Operation Everlasting Shadow

The idea is not to give away to much at the moment, otherwise it would spoil stuff :)

The idea of the scraps is to feed you little bits to keep interest high... I hope its working :)
Just a quick post to say the website has been updated to include the teaser stories I wrote :)
Right, in my quest to make this mod one of the most enviromentally realistic mods, I am approaching a advertising company, who specialise in revolutionary-style propraganda posters, to ask if we can use some of their work in the mod, to give the game world that extra weight. Its the details that make the difference... and I hope you enjoy these additions to Operation Everlasting Shadow, and I assure you that I'm going for a truely special feel to this.... I'm going to get professionals involved in this to help with details like this. Thanks You, Badger out :cool:
well welcome to our new members to the team, (yay for them)

and more renders of beutiful weaponary coming soon with more lucious updates toooooo....
Yeah, the Operation Everlasting Shadow team graciously welcomes our American programmer.... qckbeam

Glad to have you on board mate :)
Well thank you very much for the warm welcome guys! I just hope that I can be of help with Operation Everlasting Shadow!:)
Right, small update:

Site has been updated.... with more info about exactly what innovations we want to bring to you www.bioproductions.co.uk/shadow

To bring his specialist style of art to certain parts of the mod, I have been talking to EVIL. However due to other constraints, he is unable to join the team, but he will be doing a few textures for us.... time will reveal that :)

The nice people at www.obeygiant.com have given us express permission to use their artwork and posters in portions of the mod

The nice people at www.half-lifenews.com will be conducting an interview with the team. I shall post a thread with details of the interview.

Make that TWO interviews :)

We've got one tonight with our VERY OWN Half-Life2.net *cheers*
Well, small update. We have aquired some very interesting technology... and we are about ready to release exactly what the multiplayer is going to be :)

head on over to www.half-lifenews.com and read our interview, I think it went well, and you can see some rather tasty renders there too ;)

anyways... feel free to ask me anything :)
Sounds interesting. Be sure to keep us updated on the multiplayer situation :D

And what exactly is this "interesting technology"?
Well, just to say that our moddb profile is now up and running (before it was hopelessly outdated :P)... I might not like the forums... but it's useful

OES has returned to moddb.com.... you can see it here ( I have also commisioned an OES wallpaper to celebrate... and expect a Custom Title for OES soon enough :) )

have a look, here : http://mods.moddb.com/1496 and be sure to comment ^_^
yeah I know.... but we want public exposure... it can't exactly harm us... we haven't given away any ideas on there... :) I'm no newbie to this modding lark :P
Well.. I just joined OES! so please suck my BABOON! if you wanted my l33t skillz for your mod. cuz I am posessed by badger now, Mwuahahaha!! MWUAHAHAHAA!!! *twitch* O_o
I love the way the site works BTW, seems like your a hacker and everythin....anyway...GOOD LUCK!!!!11
The site will be changing soon, but don't worry - the whole server idea will still be there, just a little easier to navigate.
Originally posted by Sniper
The site will be changing soon, but don't worry - the whole server idea will still be there, just a little easier to navigate.

Thank you, i dont like flash :)
I'm scrapping the whole shockwave system for the moment, except the intro, but you'll get a choice wether to play it or not.
Originally posted by simmo
I love the way the site works BTW, seems like your a hacker and everythin....anyway...GOOD LUCK!!!!11

glad you like it... thanks :) ( all credit to Sniper though, he did the site totally, and the server thing was his idea too :) :thumbs: )

and good luck to you too :)
Hmm, glad people like everything....

anywhom, i new weapon render for you all, even though this is still a WIP (work in progress) I think you all want some new renders, well you people who don't venture into my forum that be....


The handle is kind of odd (wouldnt be very nice to hold), but I like the gun otherwise. I dont like the background at all though. Looks like *someone* has nibbled on a mushroom when making it.

Oh wait, that's just me looking at it... Nevermind :)
Originally posted by dawdler
The handle is kind of odd (wouldnt be very nice to hold), but I like the gun otherwise. I dont like the background at all though. Looks like *someone* has nibbled on a mushroom when making it.

Oh wait, that's just me looking at it... Nevermind :)

yes, I know, i'm working on the handle at this moment, and my excuse for the background (it be the shadows that make it look cool) is that i'm ill, so meh ;)

but thanks for the C&C anywho....
The OES team welcomes another new moderator to the fold:

Agent :) (mod of the sound forums)

welcome :cheers:

this brings our team to 9... and we are still looking for an animator.. .so if you are interested... PM me or Sniper
Remember me?
I dont really want to be on the mod anymore.
I have been tied up with a commercial game.
I may play your mod and help out with maps here and there.
But i dont really want to be an official mapper.
Erm, quick update:

please look at


since we really need the help....

oh, and don't forget to comment on the mod at any time, I love feedback.

the interview we conducted months ago is nearly done, we're just waiting on Zerimski, and soon you will be able to read this excellent interview on these here pages. :)
Hehehe, funny how the gun was aimed right towards me when the page loaded. That's not loaded...right? Right?
lol, I'm sure it's not.. or is it? Do you feel lucky, punk? Do yah? Eh? :D


Just a ickle idea I had (no, not to threaten people with the gun) to break up the text a little bit :) I personally think it looks quite cooool.

EDIT: I just checked the angle of the gun barrel - you must indeed sit at a odd angle from your monitor ;)
Ah, yes...it's a special LCD monitor...designed for, uh...special reasons...
thank you stone! Oh, and by the way, when do you think the cache of models will be done for when HL2 comes out?
You mean when we will have finished all the models for Operation Everlasting Shadow?

Since that may take a while since we have lots on the model front to do, and Stone's workload is the highest out of all of the team :(

But Stone? Can you answer it?
hmm, really I can't really answer that question just yet, as models will still be being requested once the Player, Monster, Creature and Weapon models are all completed

So I cant say for certain, sorry
Drak, has you registered for our competition? You can get a chance to win a media CD that will have all of the early (and later) weapon renders on it. among other things. Images you shan't be able to get anywhere else online.

Check 'The OES competition' in my sig.