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  1. H

    Gamespot - Last reviewers who still have integrity and cant be bribed.

    If we compare the single player gameplay of Halo 2 to Half Life 2, HL2 will come out top just because of the added physics in the game. Half Life's 2 graphics look superior from the screenshots. Halo 2 just can't compete in that department. Halo 2 is a good CONSOLE fps and the multiplayer...
  2. H

    Ign - 9.7
  3. H

    HL2 got 9.2 from gamespot

    CS:S is the multiplayer. So it does not lack.
  4. H

    HL2 got 9.2 from gamespot

    Halo 2 > HL2 9.4 > 9.2 Oh no...teh SUCK! ;(
  5. H

    Same Guy reviews HL2 for 4 Different Mags....

    Oops. My bad. I should have thorougly checked. LOCK THIS THREAD. :dork:
  6. H

    Same Guy reviews HL2 for 4 Different Mags....

    PC Gamer, PC Format, Edge and Gamesmaster. Four supposedly different publications for four very different audiences. The same person reviewed Half-Life 2 in all four magazines.
  7. H

    Same Guy reviews HL2 for 4 Different Mags....

    I picked up this story off the IGN boards... What the??? :monkee:
  8. H

    Joyus spirit gone. Grandma nearly killed.

    Best wishes!
  9. H

    Half-Life2 not as good as the competition?

    I think the original poster is talking about the scores given out by Game Informer: Halo 2 10 GTA:SA 10 HL2 9.5 :monkee:
  10. H

    Anyone lost interest?

    Lost interest for a while now. Better games coming out soon.
  11. H

    So what WAS Valve going to release last year?

    Looks like it was destined to be delayed, hack or no hack. Valve is full BS starting from the top.
  12. H

    Complaining and praise about VALVe goes here

    I was joking. :p
  13. H

    Why does Vivendi want to release in November?

    They might as well release it in 2005. Just one month away. from November. Oh wait, by then the game would be outdated.
  14. H

    Complaining and praise about VALVe goes here

    How long can you dangle a carrot in front of a donkey?
  15. H

    I think... IT'S DONE

    CS:S beta is still going on. And I think Valve stated that they would "SHIP" CS:S with HL2. So, the gold announcement would have to be after the CS:S beta is over.
  16. H

    Half-Life 2 Demo

    A demo would do wonders for the fans of HL2. Atleast it will shut them up for a while. :D
  17. H

    that barnacle pic

    There is video footage of an aqua tentacle in one of the videos. Alyx is standing by a fence and a combine is suddenly impaled by a blue tentacle. I am not sure what video but it sure looked realistc.
  18. H

    Plea to people who are preloading HL2, and not buying the game...

    This preload is for everyone. Whether they want to buy it off steam or not. Not sure how you guys can impose authority over it. Bah.
  19. H

    Suddenly its all praises.

    This is the internet, an infestation of saints, criminal,liars, cheaters, wife beaters, murderers, rapists and TEENAGERS(with raging hormones) You have no idea who is on the other end of the computer. And you expect these people to be normal?
  20. H

    Suddenly its all praises.

    People were complaining about the missed dates. Valve could have avoided alot of negative publicity by adopting a "when its done" policy, that way people are not taken on a roller coaster ride of disappointment like they were with the preload. I think they have a right to whine, even if you...