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  1. synth

    just noticed - we've made half a million posts

    wheee, milestones! :cheers:
  2. synth history << staff listing
  3. synth

    you best gaming runs

    I just got this in Counter-Strike today on de_airstrip. This is definitely the best I've done. I had a 17 kill streak, but ended up 25-4. It was all with the silenced M4.
  4. synth

    Once again, a new Doom 3 summer confirmation

    read the bottom, heh :p I'm looking forward to seeing it soon, don't know if it'll be summer though.
  5. synth

    Amateur mapper looking for mod... maybe?

    yeah, nobody is really willing to hire anyone unless they see examples of your work.
  6. synth

    Corporate Anarchy New Website

    nice site, but... FOUR CODERS? O____O If onions sees this he'll have a heart attack.
  7. synth

    Farenheit 9/11 trailer now online

    wow, certainly looks interesting. I can't wait to see it.
  8. synth

    How do you start or propose a mod?

    in really simple steps it's 1) Develop your idea and make a design doc 2) Recruit a team 3) Work on mod 4) Release mod it's more complicated as you go, but the thing you have to remember is to just work hard, keep your team focused, and you'll get something accomplished.
  9. synth

    Post your desktop and themes!

    Post your desktop modded to hell -
  10. synth Community Mod

    The community mod has now begun development. Please apply to be on the team in this thread Visit the forum to give suggestions and comments. Thanks for everyone's ideas. We've now got something going thanks to you all. :D
  11. synth

    Any medieval HL2 mods?

    I may begin development on a medieval-style mod... I've got some concept work and design documents but I'm debating wether or not to go through with it. I would need a talented, dedicated team and that's always hard to find, especially this late.
  12. synth

    What will HL2 earn its Mature Rating for?

    Knock off the flaming and spamming, all of you.
  13. synth

    Umm...Flashlight, anyone?

    pointless, locked.
  14. synth

    Will you be home for Christmas in Half-Life 2?

    pointless thread. Goldenboi, don't spam. This is a warning.
  15. synth


    I love trance... favorite artists? hmmmm..... Paul van Dyk Tiesto Oakenfold Rank 1 Blank and Jones Astral Projection
  16. synth

    Liberal or Conservative?

    I'm more liberal. Kerry 2004!
  17. synth

    Translation of the entire Gamereactor interview

    wow, great job mate :cheers:
  18. synth

    Will these forums speed up or slow down after HL2 release?

    I think the numbers will stay high throughout. Right after the release there will be an explosion of members who want to know about the game and don't have it yet. Later, when the regular members come back from playing it, the ones who got it later will be playing. Everyone will be discussing it...
  19. synth

    ComradeBadger is win

    about time, badger ;)
  20. synth

    In lack of another forum :/

    the computer info bar above my start bar is called "StatBar", you can get it here: it's pretty handy