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  1. ankalar

    Lets see your instruments

    Carvin DC200 (before pickup change) Washburn Sonic 7 Both
  2. ankalar

    Free ISO maker

    If images were enabled, you would see a giant Google logo. Since images aren't enabled, I'll give you the link to all the answers of the internet.
  3. ankalar

    Ram Speeds

    If you've got an eMachine, I would recommend just saving up until you need a new computer and buy a nice one.
  4. ankalar

    how do i set up dual monitors?

    Connect it using the VGA > DVI adapter and...well...Windows will do the rest pretty much. If it doesn't, then go into Display Properties > Settings, select the second monitor, and check "Extend my windows desktop onto this monitor." That will do it.
  5. ankalar

    LCD Recommendations?

    Go with a larger CRT. Oh and about OLED, yeah I've been waiting for an OLED monitor to come out since...what was it...1998? Hopefully they'll soon make developments in the lifespan, then we'll get the show on the road.
  6. ankalar

    My Humping New Puter, will it work?

    Bah. Sorry for being an ass, I was just going by what Newegg told me.
  7. ankalar

    My Humping New Puter, will it work?

    Make sure you know the facts before correcting someone. There are X800XTs with an AGP bus.
  8. ankalar

    Windows XP won't boot: New Motherboard could be problem?

    Holy crap, I didn't think anybody was silly enough to install a new motherboard and not format.
  9. ankalar

    iPod woes...

    When you switch songs (or use the menus in general) a lot, the battery dwindles. Pick an album and stick with it.
  10. ankalar

    What the hell to get?

    The cassette adapter is fourteen billion and three times better than the FM transmitter.
  11. ankalar

    Faster FireFox

    That's funny, Opera doesn't need anything to speed it up. Opera:Mozilla::Mozilla:Internet Explorer It's that simple.
  12. ankalar


    I hear anti-freeze can cure a broken heart.
  13. ankalar

    Help Please

    If you get either a Gainward, Leadtek, MSI, XFX, BFG, or PNY you'll be fine.
  14. ankalar

    Problem installing Windows

    Is your CPU at 68 degrees? Or is that what you set the shut-off temp?
  15. ankalar

    Need some info on complete, cheap gaming systems.

    Do they need monitors, speakers, mice, and keyboards as well? EDIT: If they do, then tell them they should probably pool their money together, or maybe buy two computers instead of three or one.
  16. ankalar

    Let Me Skin Your Gun

    It's new to the forums, but old.
  17. ankalar

    Corsair memory advice needed!

    The Patriot memory is faster, but it doesn't have the brand name attached to it.
  18. ankalar

    Some Questions!

    Si, señor. If your motherboard has a built-in ethernet controller, the disc that came wth it should contain the LAN drivers. I mean, you don't have to do exactly what I do. I'm just showing everybody a different option because I dislike having drivers that may be faulty and outdated.
  19. ankalar

    Beware OEM OS

    Crack it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it is legal because you have paid for the software already.