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  1. synth

    New HL2 Info from Magazines

    X-Vector from our forums has posted a long summary about what has been said in various magazines about HL2. Some information is comments from the magazine, others are comments from Gabe Newell. (They are summaries of comments, not the actual ones mentioned in the magazines) Here's a quick piece...
  2. synth

    Interview with Gabe Newell (PC Gameplay Belgium)

    This is some nice information... really has increased my interest. Now we'll wait and see what good stuff comes out of E3! :D
  3. synth

    Dead 6 mod update

    Renegade X: The Dead 6, a mod which expands the Command and Conquer universe with the Source engine, has released some concept art. You can see and comment on the art in this forum thread. Visit their website at
  4. synth

    Hl2 Pc Gamer (us)

    wow, cool info. I should go pick up a copy.
  5. synth

    help... HELP.. WTF HELP

    The game's graphics will scale to your card, so the FPS will be pretty much the same no matter what card you have.... the graphics will just look better or worse depending on the card.
  6. synth

    man poses in wedding dress for ebay LMAO :O
  7. synth

    So... who uses SETI@Home?

    I have it set as my screensaver and whenever I come back to my computer my system tray looks like this: a ton of it.. what's wrong?
  8. synth

    New Doom III screenshots from IGNPC.

    yeah, those aren't quite up to the standards graphics-wise that we've been seeing in the other screenshots. That must be the x-box version. Still looks pretty good though.
  9. synth

    Doom III screens closed
  10. synth

    So... who uses SETI@Home?

    I joined the team. :cheers:
  11. synth

    HL2 in german print-mag

    Wow, some good info. Looks like we're finally getting some good news about the game :) and this thread already has over 300 posts! :O
  12. synth

    hot as the dickens in here

    It's been raining for 3 days straight! ;(
  13. synth

    Bittorrent Stuff

    ok enough of this. :) bottom line is.... here isn't the spot to ask for warez.
  14. synth

    Bittorrent Stuff

    There's no such thing as an "extended" demo. A demo is a demo. :| You could search around if you want a bittorrent link to any game demo, they're usually on popular gaming sites like GameSpot or something. If you're here for warez, you've got the wrong place.
  15. synth


    I can see why 50x50 is considered "small" and I suppose having it a bit bigger, like 60x60 wouldn't affect the name bar. I'll mention it to Munro but I'm not sure if he'll approve.
  16. synth

    PCGamer's open letter to the gaming community

    Original is here:
  17. synth

    Do they think we're that stupid?

    only virus I ever got was that IRC "click this link to a picture, it's cool" one... I had to reformat :/
  18. synth

    who's going to win the presidency?

    Kerry NEEDS to win.... Bush is just a dumb guy who hides behind his "I'm strong against terrorists!" slogan. I'd much rather have Kerry running the country than a guy who feels he needs to go to war without help, and totally ruining our international relations. Have you also noticed our national...
  19. synth

    the latest from Fragmaster

    Pseudonym_, your constant negative attitude is annoying the other members... just stay cool, OK? Keep on topic, if there are further complaints then PM whoever you need to.
  20. synth

    What makes a Mod "Great?" <A study>

    The most important thing about a mod is how well it can immerse you into the game and keep you wanting more. Most of the time this is done by good gameplay. You don't see graphics as a really important thing - many people play outdated games with old graphics but they still enjoy them because...