Operation Everlasting Shadow

Originally posted by Sniper
Drak, has you registered for our competition? You can get a chance to win a media CD that will have all of the early (and later) weapon renders on it. among other things. Images you shan't be able to get anywhere else online.

Check 'The OES competition' in my sig.

Hey, max 4 lines in sign, dumb mod :D
yep, I registered

I registered a while ago for the media cd. Now all I have to do is wait. Oh, and sorry for the broad question. I meant the weapon models specifically
Design DOC, not dic. :P

He realeased it because he was bored. Oh yes.
be better if you lay off the hyperbole :/

"A secret Online multiplay mode" rotfl
Hyperbole... but thats what it's for... I'm not letting you see our secret stuff :)

Sorry, meh :D
Well, I just made this fancy Map grid thing for the mod, can be used as a texture for OES to. so, here it is

velly nice. I'd certainly play a mod if all textures were that sort of resolution mmmm :):) I can see that one at a lower res being up on some large map in the warroom type place, is that the plan?

is that that nasa image under it? The earth looks so weird when you see it at night with all the lights on like that.. its a good map though, i can actually pick out my ex's hometown heheh
Ohh, pretty :)


Badger, you need to complete Halo before you can call yourself Master Chief :P *grins*

Remember to take the 'hog :D
Originally posted by Fenric1138
velly nice. I'd certainly play a mod if all textures were that sort of resolution mmmm :):) I can see that one at a lower res being up on some large map in the warroom type place, is that the plan?

is that that nasa image under it? The earth looks so weird when you see it at night with all the lights on like that.. its a good map though, i can actually pick out my ex's hometown heheh

Yeah, it is kind of designed with a view to textures, but also it's a nice promo wallpaper too :)

This map was taken from a NASA website, and then EVIL changed it, we are quite bored waiting for the SDK, so expect lots of image related fun :)
Originally posted by mrBadger
Yeah, it is kind of designed with a view to textures, but also it's a nice promo wallpaper too :)

This map was taken from a NASA website, and then EVIL changed it, we are quite bored waiting for the SDK, so expect lots of image related fun :)

Excellent, Textures would make a nice change from the tons and tons of weapons that come along, its sometimes like textures for maps are almost an afterthought, which is a shame really. I'll have to get my butt in gear if I plan on doing some texture/map tutorials, might be able to do something thats useful for you guys. Anything you want to know, I can try add it and make sure if I do something its actually useful to atleast somebody :)

So will you be making really really high res textures then? Then scaling them down for the game, keeping the originals for later when machines can handle the bigger ones, then release the texture upgrades and getting in there before the other mods do that :D

oh and if you do do that, pleeeease when your mod is ready, swap out the normal textures for the super high res ones, just to take some screenshots cause I would love to see how that would look (and its an excuse for showing off some eye candy too, so all is good ;))
Our texture artist is ex-DoD team :)

And ironically enough, that was the plan, since one of the main ideas of this mod is replayability... both in single player and multiplayer.... oh, and if you read the designdoc expecting to see all our plans... sorry, but we aren't releasing much :P
Originally posted by mrBadger
Our texture artist is ex-DoD team :)

I see your ex-DoD and raise you ex-ILMer ;)

And ironically enough, that was the plan, since one of the main ideas of this mod is replayability... both in single player and multiplayer....

thats great news, you gonna do the same with the models aswell then, keep the high poly originals for later on when machines can handle them?. Be interesting to see this when its done then. I really hope some of the great idea's that are cropping up on this forum get seen through to completion. Wish I could go into the future and find out.. shoehorn my way into the early stages of the most popular one *grins*.. and while I'm there pick up a decent 8gig pc :D

oh, and if you read the designdoc expecting to see all our plans... sorry, but we aren't releasing much :P

heh no worries, I wouldn't want to spoil it for myself anyway :) Your not planning a total information blackout though are you? I mean, a few teasers to wet our appetite/annoy us never hurt ;)
Yeah, expect a couple of teasers. We are still going to be pretty hush hush about multiplayer, mind.
Yeah, teaser videos when we get some of the code working. I've been talking this over with qckbeam (lead programmer) and he reckons that him and I could bash out our shadow engine concept within a week. :)

Thanks for your interest :)
sniper: cool, looking forward to them :)

mrBadger: shadow engine? like a mock up right? coolies :)
Shadow engine... read one of the interviews that are scattered around the next: www.half-lifenews.com :) (theres an interview around there somewhere) and that would give you details :) doesn't spoil anything really, but gives lots of info :)
ahh okie, gotcha now, sorted :)

oh yeah...

