A new hl2 pic inside... !

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saw this on a board..
interesting, thx for the link

the sky looks a bit odd but ill make no judgements from the screenshot
I've actually never seen that...

EDIT: Link to the board you found it on?
Looks almost faked to me , a HL2 Shotgun + HUD over another game engine. It dont impress me much.

edit - I'm a little suspicious of some Photochoppin going on...the gun doesnt quite look right with the lighting and aliasing in the rest of the image.
beaitiful. which board did you see it on? /me thinks of the source leak
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Looks almost faked to me , a HL2 Shotgun + HUD over another game engine. It dont impress me much.
To be honest, I had the same thought. It kind of reminds me of Return to the Castle Wolfeinstein.
dimitri, when i forst looked at it, I thought the same thing as you. but it looks fairly genuine so i have no reason not to believ it.
it was actually posted on irc first, by someone who claimed to have compiled and run the source.
it's weird, and i think perhaps the person who cracked valves servers found it on their servers :P or it's a fake.
Guys, thats NOT HL2, its a photoshop job on top of a UT2K3 level

I level design for that engine and I recognize the Meshes and the grass e.t.c, I hope the poster was thinking it was real and didnt make it himself, lame
gotta be fake...look at the railroad ties...they are not even modelled. Even HL1 had modelled railroad ties, also the ground texture looks nasty
i compared it to some of the bink hl2 movies we have seen and the gphx look similar.. it waz prob taken on low detail or somethin...
You sure buckyfg? Your prolly right, it doesnt look very real. Oh well, it was fun to dream wasnt it gang?
uh well it looks real to me maybe not either way that's a nice looking shotgun
The fella who's site it origionated said he photoshopped it.
maybe the dood has connections lolz.. or maybe gabe is his father mwahaha
The glow around the red light on the tower looks very UTish to me.
Also notice the gun is anti aliased while the rest of the scene isnt
I'm positive, there are static meshes in there (barrels and tower e.t.c) and also the grass is UT2k3, its probably from a upcoming mod like fragops or something. I use the editor everyday so I'm sure. dont like when people try to fake others out personally .
Thats fake. the entities and sprites are commonly used in UT2K3.
Look at the HUD.. health bar etc... its TRANSPARENT U CAN SEE THE FLOOR RIGHT THROUGH IT.. i dont think tat can be faked.. it fits perfectly...
yah when i look at it again its completely obvious that its a fake, aside from the guy who made it admitting it was photoshopped...what else si there to say
Dude thats simple to fake, VERY easy to do, all they did was take that HL2 shotgun and hud from a pic and overlayed onto the UT2003 level, then did a bit of work on removing the HUD squares and made there own and changed opacity. I could do this in 30 min or less
it reminds me of wolfenstein enemy territory
The magic of photohop.
The pic is DEF a fake
Look at the shotgun.
That's the same shotgun featured on one of Valve' older screenshot, it has a green dot, the updated shotgun dosn't have a green dot.
In the screenshot where there is an ant lion guard on this beach shore, that's where it must have came from.
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