfire. When I shoot it, I want it to splinter, period.

since we've already got crazy physics I'd like to see valve pay enough attention to detail to make sure that this is obvious when you do something as common as blast wood with your weapon.

Since rather few of us spend time running around in our hick backyard shooting wood with 9mms, this isn't a "common" thing at all. It's a game, not a boredom simulator.
and BTW.. it is much easier to make the wood splinter then make actual bulletholes so you can play peeping tom
Originally posted by Wesisapie
"mmmm, much better"

like lord'o'black adder said, they are particularly "anal" on the amount of effort they put into getting water "just right".. why can't they spend the same amount of time on sorting out wood splinter/hole effects?

but you know, whatever, you don't have to listen to me...

Yes I suppose it's really a moot subject, they'll get the wood right I assume.

Now what about that other feature in Duke where you could get the strippers to flash you..... Maybe Alyx would could show off her 40 fa...... never mind
Is this thread the biggest flame war ?, or have I missed it ?
Really I dnt care if it goes back to the wood randomly exploding like in the first game....

As long as the games, fun and good, I don't care, if the end baddy is a giant walking Pokemon (eewwww), as long as it fits in with the game and works and is ultimatly fun, and I know my grammer is bad but I'm ranting, adn when i rant I really don't care, and just keep typing, and typing and typing and typing and typing, until I calm down, so I'm off now before I start having people shout at me
Originally posted by simmo2k3
Is this thread the biggest flame war ?, or have I missed it ?

No flame war, just friendly disagreement, perhaps a misunderstanding.

I just want the game to have some details that will help it be more immersive, that's all. So do all the other posters, except some think that wood splintering is trivial and I think it can be a very important detail.

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me
than a frontal labotomy.
I just want the game to have some details that will help it be more immersive, that's all. So do all the other posters, except some think that wood splintering is trivial and I think it can be a very important detail.

You're missing the point. It isn't that it is some oversight that's too trivial to worry about. It's that it would be BAD to have it be your way, from a gameplay standpoint.
Yeah i was going to say:

I'd prefer the wood to be more like HL1 with the crowbar rampages and all, but if they're claiming to it be super realistic they should at least make it that way.
Originally posted by h00dlum
shot with ur AK? wher the **** do u live? Iraq?

are u kidding me? because i own an ak dosnt matter where i live, aks are universal weapons and can be bought anywhere.
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
are u kidding me? because i own an ak dosnt matter where i live, aks are universal weapons and can be bought anywhere.

Ugh .. an AK47 is a fully automatic assault rifle. I dont think you can just have one around in most western countries (legally).
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Ugh .. an AK47 is a fully automatic assault rifle. I dont think you can just have one around in most western countries (legally).

You can in America, but I think you need to have permission for it.
ak-47s are not legal in america, they can use them for demonstration at gun shows, with special licenses, some people can try them to, but you can't just have an ak47 for personal use in america.
but if they're claiming to it be super realistic they should at least make it that way.

Some of you people are jsut lunatics. I don't think the words "realistic" have even come out of the Valve guy's mouths in terms of EVERYTHING. They even said that they moved away from ultra realism because you can just go overboard with it.

And the fact is, 99% of the people in the world expect boards to splinter when you shoot them. It's BETTER that way, AND seems more realistic to most people. Indeed, all we know about them not splintering is from one gun nut here who apparently like to shoot boards all day long is a self-appointed expert in board shooting. If I have to shoot at a piece of wood for two hours to get it to splinter and break, I'll be bored out of my mind.
ever listen to the 600 meg trailer? in the test room when he shoots the wood, listen to what he says.

also, i didn't quote him anyway.
Sparky the Fox: half-life is being sold as having realistic physics and wood that "breaks like real wood, splinters like real wood" when it doesn't.

All they said was it breaks and splinters like real wood. They didn't say "We shot rpg's at the wood, we used the gravity gun on the wood...." They just said it breaks like wood. And it does 'break and splinter' like wood. If you're going to quote, stick to the quote. Don't assume they're talking about "breaking and splintering like wood does when it is shot."
well, if now it shatters or leaves little bullet holes if you shoot at wood, anyway, it still won't get me a girlfriend...

that's how think
it's not that bad for me...
Originally posted by Apos
You're missing the point. It isn't that it is some oversight that's too trivial to worry about. It's that it would be BAD to have it be your way, from a gameplay standpoint.

Apos, why would it be bad for gameplay? Okay so if I'm approaching a wooden barrier and have a 9 in my hand, I know to switch to the SG if I wanna blast through the crap really fast.

Backyard rednecks aside, you needn't have shot actual wood with an actual assorment of weapons in order to appreciate the wooden simulation responding differently to diff. weapons.

Seriously, alot of posters have said that it would interfere with gameplay, but I just don't see how. I'm not talking about rediculous realism, where no two planks of wood break the same.
But dammit if I grenade a plank it better react differently than if I punch it.

-----BTW, this may yet turn into flame war afterall.
from what i can tell the wood in HL2 is going to be some of the most realistic wood ever made in a game, there are still loads of games out there that have wooden objects that cannot be destroyed!!! an there are people in here moaning about "oh well will it splinter like it should in real life" of cource it wont, but its a hell of alot better than you will get in most games around at the moment!!!


im sick of people starting threads about small things like these, and then it ruines my game expirience.
Originally posted by Cleric
from what i can tell the wood in HL2 is going to be some of the most realistic wood ever made in a game, there are still loads of games out there that have wooden objects that cannot be destroyed!!! an there are people in here moaning about "oh well will it splinter like it should in real life" of cource it wont, but its a hell of alot better than you will get in most games around at the moment!!!


OK, so let's settle it here. I don't much care about splintering 'effects', just different reaction to diff weapons. That's all, you can surely agree on that.

Oh and :>~ (thingy dude) How will this ruin your gameplay?
Cause like when I'll play and shoot planks and they brake I'll remember this thread and think "wha? this isnt real, NO GOOD" or something like that.
Originally posted by :>~
Cause like when I'll play and shoot planks and they brake I'll remember this thread and think "wha? this isnt real, NO GOOD" or something like that.

I see. I apologize ahead of time.
i enver saw a pice of 2 by 4..... look more like old roten bits of 4 by 1.... certainly doesn't look like a 2 by 4......... DEFINATELY doesn't imo. much thinner.... and possibly wider... not to sure on that aspect.

No need to apologize, it's just that things like this really get to me =/
Originally posted by :>~
No need to apologize, it's just that things like this really get to me =/

Know what you mean, when I was a kid I was morbidly horrified by acorns.