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  1. 82ross

    Rates and REG

    That has nothing todo with ping times. I always thought the technology in its simplest form, signals through copper wires are faster then those through glass fibers. But as someone said 500 other things to consider so it hardly makes a difference. (I personally expect a ping of 30 at the...
  2. 82ross

    damm shes ugly

    You dont have to be attracted to "her" to say if "she's" pretty looking or not. You can safely say without being a wiedo "shes" tidy compared to the GMan :D I personally think she looks the same throughout. As people have said just facial expressions.
  3. 82ross

    I don't think there will be any "real" mirrors in HL2

    Its a lot more than that! Looking at the corner of the mirror from tight angles wouldnt work with a single dead centre cam. In postal2 you could piss on the mirrors. Now theres technologyfor ya.
  4. 82ross

    Possibilities of HDR in hl2. Demonstration!

    If you liked the rthdribl demo you might like to watch the FiatLux video. It is pre-rendered :O nice to watch though.
  5. 82ross

    Half Life 2 Screensaver

    Just tried it. Nice :)
  6. 82ross


    What are you talking about just married. And its not an assumption you'll be able to weld non-metal objects, you can, its an assumption that it will be the same if included in the final release.
  7. 82ross


    Id make a swing with loads of barrels as the rope and a table as the seat. Or barrels on the back of the buggy as a swinging tail.
  8. 82ross

    water and floating in hl2

    The game doesnt have ripples, the surface of all water in the game weve seen so far is completely flat. There is dynamic refraction and 2d animated "ripple rings" to make it look like ripples, but thats it. To get ripples you need to displace the surfce up and down, which doesnt happen...
  9. 82ross

    HL2 physics vs Honda Accord commercial "cog"

    It wasnt done in one take, it was done in two seperate parts. Glued together pretty cleverly. Everything was real i read.
  10. 82ross

    A riddle to curve the boredom!

    I think pick one and eat it is the best so far.
  11. 82ross

    A riddle to curve the boredom!

    You bore, have you read any of this? Why would they lock it, its good )
  12. 82ross

    omg i pray the beta is not leaked
  13. 82ross

    New Halflife2 video? UK PCGamer

    :) popular board. Hope it doesnt get too much more popular.
  14. 82ross

    New Halflife2 video? UK PCGamer

    Its the source hdr demo video. Its been out already mate :)
  15. 82ross

    What Valve Should Do About The Leak

    How could any of us know if the game was far from ready. The source on gabes drive might not have been up-to-date. The game was supposedly near finished months ago. You cant be sure about the source that was released, there might be more unhacked, the hackers might have more. The hackers...
  16. 82ross

    A new hl2 pic inside... !

    The fella who's site it origionated said he photoshopped it.
  17. 82ross


    law So many useless threads these days. Tis the reason most of the old posters just plain ol stopped.
  18. 82ross

    The Culprit!

    Are you talking about grim or toy? If your talking about grim you lot dont half overreact. Uploading source code it just like uploading a game iso or a movie screener.
  19. 82ross

    HL2 Source Code

    They would have just released the SDK for modders. This source is not the SDK this is the tuff you never want to let out.
  20. 82ross

    Dealing with Main Characters Dying

    First chance i get im gonna shoot that bitch in the face. Its her fault HL2 was delayed. She was on her period.