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  1. W

    Loading Times-- This is Getting Annoying

    Yeah, these load times are killing me. A little bit of me dies every time it loads. It is insane how often the game has to take you out of the action and load. Every couple of minutes on the hovercraft levels it would completely take me out of the action for over a minute. That kills...
  2. W

    Doom3 getting a gravity gun !?

    Who cares if it is a rip off? It better be a well executed rip off. If the Vagarys are any indication, Doom 3 can easily do the physics.
  3. W

    Audio Problems with HL2

    How is it struggling to load textures? Jeez, it autosaves/loads every few minutes (it takes forever too). Is their algorithim for this O(2^n)? Did monkeys write it? Doom 3 & Farcry & UT2004 don't have any problem with this. When users with over a Gig of RAM and 128 mb plus video cards are...
  4. W

    Audio Problems with HL2

    I have the same problem too. Damn audio stuttering. I have an Audigy 2 sound card & 1 Gig of RAM. There should be absolutely no problem with preloading the sounds and textures. Doom 3 runs fine at the same settings. But then again, Doom was made by iD, and this is Valve. Hmm... with...
  5. W

    Can anyone log into steam yet?

    I finally got to create an account and login into steam. Unlocking is taking forever. There must be a massive queue waiting for the server to process the clients request.
  6. W

    Poll: Who has had Steam problems today?

    Poll: How was your STEAM experience (good/bad)? Has your steam experience been good or bad? Vote and praise/vent. Personally, I have yet to be able to create an account (I get 3 errors that seem to cycle between themselves upon pressing next after i enter the secret question :flame: ).
  7. W

    Socialist society's

    Politics is about peoples' opinions. True a big ego doesn't guarantee a person success (and it can even hurt people), but it doest push socitey forward. Nobody wants to be second best, so they work for first. P.S. I'm not saying that people with big egos are good people or that I...
  8. W

    Yasser Arafat dies at age 75

    I am glad that Arafat is dead. He was a terrorist plain and simple. The PLO is a terrorist organization. I mourn his death as Americans mourned Hitler's in WW2. The Middle East situation is amazingly simple. Saying it is too complex for the common man to understand is a smokescreen. It...
  9. W

    Socialist society's

    Flat out wrong. Ego is what drives human progress forward. It is not only healthy, but essential.
  10. W

    Will Half Life 2 sell well? Will it beat Halo 2?

    Microsoft will keep Halo 2 alive forever because it sells their Xbox.
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    Will Half Life 2 sell well? Will it beat Halo 2?

    Where did you get the 1 million figure from? That sounds much more reasonable, but a link would be nice.
  12. W

    Will Half Life 2 sell well? Will it beat Halo 2?

    Point me to an article where it says that Half-Life 2 has about 2 million pre-orders over steam. I just don't believe it. (Although I would be happy to be proven wrong :))
  13. W

    New info.

    A store that sells the game early is breaking its contract with its distributer. I am pretty sure that Vivendi could take action against the guilty parties (not 100% though). It is stupid to move up a nationwide launch because some copies of the product were "leaked" to the public early. If...
  14. W

    NO HL3 or other 3d games

    This case won't fly. First, you have to protect your patent whenever it is infringed, or it is basically lost. They haven't done anything in 16 years. Secondly, the patent itself might be thrown out for being too broad. Whoever issued it was a moron. It is like having a patent on clothes.
  15. W

    Bush or Kerry, vote today!

    I suggest a religion poll next. We could all vote for which religion is the one and only.
  16. W

    US governor quits over gay affair

    I still say watch out for his wife; she is the George Castanza of women.
  17. W

    US governor quits over gay affair

    Hmmm... So if he married his wife he was either straight or did it for his political carrer. And if he was straight then his wife made him gay. Stay away from her men!!
  18. W

    Major Sound Card Problems

    I am 99.999% sure that it isn't a speaker issue because it always works fine with Doom 3, and sometimes it works fine with my other games. I can't update drivers because I have a Dell OEM Audigy 2. The retail drivers are not kosher, and I can't find any Dell updates. I changed some settings...
  19. W

    Major Sound Card Problems

    Recently I reformated my hard drive and reinstalled Windows XP (Home). Now I have this weird sound glitch. My setup is a Audigy 2 (Dell OEM) with 5.1 speakers. Sometimes when I start up a game or music there will be crackling and popping in my speakers. This seems to happen randomly, but at...
  20. W

    all the reviews and doom3 bashing

    Yeah I agree that there are way too many enemies for a horror game. They needed to have more scripted sequences like the pinky demon first encounter (That was awesome!). Do the demons actually hit you for a good amount of damage on veteran? It's lame when you get chewed up by a cacodemon and...