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  1. TrueWeltall

    OT: UT2K3 9-11 Survivor Mod

    Indeed you are.
  2. TrueWeltall

    OT: UT2K3 9-11 Survivor Mod

    Tell that to Nazi germany.
  3. TrueWeltall

    Help me Blow $5000

    64 bit will not help since programs will still be 32bit.
  4. TrueWeltall

    OT: UT2K3 9-11 Survivor Mod

    When your in a war zone you want to survive. Atleast thats what i would do.
  5. TrueWeltall

    OT: UT2K3 9-11 Survivor Mod

    How is that so different? Your goal is to survive just like in a war. I dont car about this mod and i dont let it bother me.
  6. TrueWeltall

    OT: UT2K3 9-11 Survivor Mod

    Well there are video games about world war 2, back in the day if they had computers like today they would not have liked a world war 2 game because it in fact was not a game to them like it is today.
  7. TrueWeltall

    What does people have against 13 year olds?

    There is an 11 year old at college where my brothers girlfriend goes, he is 11 and really smart but he does not know shit about how to interact with people. /end little rant
  8. TrueWeltall

    Applying thermal compound

    70% alchol.
  9. TrueWeltall

    Help me Blow $5000

    Two prescott cores will be same socket as Pentium C's. Goto aliensware or something if you ave 5k and cant build one yourself.
  10. TrueWeltall

    and here is my new pc :)

    And waste more money? Go with a 166fsb barton and up the fsb to 200, same core different heatsink it would would. Get the DDR3200 though.
  11. TrueWeltall

    Makes you think, damn US goverment *Graphic material included*

    DimitriPopov I agree, he probably is in the 8th grade and still doesnt know how the real world is.
  12. TrueWeltall

    What country are u from ?

    Because we used them all on Iraq /sarcasm
  13. TrueWeltall

    Makes you think, damn US goverment *Graphic material included*

    Okay sewden was a super power way back when. the /stupid sarcasm thing was about the first sentence i posted btw, cant edit post now though.
  14. TrueWeltall

    Nvidia PCI-X in the works

    Oh i wonder how many people break that so called rule.
  15. TrueWeltall

    Makes you think, damn US goverment *Graphic material included*

    You just proved that you should no longer post in a thread that has to do with a mature subject. Not to mention the fact you called yourself a moron.
  16. TrueWeltall

    Makes you think, damn US goverment *Graphic material included*

    Im not on a pedestal, im on a chair. I dont think of myself as high and mighty and that my country is better then so and so. That seems to be you.
  17. TrueWeltall

    Makes you think, damn US goverment *Graphic material included*

    You do or you would stop posting about me. Which you wont because you are either 12 or just feel the need to bash someone to make you feel better or to up your internet ego.
  18. TrueWeltall

    What country are u from ?

    Im proud that my country had the balls to seperate from British rule, that is part of our history. Why should I not be proud of MY country? Because you dont like it? Boohoo I dont think my country is the best, american's dont think they are the best. PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE THE ONES WHO THINK...
  19. TrueWeltall

    Makes you think, damn US goverment *Graphic material included*

    Okay you just said your a moron, you can stop posting now as anything you post is moronic to me and will just be ignored.
  20. TrueWeltall

    Makes you think, damn US goverment *Graphic material included*

    As opposed to you attacking me with flaming? Read the rules next time.