Kids these days have no respect!!

John: He's using his E.T. powers! What does this have to do with the movie? I don't remember the parts where E.T. falls into pits and makes his neck longer….

Kirk: Quit falling into the stupid pit, you piece of s***!

LOL!!! New generation of lame gamers. Thats "gay"... hahahaha :bounce:
Ehhh, kids.....
Well now I know for sure I don't want kids, ungrateful little brats, or as a friend once said "their just balls of blood and piss"

sums it up really lol
Lol, adults today have no respect.

obviously you were born 21.
o man i love these kids,

EGM: Who's that chick Mario is rescuing up there?

Brian: It's Princess Peach.

Kirk: It's a hooker.

Edit: I have a feel some of these kids were reading this stuff off of pieces of paper, while editors held knives to them saying that if they didnt read it he'd make them play Diakatana.
I wonder what we'll be like as old men?!

Probably incapable of handling all the mind blowing technology we'll have as our kids patiently try to explain the mechanics of a hyper-combodulation fusion drive...
Somehow, I really do believe that the kids said what they did. Sometimes, while working in the grocery store, I hear kids say the nastiest things. I remember a 8 year old kid telling his 5 year old sister that she's a fat *****! I have seen young kids come in the store with their skateboards creating problems. They ask me dumb questions to try to piss me off, and also try to get a laugh out of it. Plus it doesn't help that young parents these days don't discipline their children, and cuss more than ever than their own parents.
I agree with ijii, some of the kids at my school are insanly annoying....
Originally posted by ijii
Somehow, I really do believe that the kids said what they did. Sometimes, while working in the grocery store, I hear kids say the nastiest things. I remember a 8 year old kid telling his 5 year old sister that she's a fat *****! I have seen young kids come in the store with their skateboards creating problems. They ask me dumb questions to try to piss me off, and also try to get a laugh out of it. Plus it doesn't help that young parents these days don't discipline their children, and cuss more than ever than their own parents.

lolol, whitetrash 8 year olds?
Originally posted by Tommmo
I wonder what we'll be like as old men?!
We will all be talking about how we use to get by with just 128 megs of RAM and only 32 bit processors. All the yunguns will be like "WOW Grampapy, thats like living in the stone age!"

Its kind of funny but im already like that with my Dad, he used to use those really old giant size computers that would use tape rolls to store memory.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
We will all be talking about how we use to get by with just 128 megs of RAM and only 32 bit processors. All the yunguns will be like "WOW Grampapy, thats like living in the stone age!"

Its kind of funny but im already like that with my Dad, he used to use those really old giant size computers that would use tape rolls to store memory.

No, more like even how we got by with 3.2 ghz p4's and 512 mb ram.
The topic in the channel on IRC:

"My line is so beating the heck out of your stupid line. Fear my pink line."

I love that line :)
haha, that article made me laugh. i'm 16 and i remember when i used to play donkey kong and tetris... i sucked at both of them lol
Tim: Which button do I press to make the blocks explode?

EGM: Sorry, they don't explode.

Becky: This is boring. Maybe if it had characters and stuff and different levels, it would be OK. If things blew up or something or—

Sheldon: If there were bombs.

Becky: Yeah, or special bricks. Like, if a yellow brick touched a red brick it would blow up and you'd have to start over.

John: Why haven't I won yet? I've paired up so many of the same color.

EGM: Don't worry about colors.

John: I just lined up six of the same color. Why didn't they blow up?

EGM: Nothing blows up.


Tim: This is nothing compared to Grand Theft Auto III, because you can't steal a taxi cab, pick up somebody, then drive into the ocean with him.

Kirk: And you can't pick up an AK-47 and go kill—hey, those aliens on the top row, you use them in EGM for stuff.

lol ^^
oh MAN....I'm 19, and I played some of those invaders...that game ROCKED!!! and pac man...why didn't they do pac man?!? and PONG?!? pong is fun!!!
BTW, I STILL play tetris on a daily basis...never got to level 20, but I've made it to 19 many many many times. most lines I've gotten was 197...
I'm only 17 and I was reading what they were saying and I was like whoa they're parents let them play some violent games. Then I remembered I was about 6 or 7 when I started playing Duke Nukem and back then that was violent.
The only games my dad likes are World War II games, I impressed him with Medal of Honour and Call of Duty(Demo), and sometimes I show games like Unreal Tournament 2003 and some other games with good graphics, he is amazed with technology like video game graphics.
LOL our kids are gona look at HL2 and say how bad the graphics are and that they can easily tell it apart from real life.
I think most of that is made up...

