Will these forums speed up or slow down after HL2 release?


Jan 23, 2004
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When Half-life 2 finally gets released...will these forums become dead or more alive??

what do people think???? :imu:
i guess im only following these forums becouse I need as much information on Half-Life 2 as I can get
Most likely die. As most fan sites do. I probably won't return.
probly speed up once game goes gold, just before it comes out and just after. Month or so after that it will go back to normal
fishymumma said:
probly speed up once game goes gold, just before it comes out and just after. Month or so after that it will go back to normal

Pick up as it goes gold yes, but it won't go back to normal, for the first year or more (depending on mods) the site will have more trafic then it does now.

(thats if they do well on content and news, layout etc over that time)
Yup they willl keep getting more and more popular and when the game finally goes gold/ships this site will be flooded with people talking about the game's story/MP/alyx etc etc

then it will slowly go down to normal unless they do a LOT of cool stuff like IDK free money :D
Depends on a lot of things...

When the game goes gold up until release, as busy as it has ever been. And then it'll slow down, if the game is very good. Speed up if the game is absolutely terrible with people venting their rage (hl2 bad? yea right....)

If it's good then it'll slow down up until people start beating the game and then people will come back talking about just about everything imaginable.
once the game goes gold, I'll dissapear until I have finished SP.

then I'll be back. :D
mobA said:
Most likely die. As most fan sites do. I probably won't return.

I hope not. If the mod scene is really good, I don't see HL2.NET dying any time soon.
Man I want this game now. I'm getting this damn giddy feeling just thinking about playing it.
You have to consider that we have 13,000+ members. The most users we've ever had online in one go was 5,000+

We'll probably reach numbers between 5,000 and 13,000 a lot of the time. Whether or not it will die down again, I don't know. We've got a lot of plans for the site which should hopefully attract more people.

The only reason this website will die is if the game doesn't turn out very good. If it is good, I can see this site lasting for as long as Half-Life 2 does.
I think we'll have a lull when it comes out , but we'll pick up again. there's going to be so much to talk about ( apart from level help , tech issues )

There will be mods galore , all sorts of stuff going on.

Actually i can already see the "Most inventive use of the manipulator to kill" thread. I'm hoping there's toothpicks or paperclips or something equally daft :E
discussion/speculation sections will die down as people can answer their own questions. (Also 90% of the discussion section is "when's it coming out")

HL2 editing section will explode
I hope the community doesn't go away, I like a lot of you guys, you're fun \o/
I think that traffic will greatly increase just after HL2's release, then go back to normal, then eventually die down to only the hardcore fans (2 or more years after the release, when HL2 is old news).
Cylleruion2012 said:
I think that traffic will greatly increase just after HL2's release, then go back to normal, then eventually die down to only the hardcore fans (2 or more years after the release, when HL2 is old news).

Yup. I wonder how large the hardcore group will be with the big increase after HL2's release. The 'normal' membercount will probably be far higher than it is now. Even after things slow down the remaining group will (probably) be large enough to keep the forum active.

Whatever happens, the forums will become more active.
I think the numbers will stay high throughout. Right after the release there will be an explosion of members who want to know about the game and don't have it yet. Later, when the regular members come back from playing it, the ones who got it later will be playing. Everyone will be discussing it a lot more, forming clans, making mods, etc. The whole place will be a lot more active.
Yeah, Hopefully the VERC doesn't cause any more bandwith issues with Chatbear then.
Yeah, most likely the server will crash a few times from the load :p, just like it did during the leak.
I hope it doesn't die, I'll keep visiting definitely after the release.
Thinking about it ... what Half Life (original) fansites are still around, apart from PHL? Or has it mostly moved over to HL2 and Mod sites?
The Dead sites are still around. Mostly because their Dead.
Dead sites?

(Oh, and on topic - I'm definately still gonna be visiting after release. I reckon it will all build up about 2 weeks before release, say very high for about a month, and then *slowly* drop down to more normal levels)
I thought you meant that. Y'see what i *actually* was asking is what sites are actually still active ... anyone?
It's actually up in the air.... Due to the fact that this site isn't really publicized it will most likely die.... If there is to be small publications in some form after or close to release it will speed up indefinently
What exactly do you mean? Small publications [magazines??]. Speed up indefinately [infinitely??]

Anyways, I think this site has a strong enough user base to stay alive. But that's IMHO
crabcakes66 said:
hl2.net will only get bigger and better from here on out.

I hear that! This site will have blossoming HL2 mod community to nurture and support. PHL is in the grip of Nazis.

EDIT: sorry by "grip" i meant "sweaty palms" and by "Nazis" I mean "gamespy"
I'm in here for the long haul...... :cheers:

though nobody give a damn..................... :bounce: :cheers:
Well once the game is out there will be a lot to talk about, so yeah, I think there will be some more activity.
I think it would calm down when everyone is playing HL2 SP and when its done it will pick up
yea, there will be those super fast speed player types on the forums posting all about their time in the game inside spoiler tags like 12 hours after the game is released. Then like a week or so later the majority of everyone else will be back, along with all the newbs, then another month later the people that take forever tog et through singleplayer, they will show up. heh. THEN i'll be back.
Pre-release - huge traffic - 5000+

Release - hyper traffic - 10 000+

short term Post-release - "OMFG" traffic - 20 000 +

medium term post-release - dying - 500 +

long term post-release - reviving with great and constant mod launchs - 1000 +

As I said b4, "HL2.net 4EVA!!!!!11"

That is, I'll be always here.
The release date IS????

I don't know the Release date for sure! The game should be coming this June 15 but if they have to add more or fixes to the game, it will come out Aug 3 but I think they are aiming for June 29 for the Release date. They should tell us in the Next two weeks.
:borg: Just look at the pics and tell me what you think!


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Oh, god not that again ... oh and why have you pasted those exacts comments three times on 3 different threads? Have you nothing else to do?!

Anyways, i'm going with Sprafa on this topic.
I know I put it in two Threads but....

The people need to know this stuff and relax dude, its just some information about possible release dates not a big deal. I have a life but I just feel like sharing that's all and can you stop following me. If you don't like what IM writing just don't read it and keep it to your self. I know its hard for you because your one of my biggest fans but control your self next time, OK! :laugh:

:laugh: LOL!
Errrr, yes ... um, perhaps you could just try using the thing called Search next time. As i'm sure the people can also do.
And i'll just continue to advise people against spamming, if that's ok by you? If it isn't, then please PM me why ...

(And make that 3 threads, not two)