Search results

  1. kazsymonds

    Eurogamer: "Devs Owe You Nothing"

    If you buy a Ford, do they owe it to you to release the next model? What exactly would it take for Valve to repay their huge debt to you?
  2. kazsymonds

    How necessary is overclocking?

    It's not necessary, in the same way that it's not necessary to have a car that can accellerate at a certain rate, or reach a high top speed. Here's some reasons I can think of; Personal gratification - getting the most 'bang' out of their investment Because their hardware isn't quite up to the...
  3. kazsymonds

    Taiwanese Gamer dies in Internet Cafe - No-one Notices

    Eww, look at all those 'public' keyboards. Some of the keys are starting to go yellow.
  4. kazsymonds

    Taiwanese Gamer dies in Internet Cafe - No-one Notices

    Room of people engrossed in something don't notice someone not moving in the corner. Shock horror. The humanity. I'm sorry the dude died, but not surprised nobody noticed, as sad as that sounds.
  5. kazsymonds

    Hello! :C

    In Soviet Ukraine, water drinks you! Sorry about that. Welcome!
  6. kazsymonds

    Half-Life 2 video that I poured my blood, sweat and tears into...

    Very very nice. Makes me want to actually complete the game, and it's runty episodes.
  7. kazsymonds


    The tax year runs from 6 April to 5 April. Tax returns are due on 31 January for online submissions, with paper being due in October. The deadline is 31 January, so for the year 6 April 2010 - 5 April 2011, you have to submit your return by 31 January 2012. The worst part about our system is...
  8. kazsymonds

    Steam Mobile App Beta - Screenshots

    Aaaaaaaand back to iPhone I go...
  9. kazsymonds

    FBI shut down; founder arrested in New Zealand

    His information is from the indictment. I'm not trying to defend megaupload, those are pretty hard things to fabricate, are they not? If so, they deserve all they got for blatant stupidity.
  10. kazsymonds

    FBI shut down; founder arrested in New Zealand

    Interesting post on Reddit about how Megaupload never removed content, merely removed the URLs...
  11. kazsymonds


    In the UK, you typically don't file a tax return unless you are; a) Your income from other (than employment) earnings is more than a certain amount b) Your income is more than £100k c) A minister (of any faith) d) A company director e) Self employed f) Have foreign income g) You've made a...
  12. kazsymonds

    Permanant Hard On Woes

    Sounds like he's stuck between a rock and a hard place.
  13. kazsymonds

    Steam Holiday Sale Begins!

    I would love football manager 2012 if you still have it? Is there anything you want from me?
  14. kazsymonds

    Steam Holiday Sale Begins!

  15. kazsymonds

    Am I okay with this upgrade?

    4.0ghz is golden, and shouldn't be too hard to keep cool. Anthing more than that is a waste (IMO, unless you are encoding video or something, which I take it you aren't. How are your temps.
  16. kazsymonds

    Steam Holiday Sale Begins!

    I'd like your coupon, it would bring MW2 down to the price it should have been...I don't have anything worth you having at this stage, though. I have; A copy of portal 1 piece of coal 2 gues passes for killing floor Which in total is probably worth less than $1.
  17. kazsymonds

    Periodic Table of Swearing

    Agree about old English, but it depends how honest we want to be with ourselves. To be honest, if you want to go that far, English is nothing more than a bastardisation of several languages, most notably, German (that is, the languages evolved from the same source). It's very easy to get in to...
  18. kazsymonds

    Periodic Table of Swearing

    You = Winner.
  19. kazsymonds

    Periodic Table of Swearing

    The United Kingdom is a collection of 4 countries. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. England is what you refer to as "British" Scotland is where you get heroin and battered Mars bars Wales shag their sheep Ireland has drunks The issue is a little complicated, and I can't really...
  20. kazsymonds

    Periodic Table of Swearing

    That acting was so bad I think you gave me cancer.