"One of the things I really enjoyed about HL1 was it's opening sequence. Will you have something similar?
Yes. I'm sorry, but all i can say is that it will be a homage to that.... but not so long, and more tension will be built. "

excellent, but if you have something like a train ride or whatever.. can you make it so it can be skipped.. pleease? :D

ooh you'll have a P90, ok im happy then :) SG1 is to blame me liking those guns heheh

It really does sound good, obviously a lot of planning gone into it, I can't wait :), so stop talking on this forum and get back to work! :P hehehe
Nope, can't be skipped :P You get your 'breifing' at the beginning, and *coughs* other stuff.
Yeah *coughs uncontrollably* glad you like the idea and stuff, yeah, my phonebill is a testament to the amount of planning gone into OES :P

We'll get back to work, no worries :)
Good point. You DID speak to me for a long long long time. (Badger has a posh voice)
if you two keep coughing im gonna have to call a doctor ;)

If your perhaps worried that I'm asking all these questions for an alteria motive, you can stop worrying. The three mods I'd consider, two you know, the Daggerfall like one (some fantasy type thing anyway but unlikely to be based on Daggerfall atall now), and the pointless yet fun The Shinning one (or just an excuse to model a hotel and put a maze in and run around with an axe ;)) the other that I've kept totally secret is far far far...far far far lol far different from OES, and the story and details on its already been worked out, there's absolutely nothing I could use.

But yours reminds me of NOLF but without the camp 70's stuff and maybe a bit of Theif, so since I'm a big fan of those games I'm interested in how this one turns out :)
No no no no no no no no no. Not NOLF.

*shakes head*

Think more like.. Uhh? I dunno, accually. You'll see :)
Read the moddb stuff, and the interviews.. they give all the info about gameplay we're prepared to divulge at the moment :)

And actually I wasn't worried about ulterior motives :) I just thought we had another fan :cheese:
lol okie then fella's :)

oh by NOLF I was thinking the whole mission type thing, like 007 or something only more gritty.

oh well, I'll wait and see what teasers you come up with, gives me something to look forward to :)

P.S. good to see you both got your coughs sorted out :D hehe
hehe thanks. Trust me. This is going to be gritty.... it was my opinion that HL wasn't gritty and dark enough :)

I'll keep you all posted... oh and Fenric, nearly all of the team OES are hl2.net staff :P
Originally posted by mrBadger
hehe thanks. Trust me. This is going to be gritty.... it was my opinion that HL wasn't gritty and dark enough :)

yeah, it was kinda, for its time I suppose, and within the limits of what could be reasonably done then.. A properly updated one could be very gritty I think, I'm now toying with the idea of doing a HLSE version after it was mentioned in passing.. So thats four now, I should do a poll see what people would most like to see done cause I can't do all of em at once (though I bet I try to lol) :D

I'll keep you all posted... oh and Fenric, nearly all of the team OES are hl2.net staff :P [/B][/QUOTE]

lol really? cool :) no excuse not to complete it then :P
It's come to my attention that this is in the thread:

Team NG would like to welcome Major Reiser as new multi-player team leader......Battleground: Earth will be Operation Everlasting Shadow's multiplayer mode!

This is in fact very out of date, Major Reiser and I parted ways a while ago due to the fact he couldn't get a team together and had to pull out due to work commitments. Let's just say that BG: E ISN'T the big secret, we've got something quite different planned :)
yes, it seems that way...

hmmmmm, we aren't all HL2.net staf.........

oh wait, yes we are.... DOH :P
Finally.... it's taken two months and a hell of a lot of work by all involved... but the halflife2.net OES interview is finally up and running HERE!

Check it out and don't forget to comment! :D
Yeah thank you...

Thanks go to:
Zerimski, for conducting the interview
Rec for posting it up
StarMonkey for trying until he got busy :P
And the OES team, who did great :cheese:
Valve, for... well, just kicking it off :)