Makes you think, damn US goverment *Graphic material included*

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Yea yea.. truth is relative and stuff.
That doesn't make you any less of a retard though.

Start using your brain and get a better opinion.
Exactly how was that a counter-argument/retort/reply?
Originally posted by TrueWeltall
Yes we all know Sewdish people fight like real men dont we :dozey:

Why would the EU want to become a super power and 'stand up aginst america' when they are in line with america, nothing good would come out from 'standing up aginst america'. Tell me what good thing would happen?

Viking blood pal, and we got a pretty good and advanced army. And i got to admit sweden has been pussys (cuz of pussy goverment)the last 100 years. But if we go back 2-300(maybe more) years u will see that sweden was a super power.

and the EU thing. Well i dont know where ur from but if u are from sweden u will know about the EMU election that was last sunday, and one of the Against arguments was that EU wants to become a like United states of Europe, with a common millitary power. Common currency etc etc etc..and the people of Sweden voted NO to we will not be a part of that for a while. This is not just some shit i came up with, 2 famous politicans came to our school and had a speech and a debate.

What would happen if EU would stand up against U.S..hmm good or bad..i know one thing..America would not be able to do what the **** they want anymore.
i wasn't replying to you el Chi, i was replying to the guy that called me a stubborn-retard for not seeing it one way.

there's a difference between what I'm doing and what digital is doing, he's making ignorant points about America's war tactics, in an ignorant fashion. I'm commenting on what i think will come out of the war, i didn't say i had all the facts, it's what i believe is a possitive of the war.
Originally posted by h00dlum
2 famous politicans came to our school and had a speech and a debate.

Cool, which was it?
Originally posted by Tek
i wasn't replying to you el Chi, i was replying to the guy that called me a stubborn-retard for not seeing it one way.
Ok, sorry.
yah people sure do post fast on these forums, im not used to this speed.
Originally posted by el Chi
Yes however Weltall, the flipside of your "They're ignorant and nothing we say will convince them otherwise" comment to Tek is also true for yourselves. Not that you're ignorant per se, but rather that no matter what we say, no matter what evidence we present, it will not shatter your patriotism. That's fine - it's your opinion.
So please: Don't call us fools for having different opinions to you. THAT makes you look ignorant.

Okay then ill take back what i said about you people being fools.

Viking blood pal, and we got a pretty good and advanced army. And i got to admit sweden has been pussys (cuz of pussy goverment)the last 100 years. But if we go back 2-300(maybe more) years u will see that sweden was a super power.

Whoa and i have German and polish blood that must make me a nazi and a POW in ww2. /stupid sarcasm Sweden was never a super power.

What would happen if EU would stand up against U.S..hmm good or bad..i know one thing..America would not be able to do what the **** they want anymore.

You dont know that for a fact, for all you know the EU could start world war 3 and then end the world.
Originally posted by TrueWeltall

You dont know that for a fact, for all you know the EU could start world war 3 and then end the world.

either way we're in for a good show!
Originally posted by TrueWeltall
You dont know that for a fact, for all you know the EU could start world war 3 and then end the world.

You sir, need a brain.
what country are you from? do you realize it's not important enough to have flash's made for it, id sure love to see some flashes of your countries wars, i take pride in knowing that people acknowledge our presence with badly made flashes.
Wow, nice reply.

If you post ignorant things, people are going to react.
I know i'm a moron, but atleast i have enough knowledge to know what's really going on beyond my country's borders.
Originally posted by bastard_loud
Wow, nice reply.

If you post ignorant things, people are going to react.
I know i'm a moron, but atleast i have enough knowledge to know what's really going on beyond my country's borders.

Okay you just said your a moron, you can stop posting now as anything you post is moronic to me and will just be ignored.
The fact that ONLY the US is mentioned in the flash presentation shows it is skewed specifically against the US and not just against the use of depleted uranium. And the Internet is primarily filled with copies of other copies of information. All too much has been distorted or based upon false and misleading info. I wouldn't be surprised if not a single photo there was from any suspected UD case. The person probably used them because they were graphic and makes the point. The Internet is filled with frauds.

I also think people are thinking very shallowly here. People blame military, blame government, but the motives all too often don't have to do with government but capitalism. I think Capitalism is showing its age. As a Capitalist society we have advanced to such a position that Capitalism is actually hurting us and causing severe problems. The concept of UD is a perfect example. Someone cam eup with this usage... I'm sure some company is making big bucks manufacturing them and researching them. COmpanies or any organization will lie and deceive intentinally or through incompetence to make that buck, push a product to market. It has been happening forever and continues. Scientific testing is a bit of joke since most people don't even understand the tenets of double blinding never mind how to scietifically test something. Most research is biased by default.

Greed puts the profits of a company before the health of possbily hundreds of millions. No one know what the long term effects of these will be. Many things in history have been used only to be stopped 5, 10, 25, 50 years later because they finally realized everyone was dying from it. Did you know that the way they used to make glow in the dark watches was for women to hand paint a radioactive paint onto the dials? The women woudl use ordinary paint brushes. they would lick the tips to get the hairs to stay together. Saw a show where 30 years after her death, one women's corpse was still radioactive because she had ingested and absorbed so much. Lead paint, asbestos, saccarine, vermicullite? All were commonly used then stopped, often because of lawsuits, regulation, or numerous deaths.

