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  1. G

    Antlion Troopers Deuce out now!

    Romeo do u plan on adding to this mod like more chapters etc?
  2. G

    Tweak Guide.....

    Check it out,its pretty good.
  3. G

    half life 2 tweak for image and performance...

    Nothing really, if it isn't supported by your cpu it reverts back to the default.
  4. G

    half life 2 tweak for image and performance...

    Yes it takes the load of either your video card are ur processor, not sure which , but i noticed much smoother gameplay after they were enabled...BTW doesn't matter wut processor you use they wont conflict. So you can use all cmds with no worries.
  5. G

    half life 2 tweak for image and performance...

    These are the best tweaks out right now, for the source games. These tweaks work for me, I've tested them..
  6. G

    half life 2 tweak for image and performance...

    sorry im to tired to go to the trouble...
  7. G

    half life 2 tweak for image and performance...

    absoultly not...r_lod-5 makes it look alot sharper.
  8. G

    half life 2 tweak for image and performance...

    cl_smooth 0 con_enable 1 r_decal_cullsize 0 r_lod -5 mat_clipz 0 cl_ragdoll_collide 1 r_propsmaxdist 5000 jpeg_quality 100 fps_max 150 mat_parallaxmap 0 snd_mixahead 0.7 cl_forcepreload 1 sv_forcepreload 1 cl_smooth 0 r_mmx 1 r_sse 1 r_sse2 1 r_3dnow 1 Try these for...
  9. G

    The ATI Levels...

    I wonder if all those cut parts in the game, that we saw in the binks, will be in the ait levels they are working on?
  10. G

    is the AI as good as the proof of concept videos?

    can they kick doors in?
  11. G

    Can combine kick doors?

    I have tried blocking doorways didn't see them kick the door in yet...anyone?
  12. G

    Those of you who think the GameSpot review is justified!

    I think gs review was crap, not because of the score but the review itself. Im on coastline, game is awesome can't get enough of it so far... I would give it 95% from wut i played so far.
  13. G

    Is Gamespot right about the AI?

    Im half way done in hl2...Thus far the a.i. is better than anything out at the moment even farcrys a.i. . Only hl=1 a.i. grunts can still be compared.
  14. G

    The A.I.

    wher did they enter from the door u blocked?
  15. G

    The A.I.

    wow kewl.
  16. G

    The A.I.

    Im on the 6 chapter now..I think the A.I. is decent they do pursue you if u attempt to hide or run which is good:)
  17. G

    The A.I.

    Has anyone tried blocking a door with that desk in trap town. just like in the bink wher the combine kicks the door?
  18. G

    best settings for best image quality?

    Create a autoexec.cfg and put cl_smooth 0 con_enable 1 r_decal_cullsize 0 r_lod -5 mat_clipz 0 mp_decals 1000 cl_ragdoll_collide 1 r_propsmaxdist 5000 jpeg_quality 100 fps_max 90 mat_parallaxmap 0 r_rainradius 1500 r_rainsplashpercentage 100 r_mmx 1 r_sse 1 r_sse2 1...
  19. G

    half-life 2 bugged to ****

    wow what a worthless post..
  20. G

    Stuck!!!possible spoilers.

    ok must be a bug ill try another save point :(