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  1. W

    Steam Won't Remember Favorite Servers

    I've always had this problem, now I just join random servers every time I play. I tried asking for help on these forums to avail.
  2. W


    Looks like God Beer to me.
  3. W

    Imagine the climbing maps

    Anybody who was or is a fan of the climbing maps for counter strike, imagine what could be done in the new engine. I hope mappers see this as a good idea to pursue. On a side note, has anyone seen this g-man?
  4. W

    Barney says the F word

    Has anybody else noticed this? Right at the end of "Follow Freeman", where you jump down the hole that Dog has created for you. You can hear Barney say "and tell Dr. Breen I said **** you." But right as he says it dog drops the big steel pillar and you can barely hear it. I thought it finally...
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    HL2 Photography [Possible Spoilers]

    Some more.
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    HL2 Photography [Possible Spoilers]

    One more!
  7. W

    HL2 Photography [Possible Spoilers]

    Post your own!
  8. W

    What happened to the docks?

    Aww too bad, it'd be nice if they released some extra free content., just like Epic with UT2004.
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    What happened to the docks?

    Well I just finished the game and realized I never got to go through that docks scene, and I was really looking forward to it. I'm not sure though, because I pyed most of the game high. What happened to it?
  10. W

    Steam Account Stolen

    Thanks Analog. I already checked if I could get my money back, but Valve doesn't allow refunds for sales through Steam. And Kickburn, I only meant that reformatting proved that I must have been hacked, rather than there being something wrong with my computer, like a strange virus or trojan. So...
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    Steam Account Stolen

    Umm, how would I know the method they used? Plus it can't be anything on my side, I just reformatted my computer to check.
  12. W

    Steam Account Stolen

    Valve's game distribution program got hacked, not mine. But enough of that, if you're not going to help, just don't post.
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    Steam Account Stolen

    It's my fault that Valve has an insecure network? I didn't program Steam, I didn't make it possible for my pw to be stolen. I'm just a consumer using a purchased product. Nowhere did I have to sign something saying it's my responsibility to make sure nobody hacks into their program and steals my...
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    Steam Account Stolen

    Already did that. Wonder if they'll reply before HL2 launches.
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    Steam Account Stolen

    A couple of days ago someone hacked my computer and stole my steam account. The 'hacker' changed my steam password and the password of the email associated with my account, so I can't even retrieve the password that way. I also cannot retrieve my email password because I can't remember the...
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    I'm getting tired of this Halo2vsHL2 crap

    So start another thread about it.
  17. W

    I swear god hates me.......

    If a girl doesn't like you doing what you like to do, kick 'er to the curb.
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    Best CS:S score

    29-4 and 35-5 are the scores I took screenshots of, so those must be my best. But I bet I've played better when I was high but was too high to notice or care.
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    Computer Underperforming

    I have an X800....Im using dx90.
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    Oh such fun! [56kWarning]

    It freezes my computer for some reason...