Greed, capitalism, & making a profit create many of our ills. And in the future will will undoubtably pay for the shortsightedness of using something in the shortterm that has long term consequences instead of finding a better alternative. It is the way of the market. This is one of the aspects of American culture that others countries find obscene and don't want american businesses in their lands. That's why the cigarette companies are flooding India and other less developed nations. They don't have consumer protection concepts yet. It is okay to market cigs to 14 year olds there. What's wrong with building shitty nuclear reactors in poor countries--they'll have power! Its like a shark going into goldfish bowl.

But, hey, they wouldn't buy and use these products if they didn't want to.
Originally posted by bastard_loud
Ok mister 12 year old.

Like i give a shit.

You do or you would stop posting about me. Which you wont because you are either 12 or just feel the need to bash someone to make you feel better or to up your internet ego.
Haha, get off your pedestal you dork.
I'm not posting about you, i'm posting about the USA.

Please continue ignoring me, because i really don't give a **** if you choose to do so. Your loss, because from what i'm hearing, listening to me will only make you smarter.
Originally posted by bastard_loud
Haha, get off your pedestal you dork.

Im not on a pedestal, im on a chair. I dont think of myself as high and mighty and that my country is better then so and so. That seems to be you.
Keep this at a discussion level, or I'll close. Less with the country-bashing, too, but I guess that's hard considering the subject of the flash.
Well i know i'm better than you, but where does it say my country is better than yours? You don't even know where the **** i live.

stfu and ignore me already.
Originally posted by bastard_loud
Well i know i'm better than you

You just proved that you should no longer post in a thread that has to do with a mature subject. Not to mention the fact you called yourself a moron.
Originally posted by TrueWeltall

Whoa and i have German and polish blood that must make me a nazi and a POW in ww2. /stupid sarcasm Sweden was never a super power.

I just want to say that im not making a personall attack, just correcting some errors, and I dont know why you flamed the swedes like that, seemed a bit unnescesary.

Actually back in the days around 1620 - 1720 Sweden was the dominant power in europe and since europe was the center of events in the world you could say that sweden was a super power if not perhaps THE Superpower since it took 5 countries a few years of war to take back the land sweden had taken. Parts of Russia, Denmark, Germany, Poland and all of Finland belonged to sweden. So to correct your statement: Sweden was a super power.

The dates are not exact but something like that.
Okay sewden was a super power way back when. the /stupid sarcasm thing was about the first sentence i posted btw, cant edit post now though.
Well Denmark took some of sweden first cuss of our tactical skills, but sweden took it back, we also had some territory in germany but that was also lost
That stings uh? I mean, i called myself a moron (you mentioned that twice already), and i know i'm still better than you.
Now what does that make you in my eyes? Yes sir.

Sorry mods, for not posting relevant shit to this thread.
I'll stop now.
Yes thats true Digital.

Actually it was once Sweden took that land back that it started its climb upwards :) Too bad That that climb has been going downwords for some years now ;)

-Yes I am a history geek
black propoganda

Nice black propoganda 'dood' but I think they used the same pictures for anti abortions posters. Too bad legitimate concerns have to be brought up by people with alterior motives.

Like the RIAA using the arguement that because there are some people trading child porn on Kazaa and so the whole thing has to be banned. Or that PETA says that people who abuse animals are connected with future serial killers. Or that liberal democrate judges blocked the vote to remove gray davis from his office because the VERY MACHINES THAT PUT HIM IN OFFICE are outdated and that their use might disenfranchise a few dozen people!

Too bad that legitimate concerns involoving AMERICANS have to be brought up by RACIST COMMUNIST BASTARDS. Their very existance to do whatever it takes to destroy our instution invalidates whatever they say and do.
OH NO!!! That disgusts me, therefore US is sooooo bad. You know what, spiders disgust me to but they aren’t evil. Learn the fact that people die and its disturbing, and sometimes non pitiful countries like America have to make them do so in order to stop them from potentially doing likewise to us. US isnt perfect, but not any less so then any other country, so stop being followers of the whole oohhh america is like totally bad movement and start being leaders like the United States of America.

That flash is total crap. "Lies wrapped in enigmas and covered in secret sauce." Someone should show the ills of socialism/communism/facism and point the finger at France, Germany, 'USSR', China, Iran, Canada, Columbia, Spain, Japan, North Korea, Congo, Veitnam, Chech Republic.............................................................

Remember there are plenty of examples of shitty societies and cultures around the world and throught history but only in America do we not destroy records and documentations of their existence. If AMERICA is a flawed country then we will ALWAYS be the first to claim that it is, the first to do something about it!


Apparently there are some very few people out there that think that Earth would be a utopia if all Americans were shot dead. That the second coming of Christ would proceed when all Americans were decapitated. Guess what folks that isn't true and it's not gonna happen.
A lot of racist unAmerican bitches seem to crawn out from under their rocks whenever a new 100% AMERICAN made product is about to come on the world market. (Half-Life 2)

You see the moniter that you are reading this forum, the keyboard that you are typing on, the operating system that is running in the background are all AMERICAN inspired. Be grateful of what you have cause only in AMERICA could those 'ideas' become a reality.
Hey! Three pro american posts in a row, I didnt think that could happen on these boards. But ya preach it peoplesuc. :)
Oh ya, and to whoever was talking about the CA recall election, only in America could a German weightlifting immigrant suddenly become an iconic millionaire and run for governor of a state where illegal citizens can get drivers licenses and anyone can become wealthy.
Hey I'm just a Half-Life fan and I think that is what brought all of here in the first place and that is what's keeping me here.
Yes America is truely unique. There is only one other place I'd rather be in. I think all the straight guys can infer what I'm implying. ;)
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