I find it hard to believe those kids don't appreciate some of that stuff. They're not THAT young...those are the things I picture the kids in 5-10 years saying, that have no idea what even a playstation 2 is.

And if it all was REAL, then they were little brats that don't appreciate anything (damn kids, no respect)

But then again, most kids don't respect they're superiors anymore. When I was younger you didn't mess with the older kids.

But've got little 9 years olds telling you off.
Just a question, do you guys think I'm one of those kids who don't respect people?
I swear, I have changed my ways. Check my post history, no flame wars and more "mature" and opinionated posts:bounce:
But then again, most kids don't respect they're superiors anymore.

When I was younger you didn't mess with the older kids.

Oh I know. I'm not that old but when I was little I would never even dream of telling off someone that was older then me. Such as when I was seven I would never mouth off to a seventeen year old. Kids seriously are getting a little too disrespectful. I don't like the direction that all these new kids are heading in. They're, in my opinion, all assholes. Don't get me wrong a lot of them are nice though.
Originally posted by Baal

But then again, most kids don't respect they're superiors anymore. When I was younger you didn't mess with the older kids.

But've got little 9 years olds telling you off.

When i was around 7 or 8 i wouldnt mess or say a word to the high schoolers. They were above us and we feared them. When i was in high school i didnt get that same respect. They knew you could not touch them, so they just ran their mouth. All you could do is threaten. It drove me nuts. Sucks growing up in a liberal controled 90's bah!
Originally posted by Tredoslop
The only games my dad likes are World War II games, I impressed him with Medal of Honour and Call of Duty(Demo), and sometimes I show games like Unreal Tournament 2003 and some other games with good graphics, he is amazed with technology like video game graphics.

My dad used to play a lot of computer games -- Wolfenstein, Doom, Quake. Actually, my dad introduced me to computer games, back with Donkey Kong and all those nice old games that you would hook up to your tv (I think we still have them :) not sure if they still would work anymore though) through to the FPS genre when I was probably starting elementary school or maybe even before (I used to play around on the computer all the time, with DOS, when you typed in "win" to access windows, hehe, and before MS Word and Excel and Powerpoint existed, back when Ski-Free was included with windows, ahh--good ol' days of setting trees on fire and making dogs go potty when you chased 'em around)...... but now he doesn't play computer games anymore, which is kinda sad. I think I'm the only one in my family that plays now... once my dad kinda tried to play RTCW but I think he had problems with the mouse+keyboard controls since games used to only use the keyboard.
And then my cousin gave me some old games that came on those nice big disks... Bubble Bobble, Dr. Quandary's Island, Populous (which I could never figure out how to exit...always had to reboot)... man, all those games before computers even came with cd-rom drives... back before cd's when you would listen to either records, or casette tapes.
Sheesh, now I wanna play old computer games again... I was thinking about asking my dad if maybe he could find an old computer, and then I could look for some cheap old games and play 'em all again.
I quote: "The sound of children playing is always relaxing, if you don't listen too closely to what they're saying..."
Read the thing. Definitely edited. 11-year-olds may have colourful vocabularies, but they generally don't say "undisputed".

EDIT: They're also too funny. Kids may say the darndest things, but their repetoire(sp?) of wit tends to begin and end with "You Are Gay".
Whats wrong with old games anyway, i still play Bubble bobble, and good old Sensible World of Soccer, what a great game.
Originally posted by Bobo Vieri
Whats wrong with old games anyway, i still play Bubble bobble, and good old Sensible World of Soccer, what a great game.

If it wasn't for many of these old games those kids stick their noses up at, they wouldn't have their fancy new games today. Bring back national service, that'll teach em to respect their elders lol
Wow, i think they've just raided my next door neighbours house.. god damn ignorant little *PEOPLE*!!!!!!

I hate people like, this I wish people would have respect for things, the youth of today really gets at me, and i'm only 17 :flame:

I want to burn all the little so......*IDIOTS*!!!!! :flame:

Bah. Kids these days don't know the meaning of the word 'work'. When I were a lad I had to walk fifteen miles to svholl. Barefoot. In the snow. Then again, I cant believe kids this age wouldnt understand tetris.
Originally posted by Sulkdodds
Bah. Kids these days don't know the meaning of the word 'work'. When I were a lad I had to walk fifteen miles to svholl. Barefoot. In the snow. Then again, I cant believe kids this age wouldnt understand tetris.

I guess by the time you had gotten there you had missed English class? :P
Just remember, when you all have kids, DON'T LET THEM ACT LIKE THIS! Problem solved.
I'm going to force my kids to start on Pong and make them earn their right to play modern games!