You sir can feel a little biut lucky I dont do personal attacks. But this is not the first telemarketing company I apply for, I have several friends that work or have worked in telemarketing. Basic wage with commisions atop is the norm. Follow your own suggestion, your father wants a gym.
I was on a job intreview today, while I was not offered the job on the spot the interviewer said that I had good chances but they would not offer the job to anyone before they had completed all the interviews.
Its just a crappy telemarketing position, but there is not much else avalible for...
Two strings entered a bar.
The first string said:
"Hello bartender, may I have a drink?2689267####!!!000!"
The other said:
"You will have to excuse my friend, he is not null-terminated."
I eat pizza once or sometimes twice a month, any actual fast-food? Rarely, only if I am out and its late and I am hungry. Ate fast food maybe four times last year, and have not eaten any of it this year yet.
If you cannot factor in money saved for using older parts when building a PC, you cannot factor in money saved for not purshasing a good TV at the same time you buy an Xbox360.
Console hardware is standarized and therefor requires a bit less testing. This is usually only the case for games developed primarly for the console however.
They used DirectX10, the latest in PC graphics. No console supports all the features that a DirectX10 card has (to my knowledge).