Wth is wrong with Mikael Grizzly?
I dont post really often, but I have been keeping my eye on the boards for a very long time and Mikael Grizzly reminds me my little sister who doesnt get pencil crayons with the color she desires. NO INSULT THERE, just my humble opinion.
Anyway, Im looking...
First of, have you ever lived in a country during the time of Stalin etc. that was also "liberated" after the second world war? Your relatives? How about deportation/repression against these "counter-revolutionaries" ( 1 of them happened to be my grandmother when she was just a small girl )...
It is idiotic how russian people are fooled by the Putin controlled media. It shows only the stuff that these loonies want the people to belive, giving them false info and turns them agressive against their neighbours.
Problems are not only in Estonia but in other ex-soviet ocupation countries also. It is shame that russian foreign ministry makes it all look like harm has been done only to...
War monument move brings riots and Moscow's wrath
Friday, April 27, 2007
A decision by Estonian authorities to remove a Soviet-era war memorial in central Tallinn has sparked rioting, with Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov promising to "take serious steps" against Estonia...
well you had a possibility to choose your guild. For example if you choose monastery (talking about gothic 2) then it is quite natural that you will train yourself to be a magician. You also rank yourself up.. starting from a novice and finishing of as a grand mage. This is only 1 of the guilds...