YAY, got it yesterday finished it this morning before i went off to college, yay, short but good......
now i can mess around with all the characters....
hmm, where's that naked Mona model ;)
actually this idea was already put forward, (BY THE ONE AND ONLY HAZZA ;))and i started on the kitchen but gave up after no1 would join in, we had an entry by myself the roof and also by Hiro who made the reception......hmmmm, might start again, you never know :P
We tried this, we were all going to make a room, of a hotel and then put them together and make them into a map....but even though there was a good response, no-one rally joined in, which was a shame :(
this is BS,
I want to stab someone with a rusty spoon, but that's never been in a game....
Why would you do it because a game told you unless you already had a problem......
(yes yes gordon wait i'll kill my brother later)
.....I geuss they will start banning nthe makers of static soon...
"Where it's located, it's a bad area around here," she said. "It's a sign."
"The school has a strict no drugs policy and a pupil will be temporarily excluded for actions which placed other pupils at risk," the education authority added.
LMAO :cheers:
Erm the first model has quite a few shading errors in it, it needs alot of work..
and the second one looks as though all the polies went into the curves you need to distribute your polies better thoughout....
anywho, give better C&C when i get back..me ootta go...
Wow, i think they've just raided my next door neighbours house.. god damn ignorant little *PEOPLE*!!!!!!
I hate people like, this I wish people would have respect for things, the youth of today really gets at me, and i'm only 17 :flame:
I want to burn all the little so......*IDIOTS*...
aha, that's is what they were on about then, finally an answer, it's been bugging me what they were on about for ages.thanks :P
yes and it is that picture :P